тест по английскому языку (11 класс) по теме
Предлагаемый материал представляет собой тесты по некоторым лексическим и грамматическим темам и может быть использован на старшей ступени обучения.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Test (Sport)
- Fill in the appropriate word
Prolong moderate friends outlook weight injury role model
- We should be ____ in food and entertainment.
- She got a serious ____ before his first Olympic Games.
- His coach was always a ____ for him.
- Sportsmen can make _____ with many people all over the world.
- Doing exercises every day you can _____ your lifespan.
- Sport has improved my _____ on the world.
- Sporty people do not put on extra ____.
- Put the verbs in brackets into the right tense
- He (to take) part in the competition last week.
- Sport (to increase) our fitness.
- He (to acquire) a strong will and self-confidence already.
- If the weather (to be) fine tomorrow, we (to go) skiing.
- They (to jog) in the park now.
- She (to play) tennis for 2 hours already.
- Make up questions
- Sport decreases weight. (Why)
- They are skating on the skating-rink. (Where)
- She will overcome these difficulties soon. (When)
- He sacrificed a lot when he was young. (What)
- Translate from Russian into English
- Если бы ты занимался спортом (to do sport), ты бы чувствовал себя лучше (to feel better).
- Если бы она не упала (to fall down) вчера, она бы победила (to win).
- Если бы он был профессиональным спортсменом, он бы зарабатывал (to earn) много денег.
- Если они не будут рисковать (to take risks), то проиграют (to lose) игру.
Test (Television)
- Insert the appropriate preposition
- Part of the time __ television is devoted __ advertising.
- Television is a very important source __ information.
- It’s a commercial __ beer.
- They keep us informed ___ the rest of the world.
- The mass media provides news and information __ the public.
- My father is ___ watching this silly soap.
- Commercial channels get most of their money __ advertising.
- Everything has its pros and cons, the same can be said ___ TV.
- Good or bad, television brings the world __ our house.
- This program deals ___ the current affairs.
against of about of to with from about with for on |
- Fill in the correct word
In my ____ television is very important. I can prove it. There are a ___ of high quality _____ on TV. It gives _____ on many subjects. It shows a lot of ___: old and new. Yes, there is a lot of _____ on TV. But ads are informative. They help you _____ best products. Sometimes they are funny and ____ of humour.
TV gives wonderful possibilities for _____. We see great events which will pass into history. We can see _____ people. TV gives us ______ to see the best actors and performances. We see people in other lands and learn about their _____ and traditions. Lastly it helps _____.
education famous information to relax opinion customs advertising opportunities programmes films choose lot full |
- Write the sentences in Reported Speech
- He said: “I won’t buy this video film”
- She said: “I have already read the gossip column in the local paper”
- Tom said: “I am not a telly addict”
- They said : “We don’t like this quiz show”
- Ann said : “ I really can’t stand scenes of violence”
- She said :”I wasted my time watching this soap yesterday”
- He says : “ I am going to buy a new magazine tomorrow”
Test (infinitive)
Translate from English into Russian:
- She wished to assist in this work. She wished to be assisted in this work.
- My friend was very glad to have found the key of his room.
- I don’t want to be addressed in public.
- He doesn’t want to be seen in this company.
- I pretended to be very angry and left the room, slamming the door behind
- I am proud to have been given the opportunity of working on your staff.
- This proved to have been our best chance.
- She was thrilled not to have lost her watch, after all.
- She’ll be annoyed not to find her room tidy.
- They were anxious not to appear rude.
Change the structure using the Infinitive:
Example: He is upset because he saw an accident
He is upset to have seen an accident.
- He passed his exams. He’s relieved.
- She missed her train. She’s angry.
- They are in London again. They’re pleased/
- He’s late. He’s sorry.
- She forgot the date of your party. She is embarrassed.
- Tom has won the prize. He is amazed.
Translate from English into Russian (infinitive constructions)
- The conference to be held on Monday will settle this problem.
- The new theatre to be opened on the 1st of March is the largest theatre in the city.
- The iron ore to be mined in this district is of the highest quality.
- Much of the equipment not to be moved was destroyed on the spot.
- All the people knew the candidates to be elected.
- The question still to be answered is whether the two states will come to an agreement.
Translate from Russian into English:
- Они гордятся тем, что выполнили свой план в срок.
- Я очень рада, что меня похвалили.
- Она не любит, когда её перебивают.
- Он сожалеет, что его прервали.
- Мне очень жаль, что я вас сейчас беспокою.
- Он не любит, когда о нём говорят.
- Дом, который будет построен на этой улице, будет очень комфортабельным.
- Известно, что они живут в Сибири
- Я часто вижу, что они играют в теннис.
- Он приказал отремонтировать машину.
Translate from English into Russian:
- It is too good to be true.
- This will be a very difficult thing to accomplish.
- It’s very odd to say the least.
- I happened to be sitting there.
- No one appeared to notice me and my last difficulty seemed overcome.
- My friend seemed to have lost his head entirely.
- The children are going to be taken back to town in a few days.
- He is reputed to have been one of the most outstanding scientists in this field.
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