тест (английский язык) на тему

Тестирование - один из популярных и эффективных способов выявления уровня знаний учащихся)


Предварительный просмотр:

Name: _______________________________        Date: ____________________

Placement Test for Elementary, Intermediate, First Certificate and Advanced Language Practice

Underline the answer which best answers the question or fits the space.

0        Where are you from?
A I’m France.               B I’m from France.               C French.               D I’m French.

1        How old are you?
A I have 16.               B I am 16.                C I have 16 years.               D I am 16 years.

2        Are you having a nice time?
A Yes, I’m nice.            B Yes, I’m having it.             C Yes, I am.             D Yes, it is.

3        Could you pass the salt please?
A Over there.             B I don’t know.             C Help yourself.            D Here you are.

4        Yesterday I went __________ bus to the National Museum.
A on               B in               C by               D with

5        Sue and Mike __________ to go camping.
A wanted               B said               C made               D talked

6        Who’s calling, please?
A Just a moment.         B It’s David Parker.         C I’ll call you back.        D Speaking.

7        They were __________ after the long journey, so they went to bed.
A hungry               B hot               C lazy               D tired

8        Can you tell me the __________ to the bus station?
A road               B way               C direction               D street

9        __________ you remember to buy some milk?
A Have               B Do               C Should               D Did

10        - Don’t forget to put the rubbish out.
- I’ve __________ done it!

A yet               B still               C already               D even

11        You don’t need to bring __________ to eat.

A some               B a food               C many               D anything

12        What about going to the cinema?
A Good idea!             B Twice a month.             C It’s Star Wars.             D I think so.

13        - What would you like, Sue?
- I’d like the same __________ Michael please.

A that               B as               C for                       D had

14        __________ people know the answer to that question.
A Few               B Little               C Least               D A little

15        It’s not __________ to walk home by yourself in the dark.
A sure               B certain               C safe               D problem

16        __________ sure all the windows are locked.
A Take               B Have               C Wait               D Make

17        I’ll go and __________ if I can find him.
A see               B look               C try               D tell

18        What’s the difference __________ football and rugby?
A from               B with               C for               D between

19        My car needs __________ .
A repairing               B to repair               C to be repair               D repair

20        Tim was too __________ to ask Monika for a dance.
A worried               B shy               C selfish               D polite

21        I haven’t had so much fun __________ I was a young boy!
A when               B for                C during               D since

22        Sorry, I don’t know __________ you’re talking about.
A that               B what               C which               D why

23        I’m afraid you __________ smoke in here.
A could not               B don’t have to               C are not allowed to               D can’t be

24        Everyone wanted to go out __________ John.
A apart               B unless               C however               D except

25        Honestly! I saw a ghost! I’m not __________ it up!
A having               B laughing               C making               D joking

26        Eat everything up! I don’t want to see anything __________ on your plate!
A left               B missing               C put               D staying

27        Take the A20 __________ the roundabout, then turn left.
A right                B as far as                C along               D heading north

28        I really hope you can find a __________ to this problem.
A result               B way               C conclusion               D solution

29        Could you watch my bag while I go and get a cup of tea?
A Of course!          B Never mind.          C If you don’t mind.         D It doesn’t matter.

30        In my country, it is __________ the law to watch an X-rated film if you are under eighteen.
A under               B against               C over                       D beyond

31        Rebecca had to __________ the invitation, as she was busy studying for her exams.
A take off               B put back               C turn down               D get away

32        Police __________ that a terrorist group might be behind the kidnapping.
A suppose               B fancy               C suspect               D accuse

33        When Christopher smiles, he __________ me of his grandfather.
A remembers               B recalls               C rethinks               D reminds

34        The wonderful smell of freshly __________ coffee hit us as we entered the store.
A crushed               B smashed               C ground               D pressed

35        Mike’s dad wouldn’t __________ him go to school with a red streak in his hair.
A allow               B permit               C accept               D let

36        If only I __________ made that phone call!
A wasn’t                B didn’t               C hadn’t               D haven’t

37        I like Mary for her friendly smile and her __________ of humour.
A sense               B manner               C way               D impression

38        These shoes are very __________ for walking in the mountains.
A practical               B functional               C realistic               D active

39        __________ of the credit for our success has to go to the Chairman, Peter Lewis.
A Several               B Much               C Enough                D Sufficient

40        We were surprised that over 500 people __________ for the job.
A wrote               B applied               C enquired               D requested

41        The children watched in excitement as she __________ a match and lit the candles.
A scratched               B struck               C rubbed               D scraped

42        Sorry about Kate’s strange behaviour, but she’s just not used to __________ lots of people around her.
A had               B have               C having               D has

43        Ivan kept running very hard __________ none of the other runners could possibly catch him.
A even though               B however               C despite               D as

44        ‘I did this painting all __________ my own, Dad,’ said Milly.
A by               B with               C for               D on

45        You __________ better check all the details are correct before we send it off.
A would               B had               C should               D did

46        This game is __________ to be for five year-olds, but I think a two year-old could do it!
A expected               B required               C obliged               D supposed

47        Just put this powder down, and it should __________ any more ants from getting in.
A prevent               B avoid               C refuse               D forbid

48        When Jonie __________ to do something, you can be sure she’ll do it, and do it well.
A gets on               B takes up               C sets out               D brings about

49        __________ we get to the top of this hill, the path gets much easier.
A At the time               B Eventually               C Once               D Finally

50        Fifty-seven? No, that __________ be the right answer!
A can’t               B mustn’t               C wouldn’t               D needn’t

51        __________ happens, I’ll always be there for you!
A However               B What               C Whatever               D No matter

52        Can you __________ to it that no one uses this entrance?
A see               B deal                C ensure               D get

53        A __________ debate ensued, with neither side prepared to give way to the other.
A warm               B heated               C hot               D boiling

54        I’ve drunk milk every __________ day of my life, and it’s never done me any harm!
A particular               B individual               C single               D one

55        The version of the film I saw had been __________ censored.
A strongly               B deeply               C great               D heavily

56        He promised to phone me at nine o’clock exactly, and he was as __________ as his word.
A true               B good               C right               D honest

57        There has been so much media __________ of the wedding that I’m completely fed up with it.
A circulation               B attention               C broadcasting               D coverage

58        If I were you I would __________ clear of the area around the station late at night.
A stick               B steer               C stop               D stand

59        Turning back now is out of the __________ .
A agenda               B matter               C question               D possibility

60        Joe’s fear of enclosed spaces __________ from a bad experience he had when he was a child.
A stems               B leads               C starts               D flows

Placement Test                

Предварительный просмотр:

KEY Placement Test for Elementary, Intermediate, First Certificate and Advanced Language Practice

1        B

2        C

3        D

4        C

5        A

6        B

7        D

8        B

9        D

10        C

11        D

12        A

13        B

14        A

15        C

16        D

17        A

18        D

19        A

20        B

21        D

22        B

23        C

24        D

25        C

26        A

27        B

28        D

29        A

30        B

31        C

32        C

33        D

34        C

35        D

36        C

37        A

38        A

39        B

40        B

41        B

42        C

43        A

44        D

45        B

46        D

47        A

48        C

49        C

50        A

51        C

52        A

53        B

54        C

55        D

56        B

57        D

58        B

59        C

60        A

Interpretation of marks

1–15                Elementary Language Practice

16–30                Intermediate Language Practice

31–45         First Certificate Language Practice

46–60         Advanced Language Practice

KEY Placement Test                

Предварительный просмотр:

Test – 6 –th form                   Articles

  1. Fill in a or an. (где это необходимо)

Museum, beautiful park, famous actor, interesting, Moscow, palace, actor,

musician, Kremlin, Mary Smith, man, English friend, polite man, Germany, hotel, writer, information.

  1. Fill in the. (где это необходимо)

Baltic Sea, East, West, John Lennon, smallest family, UK, Syktyvkar, South, Volga, Elbrus, Browns, Greenwood street, Russian Federation, Kremlin, Italy, Sun, Black Sea, Moon, Tower of London, Australia, USA, Africa, Great Britain, Earth.

  1. Fill in a, an, the. (где это необходимо)

1….D. Defoe is …..famous English writer. 2. My best friend is …..actor. 3. Will you go to ….park?

  1. He has got ….sister and ….brother. ….sister is learning ….French. 5. London is the capital of…..United Kingdom. 6. My brother is ….best student in the school. 7. I will be ….famous musician.

Test – 6 –th form                   Articles

  1. Fill in a or an. (где это необходимо)

Museum, beautiful park, famous actor, interesting, Moscow, palace, actor,

musician, Kremlin, Mary Smith, man, English friend, polite man, Germany, hotel, writer, information.

  1. Fill in the. (где это необходимо)

Baltic Sea, East, West, John Lennon, smallest family, UK, Syktyvkar, South, Volga, Elbrus, Browns, Greenwood street, Russian Federation, Kremlin, Italy, Sun, Black Sea, Moon, Tower of London, Australia, USA, Africa, Great Britain, Earth.

  1. Fill in a, an, the. (где это необходимо)

1….D. Defoe is …..famous English writer. 2. My best friend is …..actor. 3. Will you go to ….park?

  1. He has got ….sister and ….brother. ….sister is learning ….French. 5. London is the capital of…..United Kingdom. 6. My brother is ….best student in the school. 7. I will be ….famous musician.

Test – 6 –th form                   Articles

  1. Fill in a or an. (где это необходимо)

Museum, beautiful park, famous actor, interesting, Moscow, palace, actor,

musician, Kremlin, Mary Smith, man, English friend, polite man, Germany, hotel, writer, information.

  1. Fill in the. (где это необходимо)

Baltic Sea, East, West, John Lennon, smallest family, UK, Syktyvkar, South, Volga, Elbrus, Browns, Greenwood street, Russian Federation, Kremlin, Italy, Sun, Black Sea, Moon, Tower of London, Australia, USA, Africa, Great Britain, Earth.

  1. Fill in a, an, the. (где это необходимо)

1….D. Defoe is …..famous English writer. 2. My best friend is …..actor. 3. Will you go to ….park?

  1. He has got ….sister and ….brother. ….sister is learning ….French. 5. London is the capital of…..United Kingdom. 6. My brother is ….best student in the school. 7. I will be ….famous musician.

Предварительный просмотр:

Grammar test                                                                                                11-th form

1. Choose the correct variant.

 I. …Smiths have a dog and a cat.

 a) … b) The c) A

 2. He knows how to work on … computer.

 a) a b) an c) …

 3. She was the first woman to swim across … English Channel.

 a) a b) … c) the

 4. Go down … Kingston Street and turn left into Oxford Street.

 a) the b) a c) …

 5. I don’t like milk in … tea.

 a) … b) the с) а

 6. At the end of… busy day, sleep is the best way to restore your energy.

 a) the b) a c) …

 7. We’ll go for a walk if … weather is fine.

 a) a b) … c) the

 8. Could you give me … information I asked for in my letter?

 a) the b) … c) a

 9. …war is a terrible thing.

 a) The b) … с) А

 10. I spent … very interesting holiday in England.

 a) the b) a c) …

2. Fill in the correct article.

 1. “Is this your ... friend?” — “No, it isn’t my ... friend, it is my sister”.

 2. I have ... sister. My ... sister is ... teacher. My sister’s ... husband is ... pilot.

 3. I have no ... car.

 4. She has got ... terrible … headache.

 5. They have ... dog and two ... cats.

 6. My ... cousin says he is going to be ... manager one ... day.

 7. Would you like ... apple?

 8. This is ... tree. ... tree is green.

 9. I can see three ... children. ... children are playing in … yard.

 10. I have ... car. ... car is white. My ... friend has no ... car.

3. Дополните предложения артиклями a/an, the, --

1  We usually have...............lunch at 1 p.m.

2  ..............French people drink a lot of red wine.

3  I gave her................bunch of flowers when she opened the door.

4  Who is.............    owner of this car?

5  We went to.............zoo and saw............old elephant.

6  I've never taught.............    class where................pupils were so good at..............English.

7  The giraffe is................tallest animal on...............Earth. I like................giraffes.

8  ................water freezes after...............hour if you leave it out in.................garden at............night.

4. Fill in the articles in the proverbs if necessary.

 1. … apple … day keeps … doctor away.

 2. … appetite comes with eating.

 3. … good beginning makes … good ending.

 4. … bird in … hand is worth two in … bush.

 5. Among … blind … one-eyed man is king.

 6. … brevity is … soul of wit.

 7. … cat has nine lives.

 8. … charity begins at … home.

 9. … clothes make … man.

 10. … curiosity killed … cat.

Правильные ответы:

1. Выберите правильный вариант.

 1. b | 2. a | 3. c | 4. c | 5. a | 6. b | 7. c | 8. a | 9. b | 10. b

2. Вставьте правильный артикль.

1. -,-

2. a,-,-

3. –

4. a, -

5. a, -

6. -, a, -

7. an

8. a. the

9. -, the, the

10. a, the, -, -

3. Ответы к упражнению:

1 --

2 --

3 a

4 the

5 the, an

6 the, --, --

7 the, --, --

8 --, an, the, --

4. Вставьте артикли в пословицах, если требуется.

 1. An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

 2. The appetite comes with eating.

 3. A good beginning makes a good ending.

 4. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.

 5. Among the blind the one-eyed man is king.

 6. Brevity is the soul of wit.

 7. A cat has nine lives.

 8. Charity begins at home.

 9. Clothes make the man.

 10. Curiosity killed the cat.

Предварительный просмотр:


(употребление артикля с географическими названиями)

I  Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.

1. … Moscow is situated on … Moscow River. … Moscow is a river that moves very slowly. There is … canal called … Moscow-Volga Canal which joins … Moscow to …Volga. … Volga runs into … Caspian Sea.

2. In … Siberia there are many long rivers: … Ob, … Irtysh, … Yenissei, … Lena and … Amur.

3. … Altai Mountains are … higher than … Urals.

4. There is a splendid view of … Lake Geneva from this hotel.

5. … United Kingdom consists of … Great Britain and … Northern Ireland.

6…. White Sea is in … north of our country.

7. … Pacific Ocean is very deep.

7. Is … Canada  … largest country in … America?

8. … Red Sea is between … Africa and … Asia.

9. … France is to … north of … Italy.  

II   Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.

1. Several rivers run into … sea at … New York. … most important is … Hudson River which empties to … Atlantic Ocean. Besides … Hudson there are … two other rivers: …East River and … Harlem River.

2. … Chicago is on … Lake Michigan.

3. … Russia is washed by … Arctic Ocean.

4. … Kiev is to … south of … Moscow.

5. … Philippines are situated to … southeast of … Asia.

6. … Neva flows into … Gulf of … Finland.

7. …Kazbek is … highest peak of … Caucasus.

8. … Europe and … America are separated by … Atlantic Ocean.

9. … Nile flows across … northeastern part of … Africa to … Mediterranean Sea.

Предварительный просмотр:

      Контрольная работа по циклу 6, 6 класс.                            (Биболетова)

      1. Выберите правильный вариант.

1. Did you see / have you seen my book anywhere? I can’t find it.

2. I have done / did my homework. Now I can go for a walk.

3. We didn’t play / haven’t played football yesterday.

4. Someone has eaten / ate all the cakes. I’ll buy some more.

5. Children have visited / visited their Granny three days ago.

6. When did you help / have you helped your parents about the house?

  1. Составьте предложения.
  1. Trafalgar, I, never, to, been, Square, have.
  2. Letter, has, Mike, already, that, read.
  3. Has, he, not, aunt, visited, his.
  4. Invited, we, just, have, friends, our.
  5. Have, work, finished, children, already, their.
  6. Mother, visited, her, I, already, have.
  7. She, Zoological, joined, has, society, just, that.
  8. Drawn, recently, picture, they, have, this.

  1.       Напишите три формы глаголов:

Draw, see, go, hear, write, do, have, buy, teach, give.

  1. Переведите предложения на английский язык.
  1. Мы должны спасать вымирающих животных.
  2. Это не дикое животное, а домашнее.
  3. Я только что нарисовал это насекомое.
  4. Вы вступите в зоологическое сообщество?
  5. Мой хомяк живёт в клетке.
  6. Ты уже пригласил гостей на свой День рождения?
  7. Мы с сестрой купили много подарков для своих родителей к Новому году.


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Важнейший элемент рейтиноговой системы - тестирование. Тесты позволяют в кротчайший срок проверить знания больших групп учащихся, выявить пробелы при изложении учебного материала, применить методы мет...

ЕГЭ английский Тест toefl Тест ielts CAE tests Тесты по аудированию Тесты по чтению Словарный запас Что нужно знать для успешной сдачи ЕГЭ

Тест toeflТест ieltsCAE testsТесты по аудированиюТесты по чтениюСловарный запас Что нужно знать для успешной сдачи ЕГЭЧему бы ни учился человек на протяжении всей своей жизни, его всегда бу...

Урок по технологии. "Блюда из теста. Понятие о разных видах теста. Песочное тесто"

Разработка урока по теме "Блюда из теста. Понятие о разных видах теста. Песочное тесто"....