Работа с аутентичным текстом «Чудеса страны ОЗ»
методическая разработка по английскому языку (6 класс) по теме

Матершева Елена Вячеславовна

Обучение работы с текстом. Выполнение лексико-грамматических упражнений. а также задания на повторение


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Работа с аутентичным текстом «Чудеса страны ОЗ»

«The magic of OZ» by L. Frank Baum

They started for the Emerald City. On their way there they met a strange man. His body, his arms and legs were made of tin. His head was made of tin too. In his right hand he had an axe. He has a woodman.

“Where are you doing?” the funny man asked hem.

“We are doing to the Emerald City,” answered Dorothy.

“Why are you doing there?” asked the Woodman.

“We are going to the Emerald City because we want to see the Great Wizard of Oz,” answered the little girl.

“Why do you want to see the great Wizard?” asked the Tin Woodman.

“I want to ask him to send me back to Kansas prairie,” answered Dorothy. “The Scarecrow will ask him to put some brains into his head. You see, only the Great Wizard can do this things.”

“May I go with you?” asked the Tin Woodman. “I want to ask the Great Wizard to put heart into my body. There is no heart in my body. And I can’t be happy if I have no heart.”

“You can come with us if you like.” said the little girl.

Soon Dorothy and her two comrades came to a thick forest. Suddenly they heard a terrible roar. Then they saw a great lion who jumped on the road. With one blow of his paw he sent the Scarecrow to the ground. Then he turned to the Tin Woodman and gave him a blow with his paw. The Tin Woodman fell to the ground and lay there. Toto began to bark and the lion gave him a blow too.

Dorothy was a very brave girl. She ran up to the Lion and gave him a blow on the nose.

“Don’t bite my Toto! How can you? You are so big, and he is so small. You are a big coward! Only cowards can be bad to those who are small.”

“Yes, I am a coward,” said the Lion. “I know it very well. I am not brave. But what can I do?”

“And why are you a coward?” asked Dorothy.

“I don’t know why,” answered the Lion. “All the other beasts in the forest thin I am very brave. People call the Lion The King of the Beasts. I know that people are afraid of me when I roar. That’s why I always roar when I meet people or animals. They don’t know I am afraid of them. And I don’t want them to know.”

“Do you want come with us to the Emerald City and see the Great Wizard of Oz?” Dorothy asked him. “I think the Great Wizard can give you courage and make you brave.”

“Oh, yes,” answered the Lion. “I shall be very glad to go with you to the Emerald City.”

So the four comrades started for the Emerald City along the road of yellow brick.  


The Tim Woodman – Железный дровосек

Axe – топор

Wizard – волшебник

Scarecrow – пугало, чучело

A lighted match – зажженная спичка

With one blow of his paw he sent the Scarecrow to the ground – Одним ударом лапы он опрокинул на землю Страшилу

Can be bad to those who are small – могут обижать тех, кто меньше их

That’s why – вот почему


  1. Say who:
  1. jumped on the road.
  2. gave the Lion a blow.
  3. fell on the ground.
  4. called the Lion a coward.
  1. Who said it?
  1. “Where are you doing?”
  2. “I can’t be happy if I have no heart.”
  3. “ They all run away from me.”
  1. Answer the questions:
  1. Was the Woodman made of wood?
  2. What did he have in his right hand?
  3. What did the Woodman ask Dorothy and Scarecrow about?
  4. Did the Woodman have a heart?
  5. Did Dorothy and her companions see or hear the Lion first?
  6. Was the Lion big or small?
  7. Did the Lion have strong paws?
  8. Was Toto afraid of the Lion?
  9. What did Dorothy do when the Lion gave a blow to her friends?
  10. What did the Lion want to ask the Wizard about?
  1. Say true or false:
  1. The Woodman lived in the field.
  2. He asked Dorothy were she and her friend were going.
  3. The Scarecrow told the Woodman why they wanted to see the Wizard.
  4. The Lion lived in a thick forest.
  5. The Lion attacked Toto first.
  6. Dorothy wasn’t afraid the Lion.
  7. Dorothy invited the Woodman and the Lion to go to the Emerald City.
  1. Fill in the missing prepositions:

Dorothy and their two companions came … a thick forest. Suddenly they heard a terrible roar … the forest and a big lion jumped … the road. With one blow … his paw he sent the Scarecrow … the ground. Then he gave a blow … the Woodman and the tin man fell … the ground and lay there. Toto didn’t run … . He started barking … the big beast. Dorothy was not afraid .. the Lion so she run … … the Lion and gave him a blow … the nose.

  1. Listen to your teacher pronouncing the Past Simple of the following verbs and put them into correct column according to the pronunciation. Give your examples:

started, asked, answered, jumped, played, cooked, washed, collected, cried, lived, liked, wanted, helped, skated.





  1. Find irregular verbs in the text and give their three forms.

Example: come – came – come.

  1. Put the sentences in the right order and try to retell the text:
  1. The Lion said he knew he was a coward.
  2. Dorothy shouted at the beast.
  3. The Lion was very glad to go to the Emerald City with the friends.
  4. Suddenly they met a funny man who was made of tin.
  5. The Lion wanted to bite Toto.
  6. The Tin Woodman said he had no heart.
  7. They came to a thick forest.
  8. The Lion attacked the friends.
  9. The lion jumped on the road.
  10.  The Woodman said he wanted to come along with Dorothy.
  11.   Dorothy explained why they were on the way to see the Great Wizard.
  12.   They started for the Emerald City.  

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