разработки уроков , составленные пособия
методическая разработка по английскому языку (10 класс) по теме

Никитина Наталья Юрьевна

Уроки разработаны  к УМК Миллениум , пособия помогают учителям разнообразить материал для чтения младших школьников и подготовиться к урокам-тестам


Предварительный просмотр:

Investigation in progress ( investigation cards)

1 Complete the phrase;” Love books. They….”…

2 Read the text  and  use some pieces  of information

for the  notice board “ Wanted”

The famous English writer Roald Dahl  was born in llandaff, Southern Wales in the Norwegian family. His father Herald  imigrated  for Great Britain  and named his son Roald  after the Norwegian explorer Amundsen.His father died early and his mother Sophia had to live alone with six children. The boy grew very tall and  

talented  in  cricket  and swimming. When the boy was 13, his  family moved to Kent ( England). After finishing  a college  he was sent to  explore Newfoundland

with other students. There he started another serious hobby of his- photographing.

The boy preferred the career of a businessman to a career of a scientist. After 2-year study in   «Shell» company he was sent to Africa  as a staff member.

  In Africa he published his first story . In the time of the Second World War he served in the Royal Aircraft Forces as a pilot , was seriously wounded  and sent to the USA  to work in the embassy. His literary career began in that country. His stories of 70s  were awarded  the prize  of the best American author( 1980)

His favourite TV program was the News, his favourite music was composed by Beethoven,  the most popular books of his- Boy, Going Solo, Matilda, The Twits, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.

He died in Oxford and was buried  in the graveyard  of  St. Peter and St. Paul church with the Viking  ceremonies : with his favourite objects – chocolate sweets and pencils.

September,13 -    the World Day of Roald Dahl.

  1.  What have you learnt about this person?

Use information for the board.



Place and date of birth


Personal characteristics



  1.  The fiction writer Roald Dahl  was popular for  unusual tales that could be named “ crime stories “. One of them is” Little Red Riding Hood and the Wolf ‘.

Some evidence  to the story:

A decent meal-плотный обед

Grin- оскал

Bite- кусать


To wail-визжать

Enough- достаточно

To yelp- рычать

Leer-косой взгляд

Furry – пушистый


 To flicker- моргать

To whip-вытащить внезапно

Knickers- короткие штанишки

To aim at- нацелиться

5 Read the tale to do the tasks below:

As soon as wolf began to feel

That he would like a decent meal

He went and knocked Grandma’s door

When Grandma opened , she saw

The sharp white teeth , the horrid grin.

And Wolfie said « May I come in?”

Poor Grandma was terrified ,

“ he’s going to eat me up!” she cried.

And she was absolutely right .

He ate her up in one big bite .

But Granny was too small and tough,

And Wolfie wailed ,  “That’s not enough!

I haven’t yet began to feel

That I have had a decent meal!”

He ran around the  kitchen yelping ,

“ I’ve got another helping “.

The added with a frightful leer,

“ I’m therefore going to wait right here,

Till Little miss Red Riding Hood

Comes home from walking in the wood!”

He quickly put on Grandma clothes ,

{ of course he hadn’t eaten those}.

He dressed himself in coat and hat .

He puts on shoes and after that

He even brushed and curled his hair ,

Then sat himself in Grandma’s chair.

In came the little girl in red .

She stopped.She stared.And then she sat.

-What great big ears you’ve got, Grandma!

- All the better to hear you with,” the Wolf replied.

-What great big eyes you have Grandma”,

Said Little Red Riding Hood.

  • All the better to see you with”, the Wolf replied.

         He sat there watching her and smiled.

     He thought:” I’m going to eat this child.

  • Compared with  her old Grandma
  • She’s gonna taste like caviar’.

      Then Little Red Riding Hood said,” but Grandma,

  • What a lovely great furry coat you have on!”.
  • “ That’s wrong!”, cried Wolf.” Have you forgot
  • To tell me what BIG TEETH I’ve got?”
  • Ah, well, no matter what you say,
  • I’m gonna eat you anyway”.

          The small girl smiles . One eyelid flickers,

           She whips a pistol from her knickers.

          She aims it on the creatures’head

          And bang, bang, bang  , she shoots him dead.

           A few weeks later , in the wood ,

            I came  across Miss Riding Hood .

            But what a change !  No cloak of red ,

             No silly hood upon her head .

           She said:” Hello, and do , please, note,

            My lovely furry WOLFSKIN COAT”.

  1. Let’s investigate who is the criminal in the story.

You are to prove who commited a crime in the story . We have 3 groups  :  the wolf defendants, the Red Riding Hood defendants, independent defendants.


  1. Group 1 : wolf defendants

A} Using the crime diagram  define the setting of a story 

B}  Match the sentences: ( using your deduction)

Red Riding Hood was sure    Wolf could have killed  her


She understood                         he might have been hungry


C) Say a few words for your character

find as many adjectives as you can  to show how strong  and hungry the wild animal was  and give facts


  1. Give evidence to the case :

       Report the following:

    Wolf said:” I’d like a decent meal”

    He politely asked:” May I come in?”


E)Your final speech :

     Try to defend your character saying smth. positive about him.

never hurt wild animals

what to do if a wild animal is hungry

protect wildlife, be a member of Greenpeace org.

F)Tell about the idea of a tale in the form of some literary janre( a diary, a news, a letter of complaint):

G) Present your own story for the Crime Story Almanac.( read it aloud one after another)

     Group 2  :  Red Riding Hood defendants

  1. using the crime diagram  describe what happened and give details of what happened

  1. match the sentences ( using your deduction)

     Wolf was so angry                     he  might have eaten Granny

      Grandma was so terrified          she could have died of it.

c) Say a few words for your character

find as many adjectives as you can to show that the girl  was so brave and nice to get rid of a wolf  and give facts.

 d} Report the following :

The girl said:’ what great big ears , you have , Grandma.”

She said:” Hello, and do please note my lovely furry wolfskin coat”.

e)Your final speech

 try to defend your character , say smth. Positive about her.

little girls are brave and can protect their relatives

want to be in fashion – think of an idea

read fairy tales to know the end

f) Tell about the idea of a tale  in the form of some literary janre ( a diary, a news report, a letter of complaint):

g) Present your own story for Crime Story Almanac.

     ( read it one after another)

Group 3 : Independent defendants

  1. using the crime diagram  investigate the case with false fairy tale statements:

1 Little Red Riding Hood lived with her mother, father and brother in a big city.

2 She went to visit her grandparents who lived in the village in two storied house.

3 She met a lot of animals in the forest.

4 Mr.Fox wanted to eat her.

5 Red Riding Hood came to grandmother’s house and killed the wolf.


  1. Report the following:
  1. Little Red Riding Hood :” I want to see my dear Granny”.

  1. Wolf to Little Red Riding Hood:” You’ve forgotten to say about my big teeth”.

c) Make your final speech showing that nobody is in fault in the case with the help of phrases:

on one hand……

but on the other hand…….



     That’s why


   c} report the story  in the form of some literary janre( a news report, a diary, a letter of complaint)

d)Present your own story for Crime Story Almanac

8 Relaxation

Reflection Grid

How well I understand the idea

What difficulties I have got: vocabulary



Am I  happy to be in the group?

What is my result in the discussion?


Предварительный просмотр:

Предварительный просмотр:

Предварительный просмотр:

Предварительный просмотр:

Предварительный просмотр:

Урок  -презентация по теме « Рождество для всех»

( 10 – 11 класс  для любого УМК)

Урок  проводится с элементами технологии критического мышления,

информационно-коммуникативной, личностно ориентированной.

Цели урока :

  1. 1  развитие устных и письменных речевых навыков по теме празднования  Рождества в России и рождественских посланий
  2. 2 пополнение словарного запаса по теме
  3. 3 развитие умений в чтении ( с общим охватом и в деталях)
  4. 4 обучение компетентности в написании почтовой открытки , ее дизайна
  5. 5 познакомить с традициями написания почтовой открытки в Британии
  6. 6 тренировка грамматических умений ( поиск  ошибок в контексте)
  7. 7 развитие навыков критического мышления
  8. 8 воспитание  положительного отношения

к  празднику Рождества  в мире , уважения и внимания к друг другу

9 музыкальное воспитание учащихся

Оборудование урока:

1 презентация D:\школьные док-ты\рождество\Christmas in Russia.pptx

2  фильм  « Рождественские открытки»D:\школьные док-ты\рождество\фильм рождественские открытки.rar

3 распечатки  текстов рождественской песни  и  традиций православного рождества

4  форматы  открыток для заполнения

5 презентация  История русской рождественской открытки

6  рождественские кэролы  : Тихая ночь, Колокольчики, Счастлмвого Рождества ( фонозаписи)

7  полоски с текстами рождественского послания

8 разноцветная бумага  для оформления группы ( лейбл стола ) и распечатки открытки

Ход урока :

Виды заданий ., речь учителя

№ слайда

Режим работы


1 Вступительное слово учителя  ( стадия вызова )

Что мы знаем  о Рождестве ?

Работа с цитатой  

We are having a wonderful time- Christmas-tide. What do you know about it ?

Ch.Dickens appreciated it very much, he wrote …………How  do you  understand his words?

2   Работа со словарем урока

Here are words that we need in our class today to discuss this festival . Let’s match equivalents .    

3  личностное отношение к празднику

How do you understand this quotation by Dickens?

4 знакомство с историей рождественского гимна


Every festival is accompanied by the music  to make it more emotional . For this wonderful festival was composed the hymn

Let’s listen world- popular Christmas song

You’ve got some prints of lyrics  to understand its idea.

( после прослушивания)

What do you feel while listening to it?  

5  Знакомство с традициями рождественских посланий в Британии, выполнение грамматического задания

British people like sending Christmas  cards  to each other

Read about  their types  and find 10 mistakes in the text .

Who is the fastest? You have 3 minutes. While doing your task you’ll  hear another Christmas carol.

6Знакомство с проблемной ситуацией

Here’s a letter from Diana ( читается текст  письма)

 Our task is to give an answer to help Diana   in a format of a Christmas card but with some tips for her ). First, let’s recall what we know about our Christmas traditions


Развитие навыков чтения и речевых на базе прочитанного

Answer the questions and put  the events in the correct order


8 Работа над рождественским посланием Диане

On tables you have some

samples  for you  sending with printed wishes , stripes of  it that you shoud place  in the correct order  to complete your card . If you have some problems with your sending consult  the text in your  information bags

While you are working you’l l hear the third Christmas carol

9Контроль послания

 What are you going to send to Diana?

10Аудирование и беседа с классом

 Знакомство с историей рождественских посланий в России

11 Синквейн

Express your attitude  to  this festival  in this form .

For example, look here.

Try to make your own one.

12 Let’s  finish our class today  saying  what you think about when you hear  Christmas.


Слайд №3, 4

Слайд № 5

( 2 min)

Слайд №6

(1-2 min)

Слайд №7,8

( 5 min)

Слайд № 9, 10

( 5 min)

Слайд № 11

( 1 min)

Слайд № 12-18

Слайд №19

( 3-4 min)

( 2 min)

Слайд № 20 -23

( 4 min)

Слайд №21

( 3 min)


( 4 min)






Gr –Gr---Gr


Gr   Gr    gr

P--- Сl



Презентация, словари учащихся



Распечатка текста песни( русская .английская версия)


Презентация, распечатка



Презентация, распечатка




Полоски с текстом

Готовые работы



Используемые источники:

1 Материалы презентации Митюгиной Татьяны  Геннадиевны

МОУ  Кокинская СОШ Брянской области

2   http://fotki.yandex.ru 

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разработки уроков , составленные пособия

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разработки уроков , составленные пособия

Уроки разработаны  к УМК Миллениум , пособия помогают учителям разнообразить материал для чтения младших школьников и подготовиться к урокам-тестам...

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