Урок в 10-м классе по теме "Generation Gap"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (10 класс) по теме
Проблема "отцов и детей" - это извечная проблема, возникающая перед людьми разных поколений. Она актуальна в наши дни. Жизненные принципы старших когда-то считались основой бытия, но они уходят в прошлое, и им на смену приходят новые жизненные идеалы, принадлежащие молодому поколению. Поколение "отцов" не принимает убеждения молодых, стремится оставить все на своих местах. "Дети" более прогрессивны, всегда в движении, хотят все перестроить, изменить, они не понимают пассивности старших. "Дети" должны помнить, что лишь терпимость друг друга, взаимное уважение помогут избежать серьезных столкновений. Основные цели урока: развитие и совершенствование лексико-грамматических навыков говорения по теме, развитие коммуникативных умений, обеспечивать нравственное воспитание учащихся, воспитание толерантности и уважения к своим близким и окружающим людям, повышение мотивации к изучению английского языка.
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Предварительный просмотр:
План-конспект урока 10-м классе по теме “Generation gap”
Образовательные цели:
- активизировать ранее изученные лексические единицы по теме: “Family issues”;
- совершенствование лексико-грамматических навыков;
- совершенствование и контроль умений аудирования, чтения и навыков устной речи по теме.
Развивающие цели:
- развивать умение выделять главное, развивать мышление, память;
-развивать коммуникативные умения;
- развивать способность к догадке, самостоятельность;
- развивать познавательные и творческие способности учащихся.
- Воспитательные цели:
- формирование психически устойчивой личности, способной ориентироваться в трудной ситуации;
- обеспечивать нравственное воспитание учащихся, дать понятие об общечеловеческих ценностях;
- воспитание толерантности и уважения к своей семье и окружающим людям.
Ход урока
- Начало урока. Приветствие. Сообщение темы урока.
Listen to the short poem and repeat it. Be attentive: it’ll help you in formulating the topic of our lesson.
When life gives you lemons – make lemonade.
If life gives you strict teachers – thank them.
If life gives you strict parents – obey them.
What are we going to speak about? Family issues Generation gap
2. Фонетическая зарядка
a) care for (about) act like a baby
share show smb up in front of
have fair share show off
do one’s fair share embarrass
background ask embarrassing questions
comfort; feel comfortable nag smb about smth
privacy; lack of privacy deal with smb
get on go out with
respect each other’s interests go through
secure; security be up to
worry about make/let smb do smth
treat smb like equal (a baby, an unpaid slave) keep doing smth
complain about keep smb out
do teenage things keep smth secret
have control over my own life be on your own
make fun of smb stuff
be responsible to argue about
have different views on arguments
3. Отработка изученной лексики
a) Re-phrase the following sentences, using verb expressions instead of the underlined words and phrases.
- If I disappear into my room for some peace, it’s guaranteed that someone will come after me, waiting to know what I am involved in.
- My sister always behaves in a childish way and does nothing.
3. My little brother always makes me feel embarrassed in front of my friends.
4. My friend spends time with a man who is seven years older than her and her mum doesn’t know about it.
5. He is always postponing everything.
6. She is always boasting about her expensive toiletries.
7. We often visit our friends and have an enjoyable time with them.
8. Ann and her friends of age 15-16 years old often gather together in Ann’s room and do something interesting only to the people of this age do.
b) Choose the proper preposition.
1. I share a room with my little brother, I can’t just shut the door, and keep everyone … .
2. My friends have got a nice place to live, with a nice family, but they don’t really appreciate it – they are always complaining … their parents.
3. Sometimes I have to share a room and if you don’t get … with the other girl, it’s not much fun.
4. She doesn’t have control … her own life because she is still a child.
5. To be …your own is bad because nobody is interested in you.
6. Children and their parents have different views … fashion, music and many other things. It causes misunderstanding between them.
c) Read the statements below. What family values or their absence do they mean?
- A family has things together like dreams and hopes and possessions and memories and smiles. (sharing)
- With so many people in one house you don’t have a chance to be alone, unseen or unheard. (privacy)
- It is a shelter from the storm, a friendly port when the waves of life become too wild. ( security, comfort)
- A family is a place where love and faith dwell, a place where all members can enjoy the dignity (достоинство) of their own personalities. ( caring, respect, trust)
- We talk about what’s happening, who’s doing what, it’s lovely to have the family round you and to know they are interested in you. ( caring, sharing)
4. Речевая зарядка
Is having a family important for a person? Why?
What are family values?
Why do we need a family? ( высказывания учащихся)
5. Практикум в аудировании
One of the most important features of the family is understanding, isn’t it?
Listen to the text and choose the corresponding sentences.
… I’m a 17-year-old student who needs advice. I live with my family and study at the university. With my beloved boy I met a year ago when I was at school. We are good friends and even more we are going to be together forever. We enjoy being together.
My problem is that my parents don’t like my boy-friend. They are very strict and think that I’m too young to have serious relations. They don’t allow me to go on dates and even don’t want to hear about him. My parents make my life miserable. I get very depressed. I keep my stuff in a suitcase to leave my home in a suitable moment.
- The girl can give advice.
- Her parents don’t like her having a boy-friend.
- The girl’s parents think that she isn’t old enough to have a boy-friend.
- The girl regrets meeting the boy.
- She is suffering.
What is the text about?
What is the girl’s problem?
What advice could you give to her? Your parents worry about you. Your parents may want to prevent you from making mistakes. They know how hard it is to make a success in this life and they want you to be very well prepared for it. You should talk to your mother and speak about your feelings.
6. Практикум в устной речи.
The girl’s parents make her nervous.
What can make you nervous, annoyed, disappointed? (карточки)
- my clothes/fashion
- problems at school
- a quarrel with parents
- when a friend doesn’t want to understand
- lack of caring and sharing
- too much caring
- lack of privacy
- falling in a difficult situation
- problems with friends
- planning the future career
- conscription
- great uncertainty
Can we regard all these complaints as problems?
Youth is a difficult time, isn’t? Will you speak about the problems teenagers have? (сообщения учащихся)
What is the background of all the problems in a family? Misunderstanding (generation gap) What can cause a generation gap?
The adults don’t accept their children’s values. The young can not accept the values of their “fathers”. All these differences generate a generation gap when the young and adults do not understand one another.
8. Практикум в чтении ( контроль домашнего задания)
Let’s read the notes written by a 15-year-old boy.
а) Выполнение упр.5 стр.86
b) When young people have family problems they write about them to an agony column.
Выполнение упр.3В,С,D стр.82
B) Max says that his parents have too much control over his life and he lacks privacy.
Liam says that he and his mother have different views on fashion and his mother decides what clothes to buy for Liam.
C) 1. You should understand your parents. It is necessary to control you. You can’t always have fun and do nothing.
They want you to get a good education. And you have to сontinue your education and think about your future, too. Without good education it is not easy to find a good job.
They just want you not to be disappointed and not to make mistakes, which they (perhaps) made in the past.
Your parents may want to prevent you from making mistakes. They know how hard it is to make a success in this life and they want you to be very well prepared for it.
Perhaps you have no problem with your parents, and perhaps you have problem with your laziness?
Your parents care for you and you should appreciate it. You should settle all your problem peacefully. You shouldn’t quarrel with your parents.
2. If you want my opinion, as long as your mother controls the purse, she controls how the money is spent.
Talk to your mother to make her see that you are growing up and, want a little more say in what to wear.
Try to explain your mother how much you dislike the styles she chooses and why.
I think that a part time job will allow you to buy things you like.
Do you think that a generation gap can be bridged?
I don’t think so. But I think that some concessions on both sides are possible. Sometimes older generations are important for young people because they can share their experience. Parents are also providing their children with pockets money. That’s why the young should be patient when older people teach them what to do, what to wear or how to think. Tolerance is the only way to bridge the gap of the generations.
9. Практикум в аудировании
Listen to the text and complete the sentences below.
Rules for parents
Parents! Try to understand your children. Be friendly when our friends come to visit us. Remember that we need our private places. Don’t tidy up our rooms – we can’t find anything after that. Allow children to keep animals at home. Let children choose their clothes and haircuts by themselves. And explain to me why I can’t eat in front of the TV? I think this rule is silly.
- Try (1)___________________________your kids.
- Be (2)____________________when our friends come to visit us.
- Remember that we need (3) _____________________________.
- Allow children (4) _________________________________________.
- Children can choose their (5) ______________________________themselves.
- Not to eat in front of the TV is a (6) ________________rule.
10. Практикум в обратном переводе.
Translate into English:
1. Очень трудно для разных поколений понимать друг друга, но это тоже очень важно. 3.Всем членам семьи следует уважать и понимать друг друга, помогать и доверять друг другу. 4. Это важно учиться как разговаривать с взаимным уважением. 5. Мы ответственные люди и нам следует уважать самих себя и других людей тоже.6. Нам следует быть cнисходительными к нашим родителям и к людям, которые нас окружают. 7. Детям и их родителям следует уважать интересы друг друга. 8. Нам следует любить друг друга.
Translate into Russian.
1. Children and their parents have different views on many things, different values and beliefs.2. Young people of today don’t directly accept the standards of their parents who believe that they are right because they are older. 3.Young people have their own ideals. They want to make their own mistakes rather than listen to the warning of the adults and repeat the mistakes of the older generation. 4. The existence of sub-culture which is specific for every generation is a form of protest of the young people.5.Sometimes children share information and experience with their parents. 6. I think that without problems our life will be very boring. 7. When people start to cope with different problems they become stronger and more experienced.
11. Итоги урока.
What conclusion have we come to? What is the main idea of our lesson? Be tolerant to each other. Tolerance is the only way to bridge the gap of the generations. Understand, trust, respect each other and everything will be OK. All obstacles will be overcome and all the gentle words will be found. And this cruel world will turn to you with a kind smile. Your mother’s smile, your father’s smile, your smile…
12. Домашнее задание
Write a letter about your problems to an agony column.
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