Рабочая программа по английскому языку для 3 класса к УМК И.Н. Верещагиной, Т.А. Притыкиной
рабочая программа (английский язык) по теме
В рабочую программу вошли следующие аспекты:
1. пояснительная записка
2. цели, задачи, основные принципы обучения
3.общая хар-ка учебного предмета
4. речевая компетенция
5.языковая компетенция
6.требования к уровню знаний и умений
7.содержание программы учебного предмета
8. календарный план
9.контроль уровня обученности (примерные задания)
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Предварительный просмотр:
Государственное общеобразовательное учреждение средняя общеобразовательная школа №606 с углублённым изучением английского языка г. Пушкин
ПРИНЯТО: от «___» ______________________2012г. | УТВЕРЖДАЮ: Директор ГОУ средняя общеобразовательная школа №606 с углубленным изучением английского языка _________________ М.М. Шмулевич «____»________________2012г. |
Рабочая программа
английский язык, 3 класс,
начальное общее образование, углублённое изучение
Составители : Зюбанова О.А.
Пикунова А.А
Филиппова Т.Р
г. Пушкин, 2012
Пояснительная записка к рабочей программе для 3 класса.
Рабочая программа для учащихся 3 класса государственного общеобразовательного учреждения средней общеобразовательной школы №606 с углублённым изучением английского языка г. Пушкина (далее ГОУ СОШ №606) по английскому языку составлена на основе следующих программ:
1. Программа общеобразовательных учреждений. Английский язык. Школа с углубленным изучением иностранных языков. 2-4 классы. – М.: Просвещение, 2007.
2. О.В. Афанасьева. И.В.Михеева Н.В.Языкова, Английский язык. Программы образовательных учреждений II – XI классы. Пособие для учителей общеобразовательных учреждений и школ с углублённым изучением английского языка. - М.: Просвещение, 2010.
Программа соответствует федеральному компоненту стандарта образования первой ступени обучения в школах с углубленным изучением английского языка, базисному учебному плану ГОУ СОШ №606 с углубленным изучением английского языка, рассчитанному на шестидневную учебную неделю и разработанному на основе Базисного учебного плана общеобразовательных учреждений РФ 2004 года. В учебном плане на этой ступени заложены условия углубленного изучения английского языка. В соответствии с ФБУП-2004 и Примерным учебным планом 1998 г. со 2-го класса введен курс «Английский язык» при делении классов на 3 группы.
За счёт часов регионального компонента выделен дополнительный час на учебный предмет «Английский язык». В 3 классе преподавание английского языка осуществляется при 4 часах в неделю. За 2012-2013 учебный год планируется провести 140 уроков. Основная цель обучения английскому языку как первому иностранному языку в ГОУ СОШ №606 с углубленным изучением английского языка — развитие у школьников способностей использовать иностранный язык как инструмент межкультурного общения в сфере школьного и послешкольного образования.
В основу работы на начальном этапе обучения положен принцип устного опережения. Обучение английскому языку строится по УМК: Верещагина И.Н. Притыкина Т.А. Учебно-методический комплект для 3 класса школ с углублённым изучением английского языка, лицеев, гимназий, колледжей.- М.: Просвещение, 2011 (книга для учителя, книга для чтения, рабочая тетрадь, звуковое пособие).
Формирование межкультурной компетенции как компетенции особой природы, основанной на знаниях и умениях, способности осуществлять межкультурное общение посредством создания общего для коммуникантов значения происходящего и достигать в итоге позитивного для обеих сторон результата общения.
Создание условий для ранней коммуникативно-психологической адаптации школьников к новому языковому миру, отличному от мира родного языка и культуры, и для преодоления в дальнейшем психологического страха в использовании ИЯ как средства коммуникации в современном мире;
Ознакомление с зарубежным детским песенным, стихотворным и сказочным фольклором и развитие у учащихся интереса к участию в театрализованных представлениях на ИЯ, представление ИЯ как ключа в новый мир игр и приключений;
Развитие у детей коммуникативно-игровых способностей проигрывать ситуации семейного и школьного общения, общение со школьниками и взрослыми на английском языке и формирование представлений об общих и отдельных чертах «азбуки вежливости» на родном и иностранном языках,
Создание условий билингвистического развития детей с раннего школьного возраста.
Основные принципы обучения:
личностно-ориентированный характер обучения
соблюдение деятельностного характера обучения
приоритет коммуникативной цели в обучении
сбалансированное обучение устным и письменным формам общения
дифференцированный подход
аутентичность материала
социокультурная направленность
широкое использование современных технологий обучения
Общая характеристика учебного предмета
Обучение английскому языку с помощью УМК для общеобразовательных учреждений и школ с углубленным изучением английского языка осуществляется на трех этапах: в начальной школе (2-4 классы), основной общеобразовательной школе (5-9 классы) и старшей общеобразовательной школе (10-11 классы).
Каждый из этапов имеет свои особенности. В основу работы на начальном этапе обучения положены принципы устной основы обучения и устного опережения.
На первом этапе происходит формирование произносительных, лексических, грамматических навыков на базе достаточного ограниченного лексического и грамматического материала. Лексика преимущественно носит конкретный характер. Значительное место занимает работа над артикуляцией звуков, звукосочетаний, интонационных моделей утверждения, общего и специального вопросов. В процессе формирования навыков происходит становление механизмов восприятия и порождения речи в ходе решения простых речевых задач – запрос и сообщение информации, подтверждение, побуждение.
Наряду с лексическими и грамматическими навыками в аудировании и говорении формируются навыки в чтении и письме. Большое внимание уделяется формированию навыков техники чтения, обучению правилам чтения. Уже в 3 классе большое место занимает чтение про себя с целью извлечения основной информации (ознакомительное чтение).
Письмо выступает преимущественно как средство обучения лексике и грамматике. В процессе обучения письму в основном акцент делается на его технической стороне - обучении графике слов и их орфографии.
Таким образом, во II-IV классах формируется элементарная коммуникативная компетенция, закладываются основы практического владения языком в различных видах речевой деятельности. Учащиеся получают первые представления о странах изучаемого языка (Великобритании, Лондоне, США, открытии Америки X. Колумбом, Вашингтоне), расширяются знания о России, символике государства, Москве. Учащиеся также овладевают базовыми учебными навыками, приёмами работы с учебником, рабочей тетрадью, звуковым пособием, приёмами работы в парах/группах, фронтальной устной тренировки в достаточно быстром темпе. В результате изучения английского языка в начальной школе данные УМК предполагают овладение учащимися уровнем А1 "Выживание" и А2 "Допороговый" согласно системе уровней, установленных Советом Европы.
Речевая компетенция
Виды речевой деятельности
Восприятие и понимание речи учителя, одноклассников и других собеседников; восприятие и понимание аудиозаписей ритуализированных диалогов, небольших по объёму монологических высказываний, коротких объявлений на повседневные темы, детских песен, рифмовок, стишков; понимание основного содержания небольших детских сказок, видеофильмов и мультфильмов на знакомые темы, детских телепередач с опорой на языковую и контекстуальную догадку.
Диалогическая речь
Участие в диалоге этикетного характера — умение приветствовать и отвечать на приветствие, знакомиться, представляться, вежливо прощаться, поздравлять и благодарить за поздравление, извиняться, вежливо начинать и заканчивать разговор, соблюдая нормы поведения (правила вежливости), принятые в стране изучаемого языка.
Участие в диалоге-расспросе (одностороннем, двустороннем) - умение расспрашивать «кто?», «что?», «где?», когда?», «куда?».
Участие в диалоге-побуждении к действию - умение обращаться с просьбой, вежливо переспрашивать, выражать согласие / отказ, приглашать к действию / взаимодействию и соглашаться / не соглашаться, принимать / не принимать в нём участие, просить о помощи, просить собеседника пояснить (повторить и объяснить) то, что он сказал.
Монологическая речь
Составление небольших монологических высказываний: рассказ о себе, своём друге, семье; называние предметов, их описание; описание картинки; сообщение о местонахождении; описание персонажа и изложение основного содержания прочитанного с опорой на текст; пересказ содержания несложной истории; изложение содержания мультфильма или детского видеофильма, детской книги и своего отношения к ним (нравится/не нравится); рассказ о своих планах, целях, надеждах, объяснение в краткой форме своих поступков.
Чтение вслух
Чтение вслух и понимание небольших текстов, построенных на изученном языковом материале, с соблюдением правильного ударения в словах, фразах; смысловое ударение в предложениях и небольших текстах; интонация различных типов предложений (утверждение, различные виды вопросов, побуждение, восклицание); выразительное и фонетически правильное чтение текстов монологического характера и диалогов.
Чтение про себя
Чтение про себя и понимание текстов, построенных на изученном языковом материале, а также несложных текстов, содержащих единичные незнакомые слова, о значении которых можно догадаться по контексту или на основе языковой догадки; понимание и выделение основных смыслов и главной идеи текстов, отрывков или целого рассказа, сказки (ознакомительное чтение); нахождение в уже прочитанном тексте необходимой информации (просмотровое чтение); чтение и понимание простых кулинарных рецептов, стихов, считалок и рифмовок, основного содержания комиксов, простейших инструкций, вывесок и указателей на улицах, на вокзале, в ресторане; чтение и понимание вопросов анкеты, формуляров, связанных с именем, возрастом, местом жительства; чтение и умение найти необходимую информацию в меню, расписании, объявлении.
Письмо и письменная речь
Овладение графическими и орфографическими навыками написания букв, буквосочетаний, слов, предложений; списывание слов, предложений, небольших текстов с образца; выполнение лексико-грамматических упражнений; написание различных видов диктантов; написание вопросов плана прочитанного текста; написание ответов на вопросы к тексту.
Написание с опорой на образец поздравлений, коротких личных писем-приглашений или писем-благодарностей, написание короткого и простого рассказа, записки для передачи сообщения о местонахождении, описания места, предметов, событий, используя простые предложения; заполнение анкеты с указанием имени, фамилии, гражданства, места жительства, занятия, увлечения.
Языковая компетенция
Языковые знания и навыки оперирования ими
Графика и орфография
Знание всех букв английского алфавита, порядка их следования в алфавите, основных буквосочетаний, звукобуквенных соответствий, транскрипции; знание основных правил чтения и орфографии; знание основных орфограмм слов английского языка; написание слов, предназначенных для продуктивного усвоения, по памяти.
Фонетическая сторона речи
Адекватное с точки зрения принципа аппроксимации произношение и различение на слух всех звуков и звукосочетаний английского языка; соблюдение норм произношения долгота и краткость гласных, отсутствие оглушения звонких согласных в конце слога и слова, отсутствие смягчения согласных перед гласными, ударение в слове, фразе, отсутствие ударения на служебных словах (артиклях, союзах, предлогах), членение предложений на синтагмы (смысловые группы); знание ритмико-интонационных особенностей повествовательного, побудительного и вопросительного (общий и специальный вопросы) предложений.
Лексическая сторона
1. Объём лексического материала в 3 классе составляет более 700 единиц, из них 200-250 новых лексических единиц для продуктивного усвоения.
2. Основные словообразовательные средства:
- деривационная модель Num + -th для образования порядковых числительных (seventh,eleventh.);
-деривационная модель Аdj + -1у для образования наречий (quickly,badly,slowly);
-деривационная модель Аdj+N+-еа для образования сложных прилагательных (long-legged);
-модель Аdj+N для образования сложных имён существительных (Grandfather,basketball).
3. Наиболее частотные лексические единицы конкретной семантики.
4. Устойчивые словосочетания (to read to oneself).
5. Фразовые глаголы (to come back, to come in, to fall down, to look after).
6. Речевые клише:
- формулы речевого этикета (I’m sorry, I’m fine, Poor thing, Merry Christmas, Happy New Year);
- фразы повседневного обихода (Come on! Oh, dear! I’d love to! What’s the matter?).
Грамматическая сторона
I. Морфология
1. Имя существительное
-одушевлённые и неодушевлённые имена существительные; исчисляемые и неисчисляемые имена существительные
-специфические формы образования множественного числа имён существительных (wife-wives, tooth-teeth,child-children)
-особенности правописания существительных во множественном числе (leaves, countries)
-использование артикля в устойчивых словосочетаниях (to have an idea, to go for a walk)
-использование определённого артикля с именами существительными, обозначающими уникальные явления природы (the sun, the moon)
2. Имя прилагательное
-положительная, сравнительная и превосходная степени сравнения имён прилагательных:
а) суффиксальный способ образования степеней сравнения односложных прилагательных (cold - colder - the coldest), орфографические особенности прилагательных в сравнительной и превосходной степенях (big – bigger - the biggest)
б) аналитический способ образования степеней сравнения многосложных прилагательных (beautiful - more beautiful - the most beautiful)
в) супплетивные формы образования сравнительной и превосходной степеней сравнения прилагательных (good – better - the best, bad – worse - the worst)
-прилагательные much, many и синонимичные единицы для выражения множественности.
3. Местоимение
-неопределённые местоимения (everybody, anybody, somebody)
- отрицательные местоимения (по, nobody,nothing)
4. Наречия
-наречия, оформленные суффиксом -1у как прототипические наречия современного английского языка;
-супплетивные формы образования наречий (well-better-the best)
5. Имя числительное
-количественные числительные от 13 до 200; особенности числительных, обозначающих десятки, и использование числительных в датах.
6. Глагол
-временные формы Past Simple в утвердительных, отрицательных предложениях и вопросах различных типов; правильные и неправильные глаголы; особенности правописания правильных глаголов (skip-skipped);
-глагол tо bе в Past Indefinite (was-were);
-сопоставление Present Simple и Past Simple маркеры Past Simple (yesterday,last,ago etc.);
-временные формы Future Simple в утвердительных, отрицательных предложениях и вопросах различных типов; маркеры Future Simple (tomorrow, next week, next year etc.);
-структуры there is,there are, there was, there were в утверждениях, отрицаниях и вопросах.
1. Повелительное наклонение для выражения просьб, приказаний, приглашений, запрещений. Отрицательная форма предложений в повелительном наклонении (Don't stand up! Don't give it to me.)
2. Предложения с Let’s в отрицательной форме (Let us Let’s not go there)
Требования к уровню знаний и умений, которыми должен владеть учащийся.
В результате изучения английского языка в 3 классе ученик должен знать/понимать:
- алфавит, буквы, основные буквосочетания, звуки английского языка;
- основные правила чтения и орфографии английского языка;
- интонацию основных типов предложений (утверждение, общий, специальный вопросы, побуждение к действию);
- названия стран изучаемого языка, их столиц;
- имена наиболее известных персонажей детских литературных произведений стран изучаемого языка;
- наизусть рифмованные произведения детского фольклора.
Ученик должен уметь:
- понимать на слух речь учителя, одноклассников;
- понимать аудиозаписи коротких ритуализированных диалогов, начитанных носителями языка;
- понимать основное содержание небольших по объёму монологических высказываний, детских песен, рифмовок, стихов;
- понимать основное содержание небольших детских сказок с опорой на картинки, языковую догадку.
Диалогическая речь
- учавствовать в элементарном этикетном диалоге (знакомство, поздравление, благодарность, приветствие, прощание);
- утвердительно отвечать на вопрос, используя все типы простого предложения;
- возражать, используя отрицательные предложения;
- выражать вежливую просьбу с помощью побудительных предложений и слова please;
- положительно/отрицательно реагировать на просьбу, пожелание, используя речевые клише;
- выражать мнение, оценочное суждение (It's interesting. How interesting. Fine. Great. I like it.);
- целенаправленно вести диалог-расспрос, интервью;
- вести двусторонний диалог-расспрос, задавая простые вопросы «кто?», «что?», «где?», «когда?», «куда?», и переходить с позиции спрашивающего на позицию сообщающего.
Монологическая речь
- кратко рассказывать о себ, своей семье, своём друге;
- описывать предмет, картинку, фотографию;
- излагать основное содержание прочитанного или прослушанного текста.
- читать вслух текст, построенный на изученном материале, соблюдая правила произношения и соответствующую интонацию;
- читать про себя и понимать основное содержание небольших текстов;
- полностью, детально понимать содержание текстов, целиком построенных на изученном языковом материале;
- читать про себя, полностью понимать несложные тексты, содержащие отдельные незнакомые слова, о значении которых можно догадаться по контексту или на основе языковой догадки, на основе сходства со словом родного языка, с опорой на словообразовательые элементы, а также используя словарь в учебнике или книге для чтения;
- читать про себя и понимать основное содержание текста, включающего значительное количество незнакомых слов, опираясь на языковую и контекстуальную догадку, англо-русский словарь, опуская незнакомые явления, не мешающие понять основное содержание текста.
- списывать текст на английском языке, выписывать из него или вставлять в него слова, словосочетания и предложения в соответствии с решаемой учебной задачей;
- письменно задавать и отвечать на вопросы;
- выполнять письменные упражнения;
- писать по образцу краткое поздравление (с днём рождения, с Новым годом);
- вести словарь;
- писать короткое личное письмо, записку;
- заполнять анкету.
Ученик должен использовать приобретённые знания и коммуникативные умения в практической деятельности и повседневной жизни для:
- устного общения с носителями английского языка в доступных для учащихся 3 класса пределах, развития дружеских отношений с представителями ангоязычных стран;
- преодоление психологических барьеров в использовании английского языка как средства межкультурного общения;
- ознакомленияс зарубежным детским фольклором и доступными образцами художественной литературы на английском языке;
- более глубокого осмысления родного языка в результате его сопоставления с изучаемым языком.
Содержание обучения включает следующие компоненты:
1. Сферы общения (темы, ситуации, тексты).
Предлагаемые данной программой ситуации являются конкретной реализацией заданного стандартом содержания образования по английскому языку.
2. Навыки и умения коммуникативной компетенции:
- речевая компетенция (умения аудирования, чтения, говорения, письменной речи);
- языковая компетенция (лексические, грамматические, лингвострановедческие знания и навыки оперирования ими),
- социокультурная компетенция (социокультурные знания и навыки вербального и невербального поведения);
- компенсаторная компетенция (знание приёмов компенсации и компенсаторные умения);
- учебно-познавательная компетенция (общие и специальные учебные навыки, приёмы учебной работы).
Предметное содержание устной и письменной речи
(предметное содержание полностью соответствует Федеральным компонентам государственного стандарта):
Учащимся предлагаются следующие учебные ситуации для повторения:
1. Знакомство, семья, профессия.
2. Игрушки.
3. Животные.
4. Игры.
5. Спорт.
6. Члены семьи.
7. Распорядок дня
Учащимся предлагаются следующие новые учебные ситуации:
1. Еда.
2. Каникулы.
3. Животные, домашние любимцы.
4. Одежда.
5. Времена года.
6. Праздники, отмечаемые в Великобритании.
7. Природа вокруг нас.
Календарный план
№ пп | Наименование раздела и тем | Часы учебного времени | Плановые сроки прохождения |
1 | Повторение | 28 | Сентябрь –октябрь (первая четверть) |
2 | Еда | 20 | Октябрь – ноябрь (первая-вторая четверть) |
3 | Каникулы | 16 | Ноябрь – декабрь (вторая четверть) |
4 | Животные | 28 | Декабрь – февраль (третья четверть) |
5 | Одежда | 18 | Февраль – март (третья четверть) |
6 | Времена года. Праздники, отмечаемые в Великобритании | 17 | Апрель – май (четвертая четверть) |
7 | Природа вокруг нас | Май (четвертая четверть) |
Календарно – тематическое планирование
См. Приложение №1.
Контроль уровня обучения
Этот раздел содержит контрольно-измерительные материалы в виде тематических тестов для учащихся 3 класса. Каждый тест состоит из трёх разделов: лексический тест, грамматический тест, тест по прочитанному тексту. За 2012-2013 учебный год планируется провести 8 тестов.
Round-up lessons
1. Mary is the daughter of my mother. She is my _______.
a) sister, b) daughter c) aunt d) friend
2. The Ivanovs are from Russia. They live in Moscow. They are _________ .
a) Russian b) English c) American d) Russia
3. My sister doesn't go to school. She is _____.
a) a pupil b) ten c) three d) a teacher
4. - How old are you?
- ____________.
a) I'm very old. b) I'm OK. c) I am 9. d) I am fine, thanks
5. - What colour are the toys?
- _________________.
a) They are colours b) They are twelve c) They are nce d) They are blue
6. We go to the ______ to play hockey.
a) swimming pool b) stadium c) sputnik d) home
7. Let's _________!
a) all b) goes c) skip d) he go
8.In winter we usually play _______ in the sports ground
a) skate b) snowballs c) ski d) swimming pool
9. - Do you want to go with us?
- What a pity! __________.
a) I'd love to b) I like it c) With great pleasure d) I can't
10. - Would you like to go to the swimming pool?
- __________ .
a) I'd love to but I can't b) Good-bye! c) I'm fine, thanks d) What a pity!
1. My grandmother _______ 55.
a) am b) are c) is d) aren't
2. My aunt and my uncle are _________.
a) cosmonauts b) America c) a teacher d) Africa
3. The Smiths _________ in London.
a) lives b) live c) doesn't live d) don't lives
4. Mary _____ want to be a driver.
a) don't b) does c) - d) does not
5. Liz ______ many toys.
a) don't have b) have got c) has got d) doesn't got
6. Where _____ you from?
a) do b) is c) are d) am
7. What _____ your sister want to be?
a) are b) does c) do d) is
8. We like _____ football.
a) to play b) play c) not play d) plays
9. ______ colour are the balls?
a) When b) What c) Who d) Why
10. ______ see those big dogs?
a) You can b) Are you c) Can you d) You
The Whites are a family of four. They are Mr. White, Mrs. White, their son Bob an daughter Mary. The Whites are from America. They live in a small town.
Mr. White is a teacher. He teaches English to little children. He has the pupils. He loves his pupils and they love him too.
Mrs. White does not work. She's got a lot of work at home.
Bob and Mary are eight. They are pupils and go to school where their father works. He teaches them English at school too. Bob wants to be a teacher. But he doesn't want to be an English teacher. Bob wants to be a Sport teacher, he likes sport very much. He has got many friends and they play football and hockey at the sports ground.
Mary doesn't know what she wants to be. She says: “I want to be a driver, no, an engineer, no, a teacher, a pilot, no, a cosmonaut! Yes I want to be a cosmonaut! I want to go to the Moon! (луна)” Her mother says: “What a nice funny girl she is!” But Mary doesn't play with her toys, she doesn't play tag, leap-frog and hide-and-seek with her friends. She wants to be a cosmonaut and she must be a very, very, very good pupil. She starts playing sport games, she plays football, hockey, badminton, she runs and jumps a lot. She wants to be a good cosmonaut! But her Mother and Father are sorry about it.
1. a) Mary White has got a daughter.
b) Bob has got a sister.
c) The Whites are a family of 3.
d) The Whites are a family of 5.
2. a) The Whites live in London.
b) Bob is not 8.
c) The Whites are a small family, they have no children.
d) The Whites are American.
3. a) Bob's mother works at school.
b) Mrs. White is a Sport teacher.
c) Mr. White works at school.
d) The Whites are English teachers.
4. a) Bob is not a pupil.
b) Mary is four and she doesn't go to school.
c) Bob goes to school where his father teaches him English.
d) Mr. White teaches Bob and Mary, he has two pupils at school.
5. a) Bob doesn't want to be an English teacher.
b) Mary wants to be a sport teacher.
c) Bob doesn't want to work at school.
d) Bob hasn't got friends.
6. a) Mary doesn't play football and hockey, she is a girl.
b) Mary doesn't play hide-and-seek with her friends.
c) The Whites are happy, their daughter wants to be a cosmonaut.
d) The Whites want to cosmonauts.
1. What is that _____? She is a driver.
a) boy b) woman c) man d) children
2. Where do you _______?
a) come home b) live c) street d) from
3. My sister has got a nice______.
a) o’clock b) clock c) children d) parents
4. – Can you tell me the time, please?
– ________
a) What a pity! b) Yes, I can. I’m 10. c) It is five. d) We are five.
5. – Excuse me.
– ________
a) Yes, please. b) Yes. c) Thanks. d) With pleasure.
6. I come home at nine o’clock, ______ I go to the swimming pool.
a) there b) their c) then d) but
7. Do you _____ a shower every day?
a) give b) go to c) take d) have
8. I _____ my teeth at eight o’clock.
a) dress b) go c) clean d) take
9. What time do you usually _____ exercises?
a) take b) have c) clean d) do
10. My brother _______ home at 9 o’clock.
a) takes b) comes c) lives d) gets up
1. Can you see those _______?
a) woman b) women c) child d) man
2. I usually get up ______ seven o’clock.
a) on b) – c) in d) at
3. When _____ you get up?
a) is b) does c) do d) ar
4. When does your mother ______ come home _____?
a) is, at b) usually, – c) –, usually d) –, at o’clock
5. – Does your mother come home at 5 o’clock?
– ______
a) No, she has. b) No, she don’t. c) No, she does. d) Yes, she does
6. I like these ______. They are very nice.
a) dress b) woman c) dresses d) child
7. She has got 10 ______.
a) tooth b) tooths c) teeth d) teeths
8. What do you _______ want to do _____?
a) is, now b) do, – c) now, – d) –, now
9. - Where does his family _______?
- It lives in Africa.
a) lives b) from c) – d) live
10. Mike _______ to play tag.
a) like b) likes c) go d) want
Olga Brown is eight years old. She is good English girl and a good pupil but…
Mrs. Brown, Olga’s mother comes into the room and says:
– Olga, please, get up! It’s 7 o’clock. It’s time to get up.
– Oh, Mummy, I don’t want to get up.
– But you must get up because it’s time to go to school.
– OK. But I don’t want to dress.
– You are not a good girl today, Olga. Now, take a shower. And clean you nice white teeth, Olga! I don’t want to… Mr. Brown, Olga’s father comes and says:
– Olga, are you OK?
– I’m OK, but I don’t want to get up, I don’t want to dress, I don’t want to clean my teeth.
–Do you want to do exercises with me now?
Olga likes to do exercises with her father but now… “I don’t want to…” is her answer. Mother and father sit down at the table and say to their daughter: “OK, my dear Olga, sit down and have this nice banana”. Olga’s mother knows that her daughter likes bananas very much. But Olga doesn’t sit down at the table, she says: “I don’t want a banana.” Now Mrs. Brown says, “I understand now. You, nice little girl, are not our daughter Olga. You are Mary Smith. Olga likes to get up, dress, do exercises with her father but you don’t. Go home to your family, little girl!”
But Olga loves her family and doesn’t want to go. She says: “Mummy, it’s me, your daughter. First I clean my teeth and then have that nice yellow banana. Dad, let’s do our exercises then!” She kisses her parents. The Browns family are happy again.
a) Olga is a Russian girl.
b) Olga isn’t a pupil yet, she doesn’t go to school.
c) Olga is a bad pupil.
d) Olga usually gets up at seven o’clock.
a) Olga usually gets up at 10 o’clock.
b) Olga has got nice white teeth.
c) Olga usually takes a shower after school.
d) Olga’s Father doesn’t like to do exercises.
a) Olga hasn’t got bananas at home.
b) Olga doesn’t like to do exercises with her Father.
c) Olga doesn’t want to do exercises.
d) Olga’s Mother gives her three bananas.
a) Olga doesn’t like bananas at all.
b) Olga doesn’t want a banana.
c) Olga has got a sister, her name is Mary.
d) The Browns have got a son.
a) The Browns have got two children.
b) Olga doesn’t love his father.
c) Olga Brown likes to do exercises with Mr. Brown.
d) Mary Smith lives with the Browns.
a) The Browns are a happy family.
b) At the end Mary kisses Olga.
c) Olga Brown eats green bananas. d) Olga Brown is a good American girl.
1. It’s _______. Eat it!
a) an apple b) a ball c) a book d) a swimming pool
2. _______ are not very good for our teeth.
a) Apples b) Sweets c) TV films d) English books
3. I’m sorry, I can’t _______ this banana. It’s bad, it’s green!
a) take b) eat c) wash d) live
4. – Does you Granny like ______ with milk?
-Yes, she does.
a) tea b) cat c) teeth d) shower
5. My Mother usually has coffee with _______ for breakfast.
a) tea b) juice c) bag d) milk
6. How many cups of _______ do you have tea-time?
a) teeth b) porridge c) eggs d) tea
7. My baby-sister is 5 days. She has _______ six times a day.
a) ice-cream b) milk c) coffee d) meat
8. Sam ______ to the stadium with his friends.
a) went b) said c) took d) bought
9. – Pass me the salt, please!
- _______.
a) Here you are b) Not at all. c) I wonder! d) I’d love it.
10. An apple a day keeps the _______ away.
a) teacher b) farmer c) doctor d) friend
1. Yesterday morning Bob ______ his mother about the house.
a) helping b) helps c) help d) helped
2. Every day Mary and Kitty ______ together in the park.
a) played b) are playing c) play d) plays
3. ______ you wash your hands every day?
a) Do b) Does c) Did d) Are
4. I cleaned my teeth in the morning but I didn’t ______ my face.
a) wash b) washed c) washes d) washing
5. You didn’t skate at the stadium _______.
a) today b) yesterday c) now d) every morning
6. ______ you busy now?
a) Are b) Do c) Is d) Did
7. Kitty ______ to school yesterday.
a) goed b) went c) want d) was go
8. When ______ to the stadium?
a) did they go b) did they went c) do they went d) does they go
9. Yesterday I saw you in the Zoo but you didn’t ______ me.
a) saw b) see c) seeing d) not see
10. My father ______ has breakfast at 8 o’clock.
a) now b) every day c) usually d) yesterday
Topic: “FOOD”
One morning Mickey, a nice little monkey, got up at 7 o’clock. But he didn’t want to wash his hands and face, he didn’t want to do exercises, he didn’t want to dress. Rob, an English boy, came in the room and said: “Good morning, Mickey! It is time to get up!”
Mickey loved Rob very much. He said “Good morning!” to him and got up. “Let’s do morning exercises together!” Rob said and saw Mickey’s happy face. They jumped and skipped and ran. They did many exercises that morning! “Good boy, Mickey! Good boy!” said Rob again and again.
Then they came up to the little table and Mickey could see some porridge, four big red apples, two cups of tea and two glasses of apple juice on the table. Mickey and the boy sat down at the table. Mickey could eat with a spoon (ложка) and he could drink from a cup. But that morning he didn’t want to eat with a spoon. He put his spoon under the table. Rob saw it and said to Mickey: “Oh, Mickey, I don’t like it. Take the spoon. You can eat with it. You are a very good and nice and clever monkey. Look at me and take your spoon!” But Mickey didn’t want to do that. He said to Rob: “I don’t want to eat porridge today. It is bad for me. I want to eat two apples and drink a glass of juice. ”
After breakfast Mickey and Rob went for a walk. They liked to go for a walk together.
They went to the stadium and played football. Then Rob said to Mickey: “Let’s go to the swimming pool! I know that you like to swim.” “Oh, no!” said Mickey. “I don’t want … I think I can’t. I want to go home.” “Are you OK?” “I don’t know…” “But I know. You didn’t eat porridge. You didn’t drink milk. You didn’t eat eggs. You want to eat very much. Let’s go home and have breakfast!”
1. a) Mickey and Rob were nice little monkeys
b) Mickey and Rob were good friends.
c) Rob was Mickey’s father.
d) Rob didn’t have a pet.
2. a) Mickey, a nice little monkey, couldn’t do morning exercises.
b) Mickey could run and skip and jump.
c) Rob could run but he couldn’t skip.
d) Rob and Mickey didn’t do morning exercises together.
3. a) Rob couldn’t eat with a spoon.
b) That morning Mickey had porridge for breakfast.
c) That morning Mickey drank milk for breakfast.
d) That morning Mickey had red apples for breakfast.
4. a) Mickey could drink from a spoon.
b) Mickey couldn’t eat with a spoon.
c) Mickey couldn’t drink from a cup.
d) Mickey could drink from a glass.
5. a) Mickey and Rob didn’t eat apples for breakfast.
b) Mickey and Rob liked to go for a walk together.
c) Mickey and Rob didn’t like to eat apples for breakfast.
d) Mickey and Rob didn’t like to swim.
6. a) That morning Mickey didn’t skip.
b) That morning Mickey didn’t play football.
c) That morning Mickey didn’t have breakfast.
d) That morning Mickey didn’t eat porridge for breakfast.
7. a) That day Mickey drank porridge from a spoon.
b) That day Mickey got up at eight o’clock.
c) That day Mickey didn’t get up at nine o’clock
d) That day Rob didn’t do morning exercises.
8. a) Mickey had a pet, a nice English boy Rob.
b) Mickey was a good English boy.
c) Rob saw Mickey’s happy face when it was time to go to the swimming pool.
d) Rob knew Mickey was a clever monkey.
9. a) That day Mickey didn’t do morning exercises.
b) That day Rob didn’t want to eat porridge with a spoon.
c) That day Mickey didn’t want to go to the swimming pool.
d) That day Rob and Mickey didn’t play football.
10. a) Mickey was not clever.
b) Mickey liked to swim.
c) Rob couldn’t play football and he couldn’t do exercises.
d) Mickey had apples and juice for breakfast.
d) A tomato is not a fruit.
1. On holidays people don’t _______.
a) have parties b) work c) visit their friends d) go out
2. Yesterday I had a birthday _______. My friends came to see me.
a) holiday b) breakfast c) day d) party
3. My Grandmother ______ a lot of presents yesterday. It was her birthday.
a) sent b) bought c) got d) gave
4. – Could I speak to Mary, please?
– _________
a) Here you are. b) No, you couldn’t. c) This is Mary. Hello. d) Yes, you could.
5. – Happy birthday to you!
– _________
a) Happy birthday to you! b) Oh, thank you! c) That’s OK! d) Bow-wow!
6. – Where is my book?
– _________
a) There is a book on the table. b) Your book is on the table.
c) My book is here. d) My book is there.
7. – What would you like to get as a birthday present?
– _________
a) I like to get many nice toys. b) I would like to get a computer.
c) There are many presents on the table. d) You would like to get a puppy.
8. – How old are you now?
– _________
a) I’m not old. I am a girl. b) I am 10. c) I am very old. d) It is ten o’clock.
9. I want to _______ a present to my mother. Let’s go to the shop in the evening.
a) celebrate b) send c) buy d) take
10.We wish you a ______ Christmas and a ______ New Year.
a) happy, merry b) funny, lovely c) merry, happy d) funny, sunny
1. Do you like to go ______?
a) to the shopping b) shopping c) to shops d) in the shopping
2. Now there is no ball in the bag, but yesterday there ______ two balls there.
a) was b) are c) were d) is
3. – Were you happy when you got a funny kitten as a present?
– ________
a) No, I was. b) No, I wasn’t. c) Yes, I am. d) Yes, I wasn’t.
4. – What was there on the table?
– ________
a) The apples were red. b) There were red apples on the table.
c) No, they were not. d) The table was there.
5. _______ you celebrate Christmas last year?
a) Do b) Does c) Are d) Did
6. Who _______ me a present every Sunday?
a) sent b) sended c) send d) sends
7. Do you usually have a party _______ your birthday?
a) at b) on c) in d) for
8. _______ a puppy or a kitten under the table?
a) There is b) Is it c) Are there d) Was there
9. It _______ a holiday yesterday and we had a party.
a) had b) was c) is d) were
10. My sister gave me 15 toy-dolls ______ presents.
a) for b) on c) as d) at
Some weeks before Christmas David went shopping. He wanted to buy a Christmas present for his mother. His friends sent Christmas cards to their relatives but he didn’t want to send a card to his mother. His friends made Christmas presents at school but David didn’t want to make a present. He wanted to buy a very, very nice present to his dear Mummy. You know, his father gave David five pounds a week (it was his pocket money) and David put two pounds a week into his money-box. After three months David took twenty pounds out of his money-box and went shopping. He looked and looked for a good present in a small shop, then he went to a big shop.
Late in the evening he saw a beautiful brooch (брошь) in one shop window. It was very nice and looked like a real animal – his favourite pet, Spidy. He thought: “The brooch is so nice. It looks like Spidy. And Spidy is very nice, you know. Mother loves brooches, and it is only seventeen pounds.”
He bought the brooch and took it home. He decorated the Christmas tree with coloured balls and lights. Then he put the present in the Christmas paper box and put it under the Christmas tree. He was very happy and he wanted the Christmas morning to come. He wanted to see his happy mother.
But when his mother opened the present she wasn’t happy. She couldn’t speak. She couldn’t say a word. There was a spider (паук) in the box. It was like a pet-spider that lived in David’s room in the glass box.
1. a) David wanted to buy a present for his friend.
b) David didn’t like presents and never bought them.
c) David loved his mother and wanted to give her something for Christmas.
d) David didn’t love his mother
2. a) David’s mother gave him money every day.
b) David gave his father money every day.
c) David’s grandparents gave him money as a birthday present.
d) David’s father gave him money every week.
3. a) David didn’t spend all his money.
b) David didn’t go to school.
c) David put his money into a bank.
d) David gave all the money to his mother
4. a) David had twenty pounds in his money-box in ten years because he put two pounds in it a year.
b) David had more than twenty pounds in his money-box in three month because he put two pounds in it every week.
c) David didn’t have money in his box because he spent two pounds a day.
d) David had one hundred pounds in his money-box in two months because he put two pounds in it every day.
5. a) David went shopping because it was Christmas Eve and all people buy presents for their nearest
and dearest.
b) David didn’t like spiders.
c) David went shopping with his mother to buy present for his father.
d) David went shopping every day to buy food for dinner.
6. a) David was afraid of spiders.
b) David found the present very quickly.
c) David found a good present for his father but didn’t find anything for his mother.
d) David bought a present that looked like a spider.
7. a) David saw a brooch but he didn’t buy it because he had no money.
b) David bought the brooch because he liked it very much.
c) David didn’t buy the brooch because his mother didn’t like brooches.
d) David bought the brooch because he wanted to get a brooch as a present.
8. a) David gave his present to his mother on Christmas Eve.
b) David gave the brooch to his sister.
c) David put the present under the Christmas tree.
d) David put the present into his mother’s stocking.
9. a) On Christmas morning David went to buy a present for his mother.
b) On Christmas morning David wanted to get a present.
c) On Christmas morning David wanted to see his mother happy with the present.
d) David wanted Christmas to come because he wanted to eat different tasty things.
10. a) David’s mother was happy to get the brooch.
b) David’s mother liked spiders very much.
c) David’s mother was surprised to get the brooch.
d) David’s mother was shocked to get the brooch.
1. My friend has got ______. It is a funny little kitten.
a) a cat b) a pet c) a tail d) an animal
2. I think my dog is not very _______. I teach him to say “Good morning!” but he can’t say a word.
a) clever b) short c) ling d) hungry
3. When I was 5, my mother _______ me to read and write.
a) looked after b) taught c) thought d) took
4. Mary’s brother _______ their parrot to talk.
a) looks after b) teaches c) learns d) speaks
5. Parrots have got no ________.
a) tail b) neck c) ears d) eyes
6. – Mike, let’s go to the Zoo!
– With great pleasure. ________
a) What a pity! b) I say. c) That’s a good idea! d) I’m OK.
7. The giraffe’s _______ is very, very long.
a) tail b) neck c) head d) nose
8. Nelly was a champion. She was _______ at the school race.
a) one b) the first c) a first d) an one
9. Sam has got two funny blue ________.
a) ears b) eyes c) tails d) heads
10. My friend Nick has got a mother. His mother’s _______ is short and black.
a) head b) hair c) neck d) eye
Go and do your homework first! You ______ do your homework before you go for a walk.
a) can b) must c) can’t d) mustn’t
Your little brother is not OK. He ______ eat ice-cream today. Give him a cup of tea with a cake.
a) isn’t b) didn’t c) mustn’t d) not
I am very good at English. I ______ sing English songs.
a) must b) very well c) can d) can’t
When ______ to the Zoo?
a) do you went b) did you go c) you went d) did you went
The crocodile has got ________.
a) long tail b) the ling tail c) the tail long d) a long tail
Today is Christmas Day. It is _______ of December.
a) twenty five b) the twentieth-fifth c) the twenty-fifth d) the twenty-five
Can you see _______ in our Zoo?
a) wolf b) wolves c) wolfs d) a wolfs
I have got _______ toy cars!
a) a three hundred b) three hundred c) three hundreds d) the three hundredth
Paul has got a parrot. He loves his pet and _______ him to speak English.
a) taught b) teaches c) teach d) doesn’t taught
Look ______ her! She wants to tell us a funny story.
a) after b) at c) on d) for
Eeyore was an old grey donkey (ослик).He was always very sad, because his friends didn’t often visit him. One day Winnie-the-Pooh came up to him. Eeyore stopped thinking and said “Good morning!”
“How are you?” asked Pooh.
“I’m sorry, I don’t know,” said Eeyore.
“Oh, I’m sorry about you, my dear Eeyore.” Pooh looked at him and said in surprise, “What about your tail?”
“My tail?” said Eeyore.
“It isn’t there!”
“It can’t be!”
“I say, Eeyore, a tail is there or it isn’t there. And your tail isn’t there!”
“Let’s have a look,” said Eeyore. He wanted to look at usual place for a tail. But he could see no tail there. Then he put his head down and looked between his legs. At last he said: “I think, I haven’t got a tail.”
“Very sad. Why did they take it from it right place?”
Pooh didn’t know what to say. But he knew what to do.
“Eeyore,” he said, “I, Winnie-the-Pooh, am going to bring your tail back.”
“Thank you, Pooh,” answered Eeyore. “You’re a real friend.”
So Winnie-the-Pooh went to Owl (сова). Owl was a very clever bird. He could answered all the questions. He could read and write but sometimes he had problems with long words like breakfast and beautiful.
Pooh came up to his house and said: “Owl! It’s Bear. Can you help me?”
Owl went out of his house and said: “Hello, Pooh,” he said. “How are you?”
“Terrible and sad,” said Pooh, “because my friend Eeyore had no tail in its right place. And he’s very unhappy. Can you tell me how to help him?”
“Well,” said Owl, “First, we must write many cards to tell everybody about Eeyore’s tail. Then we put them up all on every tree. Then…”
And Owl talked and talked and talked. Pooh listened to him and one moment he saw IT. It was like… Pooh couldn’t say what it was.
“It is a nice bell-rope (верёвочка для звонка), isn’t it?” said Owl.
“It looks like …,” Pooh said, “Where did you get it?”
“It was near a small tree, and I thought at first Rabbit or Fox or Wolf lived there. So I rang (to ring-rang – звонить) it, and then I rang it again, and it came off in my hand. No animal wanted it back, so I took it home, and…”
“Owl,” said Pooh, “I know who wants it.”
“Eeyore. My dear friend Eeyore. He wants it so much.”
“But why?”
Winnie-the-Pooh didn’t answer this question. He took the Eeyore’s tail and went to his friend. Then he put it in his right place again, and Eeyore walked around so happily that Winnie-the-Pooh became very happy too.
1. a) Eeyore was a funny young donkey.
b) Eeyore had no friends.
c) Eeyore’s friends didn’t come to see him.
d) Eeyore’s friends didn’t often visit him.
2. a) Animals didn’t like Eeyore, because he didn’t say “Good morning!” and “Thank you!”
b) Winnie-the-Pooh and Eeyore were good friends.
c) Winnie-the-Pooh and Eeyore were old grey donkeys.
d) Owl was not a clever bird.
3. a) One day Pooh saw that Eeyore had no tail on his right place.
b) One day Pooh saw that he had no tail.
c) One day Pooh couldn’t see the right place for his tail.
d) One day Eeyore saw that Owl had no tail.
4. a) Owl had no problems with writing.
b) Owl was a clever bird, he could read and write.
c) Owl didn’t live in the house.
d) Owl gave his bell-rope to Eeyore.
5. a) Pooh went to Owl because Owl could answer all the questions.
b) Owl had no ideas how to help Eeyore.
c) Owl bought a nice bell-rope in the shop.
d) Pooh didn’t listen what Owl told him.
6. a) Owl bought a new tail for Eeyore at the shop.
b) Pooh found Eeyore’s tail in the small tree.
c) Eeyore’s tail looked like a bell-rope.
d) Eeyore was very sad because Wolf took his tail.
7. a) Owl wrote many cards and Rabbit and Fox and Wolf brought him their tails for Eeyore.
b) When Pooh went to put the cards on every tree, he found Eeyore’s tail on a small tree.
c) Pooh took the bell-rope and took it home.
d) Pooh was very happy when he brought Eeyore his tail.
8. a) Pooh didn’t know why Eeyore wanted his tail.
b) Pooh found Eeyore’s tail and put it in its right place.
c) Pooh got very unhappy when he found Owl’s tail.
d) No animal wanted back the tail.
9. a) Owl didn’t give back Eeyore’s tail.
b) Pooh took Eeyore’s tail home and put it on his door.
c) Eeyore didn’t get his tail back.
d) Eeyore was very happy when he got his tail back.
10. a) Owl found Eeyore’s tail in the forest.
b) Pooh found Eeyore’s tail at home.
c) Fox found Eeyore’s tail on a small tree.
d) Eeyore never lost his tail.
1. My little brother is ______ pupil. He gets only “5”.
a) the worst b) the best c) a bed d) not a clever
2. What did you wear yesterday, ______ or a hat?
a) a cup b) a cap c) a size d) a neck
3. – What size do you want?
– ________
a) Six. b) The sixth. c) Nice. d) Black.
4. This ______ is right, don’t put it on you left foot!
a) shoe b) cap c) hat d) jeans
5. The apples were so ______ that we couldn’t eat them.
a) tasty b) bad c) interesting d) long
6. – What do you wear when it’s warm?
– ________
a) A sweater. b) Shorts. c) Mittens. d) Gloves.
7. Boys don’t wear _______.
a) skirts b) shirts c) shorts d) sweaters
8. – What do you wear on your hands?
– ________
a) A sweater. b) Jeans. c) Trousers. d) Mittens.
9. When it’s _______ people wear warm clothes.
a) warm b) cold c) hot d) funny
10. It is a very ______ film. I like it very much.
a) bad b) interesting c) warm d) right
1. What bird has got _______ tail?
a) the beautifulest b) a most beautiful c) the most beautiful d) more beautifuler
2. My father is ______ than my mother.
a) more older b) the more older c) older d) the oldest
3. – Who is ______ worst pupil in your class?
– I am!
a) – b) a c) the d) than
4. What do you think is _______interesting computer game?
a) the more b) the most c) a d) a most
5 .What do you wear _______ you head?
a) in b) at c) on d) with
6 .Yesterday I _______ a new pair of blue jeans.
a) wear b) wears c) wore d) wores
7 .The animals were nicer ______ he thought.
a) then b) what c) than d) as
8. My father bought me _______ yesterday.
a) a jeans b) pair jeans c) blue jeans d) a blue jeans
9. My old ______ is black.
a) jacket b) jaket c) jackit d) djacket
10. Where are _______ trousers?
a) my old grey b) my grey old c) grey old my d) old my grey
Once upon a time there were four little rabbits, and their names were – Flopsy, Mopsy, Cottontail and Peter. They lived with their Mother under a very big green tree. Flopsy, Mopsy, and Cottontail were good little rabbits but Peter… Peter was not a very good rabbit.
“My dear children,” said Mrs. Rabbit one morning, “you can go for a walk, but don’t come to Mr. McGregor’s house. He doesn’t like rabbits.”
Then Mrs. Rabbit took her bag and went to buy some bread and some milk and four toys for her children.
Flopsy, Mopsy, and Cottontail were good rabbits and they played hide-and-seek and leap-frog near their house. But Peter was not very good, he didn’t listen to his Mother. He ran to Mr. McGregor’s house and got into his garden (сад).
There were a lot of tasty things in Mr. McGregor garden: carrots and tomatoes, potatoes and apples. Peter was very busy with all these tasty fruit and vegetables in the garden… Suddenly he saw Mr. McGregor! Mr. McGregor was very busy in the garden too. But he was not eating, he was working in his garden. He jumped up and ran after Peter. He cried: “Stop him! Help!”
Peter was very afraid of Mr. McGregor. He ran and ran, but he couldn’t find the garden door. He lost (потерял) one shoe near the tomatoes, and the other shoe near the potatoes. Without shoes he ran on four legs. Ouch! Sometimes caught him! Poor thing! He ran into the garden net (сеть). There was a big hole in his new blue jacket and Peter began to cry.
Mr. McGregor came up to Peter. Peter jumped out of his jacket and ran as fast as he could. Suddenly he saw the door, now he was not afraid of Mr. McGregor. He had no clothes on and ran very fast.
But the door was closed! He didn’t think for a long time and quickly went under it. How happy he was to be out of the garden!
Mr. McGregor was happy too. He didn’t like rabbits, because they ate his vegetables and fruit. When he saw Peter’s little jacket and shoes he got much happier, He put them on a scarecrow (пугало). There were a lot of blackbirds in his garden!
How fast Peter ran home! He didn’t stop for a moment!
He was so tired that he went to sleep the moment he closed his eyes.
When his mother wanted to wash his clothes she couldn’t see his jacket and shoes. “Where are your shoes and jacket? Peter, you lost (потерял) the second little jacket! And a pair of shoes! Again!”
And she never gave Peter nice clothes when he went for a walk!
1. a) Flopsy and Mopsy were good rabbits, they always did what their mother told them to do.
b) Mrs. Rabbit had three children and a husband Peter.
c) Peter was a scarecrow.
d) Peter couldn’t run fast.
2. a) Little Rabbits didn’t go for a walk without their mother.
b) Sometimes little rabbits played hide-and-seek near their house.
c) Mr. McGregor was a rabbit and he liked little rabbits very much.
d) Little Rabbits didn’t like to play with toys.
3. a) Mr. McGregor didn’t have a garden.
b) Peter was a good rabbit and didn’t visit Mr. McGregor’s garden.
c) Fruits and vegetables grew in Mr. McGregor’s garden.
d) There were no fruits in Mr. McGregor’s garden.
4. a) Peter went to Mr. McGregor’s garden because he wanted to play hide-and-seek there.
b) Peter went to Mr. McGregor’s garden because his mother told him.
c) Peter went to Mr. McGregor’s garden because he liked Mr. McGregor very much.
d) Peter went to Mr. McGregor’s garden because he liked tasty fruit and vegetables that grew there.
5. a) Mr. McGregor was very glad to see Peter in the garden.
b) Peter was very glad to see Mr. McGregor in the garden.
c) Mr. McGregor was not afraid of Peter.
d) Peter ate vegetables but he didn’t eat fruit.
6. a) Peter didn’t wear clothes.
b) Mrs. Rabbit didn’t buy clothes for her little children.
c) Peter gave his shoes and jacket to blackbirds as a present.
d) There was a door in the Mr. McGregor’s garden.
7. a) Peter lost his shoes under the apple tree.
b) Peter lost his four shoes in the garden.
c) When Peter lost his shoes, he could run faster.
d) Peter didn’t like his shoes and new jacket.
8. a) Mr. McGregor caught Peter and Peter began to cry.
b) Peter was happy to get outside the garden.
c) Mr. McGregor was very sad when Peter ran away.
d) Blackbirds liked a new blue jacket and shoes and wore them with great pleasure.
9. a) There were a lot of blackbirds in Mr. McGregor’s garden!
b) There was no scarecrow in Mr. McGregor’s garden.
c) There were no blackbirds in Mr. McGregor’s garden.
d) Mr. McGregor likes Peters’ jacket and shoes and put them on.
10. a) Peter was afraid of his mother and didn’t come back home.
b) Peter came home very tired.
c) Mother Rabbit was not angry with Peter when he came back home.
d) Mother Rabbit bought Peter a lot of new clothes to wear.
1.After winter comes _______.
a) winter b) spring c) summer d) autumn
2. I like to swim in ______ when it is hot.
a) winter b) spring c) summer d) autumn
3. – How is the weather today?
– It is ______.
a) terrible b) busy c) clever d) white
4. When the weather is ______ we watch TV and don’t go for walks.
a) fine b) warm c) nice d) bad
5. The second spring month is _______.
a) May b) April c) March d) June
6. They first of ______ is New Year’s day.
a) December b) January c) September d) November
7. I like winter _______ in winter I can play snowballs.
a) then b) when c) because d) why
8. – I am not OK today.
– Oh, I am _______ to hear that.
a) happy b) funny c) terrible d) sorry
9. There are _______ seasons in a year.
a) four b) much c) twelve d) a lot of
10. ______ English people celebrate New Year.
a) Every b) Not all c) Much d) Early
1. ______ 28 or 29 days in February.
a) They are b) There are c) It is d) It has got
2. English people celebrate Christmas ______ the 24th of December.
a) at b) in c) on d) for
3. There ______ at home.
a) is anybody b) is nobody c) are somebody d) isn’t nobody
4. It was night and we couldn’t see ______.
a) somebody b) anybody c) nobody d) every
5. Is there ______ tea in your cup?
a) any b) no c) never d) some
6. It often ______ in Moscow in winter.
a) snow b) shall snow c) snows d) is snow
7. It is usually cold in Moscow in _______.
a) february b) February c) Winter d) New Year
8. Is it colder in October ______ in November?
a) then b) when c) because d) that
9. There are thirty one ______ in July.
a) days b) day c) dayes d) the days
10. There is nobody at ______.
a) home b) the forest c) the field d) Zoo
It was a nice winter day. There was a lot of snow in the forest and the weather was fine. Piglet got up very early and went out to brush the snow away (расчистить снег) near his house. He saw Winnie-the-Pooh who was walking round the trees and thinking of something.
“Hello!” said Piglet, “what are you doing?” “Hunting,” said Pooh. “Hunting what?” “Something,” said Winnie-the-Pooh in a low voice. “What thing?” asked Piglet. “I don’t know. I shall see when I catch it,” said Winnie-the-Pooh. “Now, look there. What do you see?” “Paw-marks (следы),” said Piglet. “Oh, Pooh! Do you think it’s a-a-a Woozle?” “I think so,” said Pooh and went on. Suddenly Winnie-the-Pooh stopped.
“It’s a very funny thing,” said Bear. “There are paw-marks of two animals now. They are walking in company. Would you like to come with me, Piglet?”
“Oh, Pooh, I have nothing to do. So, I’ll join you. What is a Woozle, I wonder?”
“You want to say Two Woozle…”
They went off together. Round the trees they were going. Round the trees the two Woozles were going too, weren’t they? Suddenly Winnie-the-Pooh stopped.
“What?” said Piglet, with a jump. But he didn’t want to show that he was afraid, so he jumped up and down, up and down.
“The paw-marks!” said Pooh. “Now there are three animals!”
“Pooh, do you think it is another Woozle?”
“No,” said Pooh, “because it makes different paw-marks. Now they are two Woozles and one Wizzle or two Wizzle and one Woozle. Let’s go and see.”
So they went off. Suddenly Winnie-the-Pooh stopped again. In the snow they could see the paw-marks of four animals.
“Well, Pooh, dear, I am very busy today, you know,” said Piglet, “It’s a very special morning thing, I must do it at ______. What time is it, I wonder?” “About twelve,” said Winnie-the-Pooh, looking at the sun. “I must do it about twelve. So, really, dear old Pooh, I’m sorry but ______. What’s that?” Pooh looked up, and there in the big tree he saw his friend. “It’s Christopher Robin,” he said. “Ah, then you’ll be OK,” said Piglet. “Goodbye,” and he ran off home as quickly as he could. Christopher came slowly down his tree. “Silly old Bear,” he said. “First you went round the trees two times, and then Piglet ran after you and you went round together, and then you went round for the fourth time.”
1. a) Piglet and Pooh lived in the Zoo.
b) Piglet never got up early in the morning.
c) Pooh never went hunting in winter.
d) Piglet lived in the house.
2. a) That winter morning Pooh went swimming.
b) That winter morning Piglet brushed the snow away.
c) That winter morning Piglet went hunting Pooh.
d) That winter morning Pooh and Christopher Robin went hunting Piglet.
3. a) Woozles made paw-marks in the snow.
b) Wizzles made paw-marks in the snow.
c) Pooh and Piglet made paw-marks in the snow.
d) Christopher Robin couldn’t climb the trees.
4. a) That winter morning Woozles and Wizzles walked in a company round the trees.
b) That winter morning Pooh and Piglet walked in a company round the Pooh’s house.
c) That winter morning two friends walked in a company round the trees.
d) That winter morning Christopher Robin didn’t go out.
5. a) Piglet was very busy that day and he didn’t join Pooh.
b) Piglet was afraid of Pooh and he didn’t go hunting with him.
c) Piglet was afraid of Woozles and Wizzles.
d) Piglet knew that Woozles and Wizzles were domestic animals.
6. a) That winter morning Pooh and Piglet didn’t make paw-marks in the snow.
b) That winter morning Woozle made four marks in the snow.
c) That winter morning Pooh and Piglet saw four wild animals – three Woozles and one Wizzle.
d) That winter morning Christopher watched his friends walked round the trees.
7. a) Pooh had a very special thing to do that winter morning so he ran home as soon as he remembered about it.
b) When Pooh saw Christopher Robin he ran home because he was afraid of him.
c) Piglet had a very special thing to do that winter morning so he ran home as soon as he remembered about it.
d) As soon as Piglet saw Christopher Robin in the tree he ran home because he was afraid of Woozles and Wizzles.
8. a) Pooh and Piglet saw Christopher Robin in the tree early in the morning.
b) Pooh could tell the time looking at the sun.
c) Christopher Robin was a Woozle.
d) That winter morning Christopher Robin walked round the trees four times and made for pairs of paw-marks.
9. a) Pooh and Piglet and Christopher Robin could see the paw-marks of four animals in the snow.
b) The paw-marks in the snow didn’t look different.
c) Two angry animals made four paw-marks in the snow.
d) Christopher Robin saw that Pooh’s and Piglet’s paw-marks.
10. a) Pooh didn’t make paw-marks when he walked round the trees.
b) Christopher Robin told Piglet whose paw-marks were around the tree.
c) Pooh went round the trees five times.
d) At the end Pooh knew whose paw-marks were around the trees.
Do you like to swim in the ________?
a) ocean b) field c) forest d) mountain
We live on the _______.
a) sea b) earth c) weather d) star
It was a dark night and we couldn’t see ______ in the sky that night. But on Sunday night we saw a lot of them.
a) the Moon b) the Sun c) the stars d) the hills
There are four _______ on the Earth.
a) lakes b) rivers c) countries d) oceans
My mother likes to ski down ______ in winter.
a) the mountains b) the forests c) the nature d) the hills
People who live in our ______ speak Russian.
a) planet b) star c) village d) mountain
Autumn is the name of a ______.
a) country b) sea c) month d) season
There is a lot of ______ in rivers, lakes, seas and oceans.
a) snow b) water c) light d) ground
Moscow _______ on the Moskva-river.
a) lives b) stands c) stops d) sits
There was nobody in _______.
a) home b) the forest c) school d) May
Where _______ you like to spend your summer holidays?
a) do b) are c) is d) does
Where _______ you go next winter?
a) did b) do c) shall d) will
_______ a big lake near our country house.
a) It is b) There is c) They are d) Is
Did you swim _______ lake Baikal last summer?
a) in b) in a c) in the d) at the
How _______ oceans are there on the Earth?
a) many b) much c) little d) some
Everest is _______ mountain in the world.
a) the highest b) a highest c) highest d) the most high
When can you see _______ in the sky?
a) Moon b) a Moon c) the Moon d) some Moon
The world is full _______ wonders.
a) in b) off c) of d) with
My sister _______ living in the mountains.
a) like b) are c) enjoys d) will
– _______ were you yesterday?
– At home.
a) Where b) Why c) Who d) When
Topic: “NATURE”
Once upon a time, a long time ago, the Water, the Wind and the Fire began to fight. The Wind said, “I am very special. I am much more important than you. I am the most important thing on earth.” And the others said, “No, you are not!” But the Wind said, “Yes, I am. I help to do many things. I dry the land after rain. I carry children’s kites and dry their clothes. I carry clouds, birds and butterflies through the air. I am very important”. And he blew (blow – дуть) a big cloud of hot air right into their faces.
The fire said, “Well, I bring the warmth from the sun and its light to the Earth. I cook food, keep people warm. I am the most important thing on earth.” And the Fire made the Wind and the Water very hot indeed.
The Water said, “I am better than both of you. I am home to millions of animals, fish, plants, …oh so many that I can’t name them all. I give drink to those who are thirsty. What would the children do without me? Where would they go to swim in the hot summer? I am the most wonderful thing.”
The Wind was very angry and said, “I carry the birds, and … all kinds of things. How can you even think that you are great than me. I am greater than the both of you.”
At that the Wind blew as hard as he could.
The Wind blew things down, the Fire burned things up and the Water flooded (затопить) everything. It was terrible. Then they stopped and looked around. “We were selfish (эгоисты)”, said the Fire. “Yes, we were”, said the Water. “Look at what we have done,” said the Wind. “We must make everything right now.”
So the Water put out the fires, and the Wind dried up the floods and the Fire burned all the things that the Wind broke. Finally, everything was in its right place.
“Well, well”, said the Fire. “Now I understand something very important. We don’t need to fight about which of us is the important, because we are all important. Each of us has a special job to do.”
“Yes,” said the Water. “We depend (зависеть) on each other.”
“The more we work together and use our special talents, the happier we will be”, said the Wind. “Then the world will be a home for all of us.” So the Water, the Wind and the Fire became good friends then.
a) The Wind thought that he was one of the most important things on earth.
b) The Wind thought that he was the most important thing on earth.
c) The Wind didn’t think he was the most important at all.
d) The Wind couldn’t think at all.
a) The Wind was important because he gave drink to those who were thirsty.
b) The Wind was important because he could speak.
c) The Wind was not important at all.
d) The Wind was important because he helped to do many things: to dry out the land after rain, to carry children’s kites, to carry clouds and butterflies through the air.
a) The Water and the Fire thought that the Wind was not important.
b) The Water and the Wind thought that the Wind couldn’t carry birds through the air.
c) The Water and the Fire thought the Wind was the most important thing on earth.
d) The Water and the Fire thought the Wind was one of the most important things.
a) The Fire thought that he was the most important thing on earth.
b) The Fire thought that he was the most important thing on earth because he was home of many animals.
c) The Fire thought that he was one of the most important thing on earth.
d) The Fire didn’t think he was the most important thing on earth.
a) The Fire was important because he could bring warmth from the sun and light up the day, cook food, keep people warm.
b) The Fire was important because he could make Wind and Water very hot.
c) The Fire was important because he could do nothing.
d) The Fire couldn’t burn anything.
a) The Water was home to the Fire and the Wind. b) The Water thought that he was the most wonderful thing.
c) The Water didn’t think he was important at all.
d) The Water thought he was one of the most wonderful things.
a) The fight of the Wind, the Fire and the Water was funny.
b) Their fight was interesting.
c) Their fight was very long.
d) Their fight was terrible.
a) The Wind flooded everything.
b) The Wind, the Fire and the Water didn’t stop and are fighting now too.
c) The Fire blew everything down with hot air.
d) The Wind, the Fire and the Water stopped but they are not friends now.
a) The Wind, the Fire and the Water agreed that they were all important.
b) The Wind, the Fire and the Water didn’t agree and thought that each of them was the most important.
c) The Wind, the Fire and the Water didn’t think that they could not live without each other.
d) The Wind, the Fire and the Water never fought.
a) They decided to work together at the end.
b) They didn’t want to be friends at the end.
c) They didn’t want to work together at the end.
d) They worked together to see who was the most important at the end.
Список литературы
- Верещагина И.Н. Притыкина Т.А Учебно-методический комплект для 3 класса школ с углублённым изучением английского языка, лицеев, гимназий, колледжей.- М.:Просвещение, 2011.(книга для учителя, книга для чтения, рабочая тетрадь, звуковое пособие).
- Воронова Е.Г. Тесты.3класс.М.:Менеджер,2005.
- Барашкова Е.А. Грамматика английского языка. 3 класс. Сборник упражнений в 2-х частях.-М.: Экзамен, 2012.
- Программа общеобразовательных учреждений. Английский язык. Школа с углубленным изучением иностранных языков. 2-4 классы. – М.: Просвещение, 2007.
- О.В. Афанасьева. И.В.Михеева Н.В.Языкова Английский язык. Школа с углубленным изучением иностранных языков. II – XI классы.- М.: Просвещение 2010 (Программы общеобразовательных учреждений).
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