Конспект урока по теме:"We and clothes"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (6 класс) по теме
Данный урок проводится в конце изученной темы . Цель: Активизировать лексику по теме «Одежда». Учить работать в группах, в парах.
Развивать логическое мышление познавательной активности, творческой способности учеников.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Цель: Активизировать лексику по теме «Одежда». Учить работать в группах, в парах.
Развивать логическое мышление познавательной активности, творческой способности ученика.
Развивать устные коммуникативные умения, вызывать желание общаться на английском языке. Повторить грамматический материал (Present Continuous, Past Simple, Future Simple Tenses).
Воспитывать культуру внешнего вида.
Ход урока
- Greeting
Т: Good morning, dear children, guests and colleagues.
I am very glad to see you!
P: We are glad to see you too! T: Thank you sit down, please.
Who is on duty today?
P: I am.
T: Who is absent today?
P: N... is absent today.
T: What happen?
P: I don't know.
T: Who knows?
P: I know he/she is ill.
T: M.... do you agree with K.
P: I agree with K, he/she is always right.
T: Are you ready for the lesson?
P: Yes, we are.
T: Let”s start our lesson.
T: Today we ‘ll speak about clothes and fashion.
You'll work in three groups. What do you want to be?( an adviser, a speaker, a translator, an expert, a secretary). Discuss and choose your role at the lesson.
T: What words concerned theme clothes do you know?
Ps: Original, traditional, suitable, warm, clean, dirty, trendy, pressed clothes, to
wear, to choose, to buy, to change, to dress, to put on, to take off
T:Well done!
Основная часть урока
- Writing. Активизировать лексику по теме урока.
T: Open your exercise-books and write today's day and date. Who wants to go to the blackboard?
Sort out the words which I'll dictate.
Types of clothes | Types of shoes | accessories |
A belt, a T-shirt, trousers, boots, a jacket, a scarf, a coat, earrings, a blouse,
sandals, a ring, slippers, a bracelet, sneakers.
T: Move aside. Find a mistake.
2.Vocabulary Practice.
Беседа по теме гардероб.
T:Now open your wardrobes and I give you a task. You should ask each other
questions about clothes which you have in your wardrobes.
- - -
For a examples: what do you have got with a zipper and without a zipper?
1 something with a zipper| something without a zipper
- something with buttons| something without buttons
- something that has a belt.
- something that has long sleeves| something sleeveless
- something that has a collar| something that has no collar
- something that decorate you.
Group3 3. something you hate wearing T: Great!
- something your parents make you wear
- something you enjoy wearing
4. Grammar review. (Повторить времена Present Continuous and Past Simple,
Future Simple tenses)
When do we use Present Continuous Tense?
T: I have got a doll and clothes for group 1. She is going to a party
tomorrow. What will she wear? Use Future Simple Tense .
P:She has got many different things, but I am sure she'll
wear a lilac long dress with opened left shoulder. A necklace on her neck
and silk gloves on her hands. On her feet she'll wear high heeled shoes.
I think she'll look perfectly.
T: I have got a picture for group 2.. Use Present Continuous Tense. What is he wearing ?What is he doing now?
T: I have got a picture for group 3. Use Past Simple Tense. Last winter was very frosty. What did the children wear? What did they do?
P:Last winter when it was cold the children wore woolen sweater and warm trousers, a fur jacket, a fur cap on my head, warm mittens on my hands. On my feet I wore high boot
4.Work in groups.
T: And now imagine that you are going at two-day hike you'll live in a camp in a tent.
You may take only one thing with you:
- jacket and jeans.
- a gown
- a mini-skirt
Make up an advertisement and use these words on the blackboard :
- to feel very comfortable;
- to protect somebody from;
- to keep warm;
- not to live a day without;
- to compare something with...;
- to be the most necessary thing on a hike.
Example:(ответы учеников)
Group 1 (jeans and jacket)
We think that jeans and a jacket are the most comfortable clothes or
a hike. You feel very comfortable in jeans. You can do everything you
like-climb trees and mountains, run and jump, play different games,
lie on the ground near the fire. They keep you warm and protect you
from mosquitoes. Wear jeans and jacket and you'll look very smart
and have no problems.
Group2 ( a gown)
A gown is a very important thing on a hike. Without this piece of clothes you cannot live a day in a forest. At first it will make you warm, when the weather is bad. When you are going to bad, you can put the gown under your head like a pillow. A gown has pockets; you can put there many things, such as socks, tights, gloves and so on. Take a gown when you go hiking and you won't be sorry.
Group3 A mini-skirt):
We are sure that a mini-skirt is the most comfortable piece of clothing on a hike. It is very light, short. It takes a little room. You wouldn't be hot in a mini-skirt. It is very comfortable. Besides, you look very beautiful in it. You can dance with your friends! and do many other things wearing a mini-skirt is the only necessary thing on a hike!
8.Role play.
Make up dialogues at the shop,
You should use I would like
Would you like....?
"At the Clothes department"
Role l.You are a customer in a shop. You want to buy a suit.
Ask the shop-assistant to help you choose one.
Role 2. You are a shop- assistant. The customer wants to buy a
suit. Help him.
Be polite and patient. SH: Good morning , sir. C: Good morning.
Could you give me some advice?
SH: Yes, of course. What would you like? C: I would like a smart suit.
SH: What size are you?
C: 42.
SH: What about this one?
C: I would like to try it on. Where is the fitting room?
SH: Over there.
C: It fits my shoes. What is the price of it?
SH: 100 dollars.
C: It's really cheap. I'll take it.
SH: Thank you! Good buy.
C: Good buy.
2.Role play "At the Footwear Department "
Rolel. You are a customer at the footwear department. You
want to buy shoes. Ask the shop-assistant to help you choose a
Role2. You are a shop-assistant. The customer wants to buy
Shoes. Ask him (or her) size, help him. Be polite.
SH: Good morning, miss.
C: Good morning.
SH: What kind of shoes would you like?
C: I would like sports shoes.
SH: What about these white trainers?
C: As you see I have rather small size.
SH: I see, try them on.
C: They are very comfortable. What are the price of them?
SH: 50 dollars.
C: They are too expensive for me, but I'll take them.
SH: Very well. Here you are .
C: Thank you, good buy.
SH: Any time.
T: You are exciting . That's enough.
9. Демонстрация одежды
P: Dear guests! We are glad to see you at our show!
Sveta you are welcome!
Show us a piece of clothing.
This is a pink dress for a young girl.
It is long made of silk and nylon
Suits Juliya very well
She looks very beautiful in it.
You can wear this lovely dress
At birthday party or a disco at school
Put it on and you will look very smart in it!
T:Vlad now it is your turn. The grey light trousers suit is made of cotton. You can wear a T-shirt, a vest with it. I think Misha likes trousers suit It is necessary piece of clothing in summer days. You won't be hot in it. Trousers suit suits Misha well. Thank you for attention.
T: Next model is "Leather jacket"
This leather jacket is good for teenagers.
It has two colours red and black.
It is decorated with lots of signs and pockets.
You can wear it in spring and in autumn.
In my opinion Ruslan looks trendy in it.
Thank you for attention.
T: Good job. I knew you could do it.
9. Discussion.
T: Do you know what your parents wore 16 years ago?
P: I know my father wore a leather jacket and leather trousers with a lot of
metal decorations.
P2:1 saw at the picture my mother wore a striped T-shirt, colored trousers .
Her hair were purple. She wore big rings in her ears and many colored
plastic bracelets on her hands. In my opinion she looked very funny.
T What is your attitude to fashion today?
P. Today there is no one fashion. People choose clothes to suit their personality!
and lifestyle.
T. What does it mean to be fashionable?
To be fashionable means....
P1: -to wear expensive clothes
P2:- to wear jewellery and other valuables
P3:- to use a lot of make-up
P4: to have a tattoo...,
T:O.K. Do you think that fashion is important?
A girl: All my classmates say that I'm trendy. I enjoy wearing stylish clothes. I ,
like to look smart and attractive. When you are up with fashion you feel you're '
an individual.
A boy: I don't care what other people wear. My mum says that only the rich can
Afford following fashion and wearing trendy clothes. I prefer casual things:
jeans, T-shirt, homemade sweaters.
T: And what do you think you are in or out of fashion?
P1: I'm in fashion.
P2:I'm out of fashion.
P3:1 don't mind.
P4:1 don't care...
T: Have you ever wondered what we'll wear in the future?
What fashion will be, for example, in 2200?
P1: In the year 2200 we'll all wear electronic clothes with microchips in them so
that we can talk to our friends. Our clothes will be very light and cool to protect,
us from the strong sun. We'll go cybershopping for clothes.
P2:1 think that in year 2200 there won't be much water so when clothes get
dirty people will throw away.
People will buy their clothes on the internet, not in the shops. It will be great.
P3: In the future every one will wear shoes because they won't to walk in all
rubbish in the streets. People will wear breathing masks to protect themselves
from air pollution and protect themselves from the sun.
- Homework. (Draw clothes of 22 century)
- Summarizing the lesson
- T: Thank you for your work.
- What have you done at the lesson? We have played games, have made up dialogues, have described clothes, I have read the text, have made advertisement.
T What is your attitude to fashion today?
PI. Today there is no one fashion. People choose clothes to suit their personality!
and lifestyle.
T. What does it mean to be fashionable?
To be fashionable means....
PI: -to wear expensive clothes
P2:- to wear jewellery and other valuables
P3:- to use a lot of make-up
P4: to have a tattoo...,
T:O.K. Do you think that fashion is important?
A girl: All my classmates say that I'm trendy. I enjoy wearing stylish clothes. I ,
like to look smart and attractive. When you are up with fashion you feel you're '
an individual.
A boy: I don't care what other people wear. My mum says that only the rich can
Afford following fashion and wearing trendy clothes. I prefer casual things:
jeans, T-shirt, homemade sweaters.
T: And what do you think you are in or out of fashion?
PI: I'm fashion.
P2:I'm out of fashion.
P3:1 don't mind.
P4:1 don't care...
T: Have you ever wondered what we'll wear in the future?
What fashion will be, for example, in 2200?
PI: In the year 2200 we'll all wear electronic clothes with microchips in them so
that we can talk to our friends. Our clothes will be very light and cool to protect,
us from the strong sun. We'll go cybershopping for clothes.
P2:1 think that in year 2200 there won't be much water so when clothes get
dirty people will throw away.
People will buy their clothes on the internet, not in the shops. It will be great.
P3: In the future every one will wear shoes because they won't to walk in all
rubbish in the streets. People will wear breathing masks to protect themselves
from air pollution and protect themselves from the sun.
3aKJiioHHTejibHafl nacTb ypoKa
- Homework. (Draw clothes of 22 century)
- Summarizing the lesson
- T: Thank you for your work. I think you can talk about clothes and fashion.
- What have you done at the lesson? We have played games, have made up dialogues, have described clothes, j have read the text, have made advertisement.
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