открытый урок в 7 классе по учебнику "New Millennium". Тема "Какой была школа".
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку (7 класс) по теме
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Предварительный просмотр:
7 класс.
Тема:«Какой была школа?»
Задачи : 1) ознакомить учащихся с тем, какая была школа в прошлом;
2) научить говорить о школе прошлого;
3) научить выражать своё личное мнение, согласие и несогласие по проблеме;
4) развивать навыки поискового чтения;
5) развивать навыки письма ( написание эссе).
Ход урока:
- Look at the picture and say what is happening and why the teacher is angry. ( Don’t open your textbooks.) [ slide 1]
- Now I propose you to watch what was happening in reality and answer the questions:
What’s the boy’s name? [slide 2]
Who wrote the story?
What’s the girl’s name?
Have you read the book?
Who’s Huckleberry Finn? (a homeless boy, Tom’s friend)
What country is it? (America)
- Ok, thank you. Tell me, please, what are we talking about during this lesson? (Are we talking about school? Shall we talk about school in our days or maybe about school in the past?) So, the topic of our lesson today is School in the old days. [slide 3]
Of course, we’ll talk today about school. We’ll work with the text and analyze it. We’ll train our reading for detail. And we’ll learn how to write an opinion essay.
- What is school for you? (teachers, classmates, subjects). And you, do you like school? Especially our gymnasium? What is your favourite subject? What subject are you good at?
- Now let’s work with our textbooks. Open them on p.96, ex.1b. Look through the text during 3 min. and be ready to answer the questions alongside the text. Do you know the word separately?
- The teacher used his full name. Probably it is cultural. When the adult uses a child’s full name and calls him/her sir/miss, it means the adult is angry or irritated with the child.
- Yes. The teacher says again and as usual.
- Свободное место, пучок розг.
- No. You can see in the picture. The phrase on the girls’ side also indicates this.
- Probably he wanted to sit next to the new girl. The phrase in capitals points to it.
- You know in the past teachers were allowed to beat pupils, and this was called corporal punishment. Today corporal punishment isn’t used at school. Do you know what corporal punishment means? [slide 4]
- Let’s read the statements in ex.2, p.96. How do you understand the words discipline, aggressive? Which of these statements do you agree with?
[slide 5]
- Let’s read what the author thinks about corporal punishment. Ex.3a, p.97. Read aloud and translate it. [slide 6]
- Read again and find the paragraph where the author: 1) makes a conclusion;
2) gives his personal opinion; 3) explains the problem; 4) gives other people’s opinions and says why they are wrong [slide 7, 8] ex.3b, p.97
How do you understand the words conclusion, opinion?
- Look at the ex. 3c, p.97. Let’s do it in pairs. Match the words to their role in the text. [slide 9]. I think we need translate the words: however, also, join, contrast.(click) Ok, let’s check up. Which words are used for starting an essay? [slide 10]
- to start an essay → Many people think/say/believe that…
- to join ideas → so, also, because
- to contrast ideas → but, however
- to give your opinion → I think, believe that… I don’t think/ believe/agree (that…)
As you can see these words make the essay logical, help to connect parts or contrast ideas.
- You are going to write an essay at home. And I think the following exercise will be very useful for you. And it can help you to do your home task. Now I’ll give you a very unusual essay. Take the papers. It’s Margie’s essay about schools. And the most interesting fact is that it was written in 2157. Imagine, in 2157! Complete her essay with the words in the box. [slide 11]. Let’s check (click).
- Now, I think it’s time to talk about our school. (ex.4, p.97)
- Do you like the idea of boys and girls sitting separately?
- Do boys and girls sit together now? How about the past?
- What is good and what is bad about it?
[slide 12]
Why is it good?
- It makes boys more polite.
- They learn to communicate to each other.
- It means that any place is equal.
Why is it bad?
- Sometimes they fell shy (embarrassed).
- Sometimes boys want to be heroes in front of the girls and they behave improperly.
- Would you like to sit separately from boys/ girls? Why? Do you think this rule (sitting separately) would come back to modern schools? Is it possible or have things changed?
- Now I propose you to see what you really think about sitting together. I’ll give you papers of two colours: blue – for boys, and pink – for girls. Think a bit and put down + or FOR; - or AGAINST in your papers. Kristina, collect the papers.
- Ok, what is the first part of the essay going to be? (explaining the problem)
- What is the second & the third parts of the essay are about? (giving other people’s opinions & saying why they are wrong; giving your personal opinion)
- While writing at home you can use ideas from the screen.
- Don’t forget to divide your essays into four paragraphs & use connectors.
- Do you want to know the results of our poll? Ok, ___ boys are for sitting together with girls, ____ girls are for sitting together too. So, we can see that the majority of the boys (girls) are for sitting together. I think it’s a very good result.
- Now let’s check the predictions you wrote at home and see how many have come true.
- Thank you for your work today. Well, Sasha, Kristina, Zhenya… have excellent marks for their work, Igor, Max….have good marks. Stand up! Goodbye! Good luck with your homework!
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
What’s the boy’s name? Who wrote the story? What’s the girl’s name? Have you read the book? Who’s Huckleberry Finn? What country is it?
School in the old days
Corporal punishment
Corporal punishment was a quick and easy way to discipline pupils. made people aggressive. helped pupils to study better. mustn’t be used. Which of these statements do you agree with?
however – also – join – contrast - o днако также объединять противопоставлять
to start an essay → to join ideas → to contrast ideas → to give your opinion → Many people think/say/believe… so, also, because but, however I think/ believe that… I don’t think/ believe/agree (that…)
because but I don’t believe Many people believe that so and I think In the past children didn’t have mechanical teachers. They all went to a special building and studied together. And teachers were people. (1)_______________________ our schools are better, (2) _______________ no one disturbs you during the lesson and the teacher works with you individually. (3)______________I don’t agree. I think old schools were much more fun. The kids met every day (4)___________they became good friends, (5)____________they could help each other with their homework. (6)________________that a mechanical teacher is better than a person, because it has no heart and you can’t talk to it. I’d like to know more about old schools and I’m so sorry that our modern schools are different. In the old days, (7)______________ kids really loved their schools and their teachers. They had so much fun! because Many people believe that but and I don’t believe I think so
Do you like the idea of boys and girls sitting separately? Do boys and girls sit together now? How about the past? What is good and what is bad about it?
Why is it good? It makes boys more polite. They learn to communicate to each other. It means that any place is equal. Why is it bad? Sometimes they feel shy (embarrassed). Sometimes boys want to seem heroes in front of the girls and they behave improperly.
+ for − against
A rainy day A sunny day A rainbow Calm Storm Galloping Working bees
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