Открытый урок по чтению
методическая разработка по английскому языку по теме
Данный урок предполагает использование разнообразных упражнений для контроля понимания содержания текста учащимися.
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Фрагмент открытого урока по английскому языку в 6а классе.
Учитель английского языка – Зарипова Гузалия Азгаровна
Работа с текстом по теме «Животные».
Цели урока: тренировка техники чтения вслух;
совершенствование навыков устной речи на основе
прочитанного текста;
развитие грамматических навыков
Ход урока.
- Организационный момент.
Учитель приветствует учащихся, знакомит с целями урока.
- Фонетическая зарядка.
Отработка незнакомых слов и выражений из текста. Учитель привлекает внимание учащихся к словам и выражениям на доске. Учащиеся читают и переводят слова, читают их в парах. Учитель предлагает детям перевести некоторые слова и выражения с русского на английский и наоборот.
- Речевая разминка.
Учитель организует вопросно- ответную работу с новыми словами и выражениями.
- Тренировка техники чтения вслух.
Учащиеся читают текст сначала вполголоса, затем вслух по одному по очереди.
- Совершенствование навыков устной речи на основе текста.
Учащиеся выполняют упражнения с экранной доски. Учитель напоминает учащимся о необходимости давать полные развернутые ответы.
- Развитие грамматических навыков.
Используя знания о настоящем завершенном времени, учащиеся подводят итоги работы над текстом. Предложения учащиеся записывают в тетрадь.
- Итоги урока. Оценки за урок.
- Домашнее задание: пересказать текст.
The Text
"The Fox in
1.Read the words and their meanings:
one day — однажды
to go for a walk — прогуляться
a well — колодец
cannot get out of — не может вылезти
goat — козел
grass — трава
to come down — спускаться
to jump down — прыгать вниз
back — спина
to get out — вылезать
to look down — посмотреть вниз
to be kind — быть добрым
2. Match the words and expressions with their meanings.
1) one day a) спина
2) to go for a walk b) прыгать вниз
3) a well c) спускаться
4) cannot get out of d) быть добрым
5) goat e) посмотреть вниз
6) grass f) вылезать
7) to come down g) колодец
8) to jump down h) прогуляться
9) back i) однажды
10) to get out j) трава
11) to look down k) козел
12) to be kind l) не может
вылезти из
3. Read the text.
The Fox in the Well
One day a red fox goes for a walk. He comes to a well. He wants to drink. He doesn't know that there is no water.
The Fox looks down and falls into the well. He cannot get out of it and begins to cry. But then he hears that some-body comes to the well. It is a goat.
The Fox is very clever and has a plan how to get out of the well.
The Goat looks down and sees the Fox.
'Hello, Mr Fox! What are you doing there?' he asks. 'Hello, Mr Goat. I am having a good time here,' says the Fox. 'The grass in the well is very good.' 'Do you eat grass?' asks the Goat. 'No, I don't. But you can come down and eat it. It is very good.' 'Oh, you are so kind. Thank you,' says the Goat. And he jumps down into the well.
Then the Fox jumps on the Goat's back, gets out of the well and runs away.
4.Read the following sentences and say what about the text is.
The text is about
a) the red Fox who falls into the well.
b) the Goat who wants to eat grass in the well.
c) the clever Fox and the silly Goat.
5. Choose the right answers to the questions.
1) Where does the Fox come to?
a) He comes to a well.
b) He comes to a wall.
c) He comes to a house.
2) Who comes to the well then?
a) the Wolf
b) the Rabbit
c) the Goat
3) Why does the Goat jump down into the well?
a) Because he wants to drink.
b) Because he wants to help the Fox.
c) Because he wants to eat grass.
6. Complete the sentences:
a) One day the Fox goes for a …
b) The Fox … into the well.
c) The Goat … and sees the Fox.
d) I am having a good … says the Fox.
e) The Fox asks the Goat to … and eat grass.
f) The Goat … into the well.
g) The Fox jumps on the Goat's … .
7. Read the sentences and say if they are true or false.
a) The Fox wants to drink.
b) The Fox looks down and sees the Goat in the well.
c) The Goat wants to help the Fox.
d) The Fox has a plan how to get out of the well.
e) The Goat falls into the well too.
f) The Fox jumps on the Goat's back and gets out of the well.
g) The Fox helps the Goat to get out of the well.
10. Answer the question:
Who is clever, a goat or a fox?
11. Answer the questions using Present Perfect and write down into your exercise- books:
1. What has a goat done?
2. What has a fox done?
The Text "The Fox and the Grapes".
- Read the words and their meanings:
sweet grapes — сладкий виноград
wall — стена
high — высоко
to get — доставать
again — снова
sour — кислый
to go away — уходить
to be angry — сердиться
2. Match the words and expressions with their meanings.
1) sweet grapes a) кислый
2) wall b) уходить
3) high c) доставать
4) to get d) снова
5) again e) высоко
6) sour f) сладкий виноград
7) to go away g) сердиться
8) to be angry h) стена
3. Listen to the text The Fox and the Grapes
4. Read the following sentences and say what about the text is.
The text is about
a) some sweet grapes on a wall.
b) the Fox who jumps to get the grapes.
c) the Fox who says that the grapes are sour
because he cannot get them.
5. Choose the right answers to the questions.
1) Where does the Fox see the grapes?
a) on a wall
b) on a table
c) in a tree
2) How does the Fox try to get the grapes?
a) He runs.
b) He jumps.
c) He swims.
3) Why can't he get the grapes?
a) Because the Fox cannot jump higher.
b) Because the Fox doesn't want to get the grapes.
c) Because the grapes are green and sour.
6. Complete the sentences:
a) One day the Fox sees some sweet … on a wall.
b) The grapes are very …
c) The Fox cannot … the grapes.
d) The Fox says that the grapes are … and … .
7. Read the sentences and say if they are true or false.
a) The Fox sees some pears in a tree.
b) The Fox doesn't want to eat the grapes.
c) The sweet grapes are high up on the wall.
d) The Fox jumps to get the grapes.
e) The Fox tries again and gets the grapes.
f) The Fox says that the grapes are green and sour.
One day the Fox goes for a walk. He comes to a
wall and sees some sweet grapes there. The Fox wants
to get and eat the sweet grapes. But the sweet grapes
are very high up on the wall. So the Fox jumps to
get the grapes. He jumps again and again, but he cannot get the
He is very angry and decides to stop. Then the
Fox says, 'The grapes are green and sour. They are
very sour.' And he goes away.
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