Урок в 8 классе к учебнику Кауфман "We like Russian Literature."
методическая разработка по английскому языку (8 класс) по теме
Познакомить учащихся с употреблением прилагательных после глаголов: to be, to sound, to look, to taste, to feel, to smell и обеспечить их отработку в заданиях в форме ЕГЭ
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Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
to learn a lot of new things to learn more interesting it helps us to decide problems of life upset genre romance detective story science fiction thriller horror adventures fantasy fairy tale history
Valentin Rasputin
When was he born? What genre d о es he write in? What is one of his famous books?
Zainab Biisheva
When was she born? What genre did she write in? What is one of her famous books?
Verbs of perception to look to sound to feel to smell to taste - иметь вкус - пахнуть - чувствовать - звучать - выглядеть
1.The writer of the poem feels upset 2.He wanted to read loudly. 4 . Natasha Rostova looks nice at the ball. 3 .Sherlock Holmes’s pipe smelled awful. 5 . Poetry of Pushkin sounds loud. .
2. She looks at him happily 1. She looks happy
1.The writer of the poem feels 2.He wanted to read loudly. 3.Henry Baskerville did not like oatmeal, but it tastes 4. In the time Arthur Conan Doyle detectives had become to read fashionably. 5.Sherlock Holmes’s pipe smelled 6 . Natasha Rostova looked at the ball. 7 . Valentin Rasputin remembered his school years warmly. 8.Mark Twain's childhood was 9 . Poetry of Pushkin sounds upset delicious awful. nice difficult loud.
После глаголов восприятия и глагола……… употребляются……………………………., а в остальных случаях ………….. to look to taste to smell to feel to sound to be to be to be to be to be to be to be to be to be to be to be to be to be прилагательные наречия
Предварительный просмотр:
Открытый урок в 8 классе
Тема: We like Russian Literature.
Use of English: Adjective after verbs of sense.
Цели: 1) Образовательные: познакомить учащихся с употреблением прилагательных после глаголов: to be, to sound, to look, to taste, to feel, to smell и обеспечить их отработку в заданиях в форме ЕГЭ
2) Развивающие: совершенствование произносительных, коммуникативных навыков; развитие логического мышления, развитие понимание информации воспринимаемой на слух, развитие чтения с основным пониманием содержания, развития устой речи (монологическая речь)
3) Воспитательные: стимуляция познавательной деятельности, расширения кругозора учащихся, воспитания уважения к культуре и литературе родной страны
Оборудование: ИКТ, портреты писателей, книги современных и классических писателей, карточки прилагательных и наречий, дидактический материал для работы с лексико-грамматическими заданиями.
План урока.
- Орг.момент.
Цели урока
- Фон.зарядка
- Речевая зарядка
- Проверка д\з
- Формирование грамматических навыков
- Распределение прилагательных и наречий
- Представление глаголов
- Проверка распределения прилагательных и наречий
- Чтение предложений и перевод
- Проблема
- Нахождение прилагательных в предложениях
- Составление правило
- Отработка грамматического материла
- Выполнение упражнения на отличия
- Выполнение упражнения в форме ЕГЭ (для слабых) и задания в форме ЕГЭ (для сильных)
- Работа с карточками
- Развитие чтения с основным пониманием содержания
- Нахождение в тексте глагол+прил. (зачитывание предложений)
- Ответы на вопросы
- Д\з
- Выставление оценок
- Рефлексия
Ход урока.
- Орг.момент
- Приветствие:
-Good afternoon dear children!
-Today there are many guests in our school.
Say them good afternoon
-Sit down, please
- Цели:
-Today at the lesson we’ll speak about literature, about Russian and Bashkir writers and poets. And we also learn grammar rule, which meets in the tasks exam and do some exercises.
And our plan for today:
- Speak about literature and writers.
- Learn grammar rule.
- Do exercises.
- Фон.зарядка
Now, let’s training our tongues.
Detective story
Science fiction
Fairy tale
to learn a lot of new things
to learn more interesting
it helps us to decide problems of life
- Речевая зарядка
-Let’s speak about literature. Answer my questions, please.
- Do you like to read? Why?
- What genres do you know?
- What is your favourite genre?
- What books did you read from classical Russian literature?
- What British and American writers do you know?
- What books did Mark Twain write?
- What is one of Sheksperie’s famous tragedies?
- What Russian writers do you know?
- What books did Tolstoy write?
- What Bashkir writers do you know?
4.Проверка д\з
-And now let’s know more about Russian and Bashkir writers, let’s check your homework
You'll have to listen to the answers to classmates and to be ready to answer the questions:
Ученики рассказывают о писателях:
We hear about Valentin Rasputin
- Валентин Распутин + презентация и исправление ошибок +оценивание
Valentin Rasputin was born on the 15-th of March in 1937 in the village of Atalanka, Ust-Udi district, Irkutsk region in a peasant family. His mother's name was Nina, his father's name - Gregory Nikitich. Valentine's childhood spent in the village Atalanka. After finishing the local primary school, he had to leave for fifty miles from home, where there was a high school. And this period is subsequently created the famous story "French Lessons" - 1973. After high school he entered the Faculty of History and Philology (Irkutsk State University). In his student years he was a correspondent for the youth newspaper. One of his essays attracted the attention of the editor. Later this essay titled "I forgot to ask Leshka" was published in the magazine "Angara" in 1961.In 1979 he joined the editorial board of the book series "Literary monuments of Siberia" of the East Siberian book publishing. In the 80s he was a member of the editorial board of "Roman newspaper."
Now he lives and works in Moscow and Irkutsk. This year, Valentin Rasputin was 75 years old.
- Ответы на вопросы
- - When was he born?
- - What genre did he write in?
- -What is one of his famous books?
Now let’s hear about Z.Biisheva
- Зайнаб Биишева + презентация и исправление ошибок +оценивание
Zainab Abdulovna Blisheva
Z.Biisheva was born on January 15, 1908 in aul of Tuembetovo of the district of Kugarchy. She was orphaned early: Her mother died in l9llyear, her father — in1919 year. Soon Zainab entered to study in school. However,her studies broke of (or two years because of economic difficults.
She was able to finish the fourth form only in 1924 year.
She finished technical secondary school Orenburg’s in 1929.
The first story of Z.Biisheva was published in 1942. Z.Biisheva worked in many gentries. She wrote many poems for children, tales.
Shool-museum was built in honour of Zainab Biisheva in Tuembetovo in October,1998.
Well-known people from different places of Bashkortostan arrive there.
- Ответы на вопросы
- When was she born?
- What genre did she write in?
-What is one of his her famous books?
-We have finished studying of Russian writers and the next lesson we will learn about the great Russian poets of the Golden and Silver Ages.
Now turn to our new theme:
- Формирование грамматических навыков.
-В любом языке есть особенности употребления слов, так в ан.яз. смысл слова меняется, если за ним следует, н-р, предлог. (возьмем н-р, фразовые глаголы : to turn-поворачиваться, to turn up- появляться)
Сегодня мы познакомимся с особенностями употребления прилагательных после глаголов.
1)Let’s remember what is it adjective?
(Что такое прилагательное?)- Ученики отвечают
-What is the difference adjective from an adverb, we are helped a small task.
Чем отличается прилагательное от наречия, нам поможет маленькое задание
Распределить в два столбика прилагательные и наречия
2) Представление глаголов
-Look at the blackboard you see the verbs of perception
-Let’s read them and translate
to look - выглядеть
to sound- звучать
to feel- чувствовать
to smell- пахнуть
to taste- иметь вкус
3)Проверка распределения прилагательных и наречий
-Let’s check your mate.
(Проверяем распределенные прилагательные)
-Чем отличаются прилагательные от наречий (суффикс -ly)
4) Чтение предложений и перевод
-While your classmate will be doing the task, we read the sentences and translate them.
- The writer of the poem feels upset. Автор поэмы чувствует себя расстроенным.
- She wanted to read loudly.
- Henry Baskerville did not like oatmeal, but it tastes delicious.
- In the time Arthur Conan Doyle detectives had become read fashionably.
- Natasha Rostova looks nice at the ball.
- Sherlock Holmes’s pipe smelled awful.
- Valentin Rasputin remembered his school years warmly.
- Poetry of Pushkin sounds loud.
- Mark Twain's childhood was difficult.
- Проблема
-Look at these two sentences
Посмотрите на эти два предложения
1.She looks happy
2.She looks at him happily
- She looks happy
- She looked at him happily
-чем они отличаются эти два предложения?
(1-happy-прилагательное 2-happily- наречие)
What is focus each one
-внимание ‘ чему уделяется в каждом предложении
(1- происходит описание предмета;
2- описание действия предмета)
6) Нахождение прилагательных в предложении
-Find the adjectives in the sentences
(Найдите прилагательные в предложениях)
- Найдите наречия
- Найдите в предложении глаголы восприятия
7) Составление правила
-Составляем правило
После глаголов восприятия ……. и глагола … употребляются……………………………., а в остальных случаях ……
- Отработка грамматического материала
1) Выполнение упр на отличия (устно)
-Do ex1,p.157
Open the brackets and complete the sentences.
1. This water tastes really (strange / strangely).
2. I can't speak English very (good / well).
3. I'm feeling (happy / happily) today.
4. Yesterday your friend looked (awful / awfully). What's wrong'?
5. I haven't seen her yet, but we've spoken on the phone. She sounds (nice / nicely).
2)Выполнение задания в форме ЕГЭ (для сильных)- письменно в тетрадях
( один у доски) остальные в тетради письменно
II-но Выполнение упр. в форме ЕГЭ (для слабых)
- I always feel … when the sun is shining. HAPPILY
- The sandwich tastes … WELL
- You look…! Are you all right? TERRIBLY
- You sound.... Is everything OK? NERVOUSLY
- Работа с карточками
Составление предложений It tastes, It looks, It sounds……
- Развитие чтения с основным пониманием содержания
- (Чтения про себя и нахождение глаголов + прил.
Зачитывание предложений)
- Ответы на вопросы
- Д\з ()
упр. А стр. 159+ карточка-письменно
Упр.5 стр. 158-159 – чтение с полным пониманием прочитанного
- Выставление оценок
- Рефлексия- Итоги
What Russian modern writer did you learn today?
What Bashkir writer did you learn today ?
После каких глаголов мы ставим прилагательное.?
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