конспект урока 7 класс к учебнику Верещагина
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (7 класс) на тему

Кутявина Жанна Сергеевна

Тема: The Earth in danger

Цели: 1. Введение новой лексики по теме.

2. Первичное закрепление новой лексики в устной речи

3. Развитие навыков языковой догадки

4. Воспитание бережного отношения к окружающей среде


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Предварительный просмотр:

План-конспект в 7А классе

(по УМК -5 И.Н. Верещагина, О.В. Афанасьева для школ с углубленным изучением английского языка, лицеев и гимназий)

Тема: The Earth in danger

Цели: 1. Введение новой лексики по теме.

2. Первичное закрепление новой лексики в устной речи

3. Развитие навыков языковой догадки

4. Воспитание бережного отношения к окружающей среде

Формы: Фронтальная, групповая, парная

Методы и приемы:

1. Беседа

2. Работа с учебником

3. Метод догадки

4. Устные подстановочные упражнения


  1. Учебник
  2. Записи на доске
  3. ТСО
  4. Карточки с заданиями
  5. картинки животных

Ход урока

  1. Организационный момент

-Good morning, boys and girls!

-Good morning, teacher!

-I’m glad to see you!

-We are glad to see too!

-How are you?

-You are fine, thank you. And you?

-I’m not bad, thanks. Sit down, please. Who is on duty today?

-I’m on duty today. Today is the 19th of December, today is Wednesday.

-Thank you, sit down please. Today we are going to find out what people must do or mustn’t do in order to save nature, animals and birds. At home you had to prepare some statements about these problems on our Earth.         

  1. Речевая разминка

-Let’s listen to your statements and agree or disagree with your classmates:


  • We must kill animals because of its beautiful skin. I disagree with you, because I think the animals are in danger and we mustn’t kill them.
  • The animals are not disappearing nowadays. I disagree with you, because you are not right, there are many animals in the Red Book, because they are disappearing.
  • There are some ecological problems in the Earth. Yes, it is true; there are many ecological problems in our planet.
  • People must cut down forests. I disagree with you, you mustn’t cut down forests, because the forests clean our air.
  • The tigers are dangerous animals that’s why we have to hunt them. I disagree with you, to my mind they were dangerous animals, because there were many tigers in our planet, but now you must save them.
  • The elephants are not useful animals. It is false, they are useful animals, and they help people. 
  • We can grow plants, trees and grass in our cities and towns. I agree with you, we can grow trees and flowers and clean our dirty air.
  • People must care of nature. I agree with you, we can destroy easily our nature.
  • We can’t clean air, water and land. You are not right, we can do it, for example, we can grow flowers, trees; we mustn’t leave the litter.
  • People burn forests and dangerous things in the plants. I agree with you, that’s why our air becomes dirty.
  1. Введение новой лексики и фонетическая отработка лексики

- Thank you for your work, we have known that many wild animals are in danger nowadays. -- So, tell me please what else can be in danger, I hope the T-shirts of ecological organization will help you.

 - Well, I think we will speak about the climate.

- To my mind we will speak about the air and some dangerous things in it.

- I think we will speak about dirty water and land.

- Right you are, we are going to speak about  other different ecological problems in our earth. But in order to do it let’s look at the blackboard and learn some new words which help you to speak about this theme. But firstly, let’s guess the meanings of the words:









Produce oxygen(O2)

To be polluted by smoke and gas

Air (water, land) pollution



  • mild – it is not cold and wet, our last winter was mild
  • climate – the typical weather conditions
  • possible- you can do it
  • impossible
  • factory – a building in which goods are produced, “The furniture factory” is produced wardrobes and cupboards
  • breathe- to take air into  your lungs and send it out again
  • protect- to save animals from harm 
  • harm – to smoke is to do harm to your health
  • produce- to grow something or to make it
  • pollute-to make air, water, dangerously dirty
  • pollution- the process of making air, water dirty
  • activity –a situation in which people are doing things

Thank for your work, let’s repeat the words after me to train your pronunciations.

Let’s Masha will be your teacher and you repeat after her.(читают за учеником)

Let’s read the words one by one.(читают слова по цепочке)

There are two columns at the black let’s match the pairs of them. (сопоставляют значение слов)

Now, you are right and have a good memory. But are you a good word-builder?

Let’s make different word combinations with these new words.

To protect nature, a mild winter, to do harm, to protect animals, a possible answer, an impossible story, to breathe oxygen.

Thank you for your work. Just now, open your books, find exercise 14 and try to learn how to read the new words. Well, Stepa will read aloud and the rest will do it in whisper. (Один ученик читает вслух, остальные ученики шепотом)

  1. Физкультминутка

Children, you have told me that we must save nature, forests, air and water, but you have forgotten to protect jungles. So, let’s go there and see different animals there.

Let’s sing to the music and try to imagine that we are in the jungle.(Walking through the jungle…)

  1. Первичное закрепление лексики

Thank you, I think that the trip to the jungle was very interesting and mysterious. And there are some ecological problems there.

But now let’s work in groups and say what and whom people must protect and what names of the animals and fish you can find in the Red Book and why? Tell me the reasons.

(Ученики работают в группах и вспоминают животных, которые находятся на грани вымирания и нуждаются в защите)

Gr1 – we think people must protect Indians tigers because they are in danger

Gr2- to our mind people must protect forests because they produce oxygen and there are many animals who can’t live there.

Gr3 – we think people must protect air in our town, because we can’t breathe dirty air

Gr4 – in our opinion people must protect Cheptza river because of water pollution

Gr1- we think we must care of our flowers, for example Italmas is disappearing nowadays.  

  1. Тренировка лексики

You  are right, people must protect everything in our planet,  give  me the advices  what people must do if they want to protect our planet; so work in pairs and put the necessary words from the blackboard and make up the sentences;

Ученики работают в парах, выполняя задание на карточках, подставляют новые слова в предложения; работа дифференцирована

1 вариант карточки:

People must … if they want to protect our planet.

People mustn’t … if they want to save our planet.

2 вариант карточки:

Clean air, do harm, cut down forests, leave the litter, burn dangerous things in the factories, grow forests, put filters to make air clean, control climate, pollute air by smoke and gas

People must … if they want to protect our planet.

People mustn’t … if they want to save our planet.

Now, what is your variant, what people must do if they want to protect our planet.

(ученики называют варианты своих ответов, учитель кратко их фиксирует на доске)

And then what people mustn’t do if they want to save our planet.

(ученики называют варианты своих ответов, учитель кратко их фиксирует на доске)

Now, thanks a lot for your work and you’ll see that we must do a lot if we want to protect our Earth.

-We must clean air, water, land, grow trees and flowers, control climate.

- We mustn’t cut down forests, leave the litter, and kill animals.

We have learnt a lot of words today and have made the list of positive and negatives activities of the people, I hope we’ve learnt how to save our planet. So, write down your homework:

  1. lesson 10(14) –read the new words
  2. Cards- learn 8 statements

Thank you for your work at the lesson. So your mark for the lesson is … The lesson is over, good-bye.  

План-конспект в 7А классе

(по УМК -5 И.Н. Верещагина, О.В. Афанасьева для школ с углубленным изучением английского языка, лицеев и гимназий)

Тема: The Earth in danger

Цели: 1. Закрепление лексики в устной речи

2 Развитие навыков поискового чтения,  чтения с пониманием общего смысла.

3. Воспитание бережного отношения к окружающей среде

Формы: Фронтальная, парная

Методы и приемы:

1. Беседа

2. Работа с учебником

3. Метод догадки

4. Устные упражнения


  1. Учебник
  2. Записи на доске
  3. ТСО
  4. Карточки с заданиями
  5. картинки животных

Ход урока

  1. Организационный момент

-Good morning, boys and girls!

-Good morning, teacher!

-I’m glad to see you!

-We are glad to see too!

-How are you?

-You are fine, thank you. And you?

-I’m not bad, thanks. Sit down, please. Who is on duty today?

-I’m on duty today. Today is the 20th of December, today is Thursday.

-Thank you, sit down please. Today you are going to find out about one holiday which isn’t celebrated but it must become the most important holiday on the Earth.         

2. Фонетическая зарядка

But before you are going to find out about this holiday we must remember some words which help you to do it. Look at the blackboard, there are some words on the blackboard but some letters are missed, so, put the necessary letters into the words.

На доске написаны слова:



Po_ _ibl_

Impo_ _ibl_

F_ _tor_

Bre_t_ _



Prod_ _e oxygen(O2)

To be po_ _ut_ by sm_ke and g_s

Air (water, land) po_ _u_ion




Drinkable water


Ученики пишут недостающую букву в слове

Now,  thank you for your work, let’s read the words after me. Read the words in pairs to each other. Thanks for your reading, now let’s play a memory game: I have a bad memory, tell me, please what’s the Russian for activity?- деятельность

What’s the English for климат?  - Climate

What’s the English for дышать? - breathe

What’s the Russian for  produce oxygen? – Производить кислород

What’s the English for вред? – harm

What’s the Russian for protect ? – Защищать

What’s the English for свежая вода? –  Freshwater

3. Речевая разминка

Thank you a lot, I  have remembered everything! Let’s train your memory, work in pairs, look at your cards and put the necessary words into the sentences, be ready to prove the statements and tell us please your opinions.


1 вариант

There is little … on the Earth.

Factories and plants … air, water, land.

It is … to live in dirty cities and towns.

… becomes warmer because of air … .

Forests, jungles … oxygen so people must … them.

2 вариант

There is liitle f________ on the Earth.

Factories and plants p______e air, water, land.

It is i_________ to live in dirty cities and towns.

C______ becomes warmer because of air p_________n .

Forests, jungles p_______e oxygen so people must p_______t them.

Ученики работают в парах, вставляют нужное слово в предложения.

Your time is over, let’s check up your statements and prove them and add your opinion.

Ps: there is little freshwater on the Earth, we think because some factories pollute water.

 Can you add anything? What is your opinion?

Ps: I think it is true. There is much water on the earth but we can drink only freshwater.

Ps: Factories and plants pollute air, water, land, and it is so, because it is difficult to breathe in the cities and find freshwater.

Ps: It is impossible to live in dirty cities and towns, because of air pollution, water pollution and land pollution.

Ps: Climate becomes warmer because of air pollution and one of the reasons that people cut down forests. So we have a very mild and warm winter in our country.

Ps: Forests and jungles produce oxygen so people must protect them. If people want to breathe fresh air, they mustn’t cut down forests and jungles.

4. Физкультминутка

You are quiet right, but let’s see whom we can protect in the jungle. Stand up; we have a trip to the jungle. Let’s sing to the music and dance.

5. Работа с текстом

Thank you, I think that the trip to the jungle was very interesting and mysterious. And there are some animals in danger there. So are you ready to get some information about one of the most important holiday on the earth. Exercise 22, on page 149 can help you, read the text and say why the Earth is in danger and people celebrate Earth Day.

Ученики читают, находят ответы на заданные вопросы в тексте.

Are you ready to answer my questions?

When do people celebrate Earth day?

Why is the Earth in danger?

Ps: People celebrate Earth Day on the 22d of April.

Ps: The Earth is in danger because in many rivers and lakes water is dirty.

Ps: The earth is in danger because people have changed the climate on our planet.

Ps: Some people’s activities do a lot of harm to the forests.

Now, let’s read the text again and agree or disagree with the sentences from  my cards (exercise 23). Don’t forget to correct the “false” sentences.

Ученики выполняют упражнение на карточках, затем учитель собирает их; проверяют работу устно без опоры на карточки.

We have told me that our earth is in danger, now prove my statements:

Lake Baikal is the deepest freshwater lake on the Earth.

There is much water on our planet and at the same time there is little water on it.

Many people do a lot of harm to the forests on our planet.

The way people live has changed the climate on our planet.

Ученики доказывают утверждения учителя с опорой на прочитанный текст.

Thank you, children you have done a lot of work today, now answer my question:

Is Earth day the most important and necessary holiday?

Ps: yes, it is the most important holiday on the earth, because some people on our planet don’t know that The Earth is in danger, and they don’t know how to help it. they know how to protect animals and plant worlds, how to keep the waters clean.

We have learnt a lot about the Earth holiday today.  I hope we’ve learnt that it is the most important holiday on our planet. So, write down your homework:

  1. lesson 10(22) –
  2. write 5 statements

Thank you for your work at the lesson. So your mark for the lesson is … The lesson is over, good-bye.  

План-конспект в 7А классе

(по УМК -5 И.Н. Верещагина, О.В. Афанасьева для школ с углубленным изучением английского языка, лицеев и гимназий)

Тема: The Earth in danger

Цели: 1. активизация лексики в устной речи

2. развитие навыков диалогической речи по теме «Окружающая среда»

3. Воспитание бережного отношения к окружающей среде

Формы: Фронтальная, парная, групповая

Методы и приемы:

1. Беседа

2. Работа с учебником

3. Метод догадки

4. Устные упражнения


  1. Учебник
  2. Записи на доске
  3. ТСО
  4. Карточки с заданиями

Ход урока

  1. Организационный момент

-Good morning, boys and girls!

-Good morning, teacher!

-I’m glad to see you!

-We are glad to see too!

-How are you?

-You are fine, thank you. And you?

-I’m not bad, thanks. Sit down, please. Who is on duty today?

-I’m on duty today. Today is the 21st of December, today is Friday.

-Thank you, sit down please. Today you are going to become the members of the Greenpeace Society and think what Greenpeace can do and what we can do to protect our Planet.

  1. Фонетическая зарядка

But before we are going to become the members of Greenpeace, let’s become the members of The Spelling and Reading Societies.

Look at the blackboard, there are two columns, but the words in these columns are mixed, write them down in the right forms

На доске:











Air (water, land)










genoxy (O2)

Ученики пишут правильную форму слов

Ученики со средним уровнем владения языка выполняют задание по карточкам

Match the pairs of the words:





Produce oxygen





Do harm

Наносить вред


Свежая вода






Производить кислород


Thank you for your right spelling, but now let’s read them correctly, let’s read after me and now let’s read them one by one.

- Sasha, what’s the Russian for?...

 Thanks a lot. But now let’s be word-builders and make up the word combinations using the words from the columns. Let’s work in pairs and what pair will make as many word combinations as they can.

 Ученики составляют словосочетания

Let’s check up your word combinations, be attentive don’t repeat the same combinations:

Udmurt Republic

Protect nature

Lake Baikal

Protect Siberia, protect Jungle protect …

Rising temperature

Breathe oxygen, breathe air …

So, I think that …are the best one.

  1. Речевая разминка

But, children, do remember that we are going to become the members of Greenpeace. Let’s work in groups and make up posters for your demonstrations “Our Earth is in danger”.

 Ученикам выдается плакат, который они должны сделать и написать призывы о защите планеты. So your time is over, let’s have a look at your posters, please show us your posters and tell us your advices in order to save and protect our Earth. Ученики демонстрируют свои плакаты для демонстрации и высказывают свои утверждения по защите нашей планеты.

  1. Активизация лексики на основе прочитанного текста

Thanks a lot, but unfortunately I’m not the member of Greenpeace and I want to get some information about ecological problems on the earth. Can you help me?

T: Why can’t we swim even in the sea?

Is Lake Baikal the deepest lake in danger now? And why?

Is it dangerous when the temperature grows by 3-4 degrees?

What is the main problem on our planet?

Do people all over the world think about our planet and what does the Greenpeace society do?  

5. Физкультминутка

But the members of the Greenpeace Society also worry about the ecological problems in the jungle, let’s have a trip there.

6.Развитие навыков диалогической речи

So, the members of Greenpeace solve many problems on our planet and there are different ways to solve them. You continue to work in pairs and tell us these ways to solve the problems and the reasons of them.

Ученики работают в парах и составляют диалоги по заданным темам:

Dirty water

  • Hi, haven’t seen you for ages! Where have you been?
  •  I have visited Lake Baikal.
  • Wow, it is so great! What is it?
  • Yes, I agree with you, this trip was very interesting and wonderful. But you see,

Air pollution

  • Hello, how are you?
  • Hi, I’m not fine, thanks. And how are you?
  • What’ happened?
  • Well, I am very sick. I have a strong cough.
  • And have you visited your doctor?
  • Yes, of course, I’ve done it.
  • And what’s the reason of your cough and what must you do?
  • Well, the doctor thinks that I’m ill because of …

The climatic changes in our Republic

  • Hi, where were you last Sunday?
  • I went to Siberia.
  • What did you do there? It’s so far from Glazov!
  • In fact, I’m a ski-goer, but there is no much snow in winter in Glazov!
  • Yes, you are right! And what’s the reason?
  • I think the climate becomes …

Ученики составляют диалоги в парах, ученикам с низким уровнем подготовки дается задание составить диалог в логическом порядке.

The animals are in danger

  • I think we must take special care of animals and find the right balance between animals and people.
  • Hello! Nice to meet you. What are you doing?
  • Why are the tigers disappearing?
  • Bye-bye! See at school.
  • I am reading the article about Indians tigers. They are disappearing nowadays.
  • People have hunted and killed many tigers in India.
  • What’s the result of this?
  • I’ve heard that tigers are very dangerous, that’s why people kill them.
  • So, there are few Indian tigers on the Earth now.
  • Yes, this problem is very serious and actual. I think we’ll discuss it at school. Good bye!
  • I agree with you, but very often people kill them for fun and for their beautiful skin.

The animals are in danger

  • Hello! Nice to meet you. What are you doing?
  • I am reading the article about Indians tigers. They are disappearing nowadays.
  • Why are the tigers disappearing?
  • People have hunted and killed many tigers in India.
  • I’ve heard that tigers are very dangerous, that’s why people kill them.
  • I agree with you, but very often people kill them for fun and for their beautiful skin.
  • What’s the result of this?
  • So, there are few Indian tigers on the Earth now.
  • I think we must take special care of animals and find the right balance between animals and people.
  • Yes, this problem is very serious and actual. I think we’ll discuss it at school. Good bye!
  • Bye-bye! See at school.

So, the members of the Greenpeace Society, let’s listen to you and find out the reasons of ecological problems and the ways to solve them.

The rest will mark at their papers the problem, the reason of this problem and the ways to solve it.

Ученикам раздаются таблицы, которые они заполняют в парах, а затем делают краткий обзор.




The ways to solve the problems

Masha and … have told us about … . The Reason is … . We can … .


So, tell me please, what problem this group explains.

Ps: Masha and Sasha have told us about air pollution on our country, the reasons are … . we can … .

Thank you for dialogue, the members of Greenpeace solve many problems on the planet. But tell me, please what we can do to save our planet and what only Greenpeace can do.

Ученики анализируют весь материал и говорят, что может сделать каждый человек на Земле и что возможно сделать только  этой организации.

Thanks a lot for your work. I think that you’ve understood that each child on our earth can protect and save it. Right down your homework.

At home prepare a short summary what ecological problems are in our Republic.

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