"Уильям Шекспир"
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (8 класс) по теме

Чепурина Татьяна Александровна

Презентация к уроку "Уильям Шекспир"


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Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 2

New words : He has flu ( influenza ). He died of plague . He is on the lowest rung of the ladder . His father is a glove maker . Latin is one of the oldest languages. I have a sister, twinned with me. White walls reflect more light than dark walls. She disciplined herself to exercise everyday.

Слайд 3

Discuss these questions in group. What can you say about Shakespeare’s birthplace and family? What do you remember about Shakespeare’s childhood? When did he marry? What’s his wife’s name? What can you say about Shakespeare’s children?

Слайд 4

William Shakespeare ….. … ..(write) most of his plays for the Globe Theatre. In those days in the 16th, 17th centuries the theatre ……… … ……(play) an important part in people ’ s lifes. They ………. … …(enjoy) the perfomances and … ……….(learn) something of the history of England and other countries. The Globe Theatre wasn ’ t like the theatre today. In the middle of the large yard there was a kind of a house. The actors .................. … …(dress) there during the perfomances. They also ……. … …(keep) things for the perfomances. In front of it there was a platform. The platform and the balcony over it was a kind of a stage where the actors played. In front of the stage there was a large yard. Round the yard there were 3 balconies. These balconies and a yard were for the spectators. The yard and the greater part of the stage were opened to the sky. Women ’ s parts were played by boys or men. An actor …….. … …(play) two or three parts in one perfomance. The poor people ………… … ……(stand) or ……… … (sit) on the ground in the yard while the rich people ………… … (sit) in the balconies. wrote was playing Open the brackets using Past Simple or Past Continuous tenses. enjoyed learnt were dressing kept played were standing were sitting sitting

Слайд 5

Look at the list of Shakespeare’s great plays. Guess which of them are tragedies and which are comedies. The comedy of Errors Romeo and Juliet A Midsummer Night’s Dream The Merchant of Venice Julius Caesar As You Like it Twelfth Night Hamlet All’s Well That Ends Well Othello King Lear Macbeth comedy tragedy comedy comedy tragedy comedy comedy tragedy tragedy tragedy tragedy comedy

Слайд 6

Work in pairs. Answer your partner’s questions: What play do you like? Is it a love story/ tragedy/ comedy? What is the play about? Who are the main characters? Why do you advise me to read this play?

Слайд 7

Shakespeare is famous for his quotes. Match the two halves to make a quote. Translate the quotes. To be, or not to be is done. Neither a borrower and all the men and women are merely players. All the world’s stage and lovers cannot see. I must be cruel not a lender be. Men of few words that is a question. What’s done only to be kind. Love is blind are the best men.

Слайд 8

What do you know about William Shakespeare? Try this quiz to find out. 6) Which of these plays were not written by Shakespeare? A Hamlet B Rome and Juliet C 7) He wrote… A tragedies, novels, historical plays, poems and sonnets B tragedies and comedies C 8) What’s the wife’s name? A Jane Hathaway B C Susanna Hathaway 9) How many children did Shakespeare have? A Two B C Four 10) What’s the name of the elder child? A B Hamneth C Judith 1) When was William Shakespeare born? A B C 2) Where was Shakespeare born? A B Cambridge C London 3) Which type of plays did Shakespeare not write? A Tragedies B Comedies C 4) What’s the name of the Shakespeare’s theatre in London? A The World Theatre B C The Shakespeare’s Theatre 5) What form did the Shakespeare’s theatre have? A Square B Triangle C 1498 1895 1564 Stratford Upon Avon Musicals The Globe Theatre Round Mary Stuart tragedies, comedies, historical plays, poems and sonnets Anne Hathaway Three Susanna

Слайд 9

Thank you for the lesson

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