Тест по теме "Великобритания"
тест по английскому языку по теме
Предварительный просмотр:
- The official name of Great Britain is … .
- England b. The USA c. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland d. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and America
- Where Great Britain is situated?
- On the British Isles b. in the Northern Ireland c. in the Scotland
- The United Kingdom of Great Britain consists of four parts:
- The capital of Great Britain is … .
- What influence the climate of Britain?
- The Atlantic Ocean b. Gulf Stream c. Pacific Ocean d. mountains
- One of the chief industries is … .
- Textile b. electronics c. shipbuilding d. steel
- The head of state Great Britain is … .
a.the President b. the Prime Minister c. the Queen d. Lord
8. The British Parliament consists of two chambers: … and … .
a. Dome and Federal Assembly b. House of Lords and House of Commons c. the Labor party and liberal party
9. Why was the Trafalgar Square so named?
a. in the memory of Admiral Nelson’s victory b. in the memory of Nelson c. in the memory of Queen
10. The parts of London are ….
a. the City of London b. the West End c. the East End d. the North End e. the Trafalgar square f. the Westminster Abbey
- The official name of Great Britain is … .
- England b. The USA c. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland d. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and America
- Where Great Britain is situated?
- On the British Isles b. in the Northern Ireland c. in the Scotland
- The United Kingdom of Great Britain consists of four parts:
- The capital of Great Britain is … .
- What influence the climate of Britain?
- The Atlantic Ocean b. Gulf Stream c. Pacific Ocean d. mountains
- One of the chief industries is … .
- Textile b. electronics c. shipbuilding d. steel
- The head of state Great Britain is … .
a.the President b. the Prime Minister c. the Queen d. Lord
8. The British Parliament consists of two chambers: … and … .
a. Dome and Federal Assembly b. House of Lords and House of Commons c. the Labor party and liberal party
9. Why was the Trafalgar Square so named?
a. in the memory of Admiral Nelson’s victory b. in the memory of Nelson c. in the memory of Queen
10. The parts of London are ….
a. the City of London b. the West End c. the East End d. the North End e. the Trafalgar square f. the Westminster Abbey
3. England, Wales, Scotland, Ireland
4. London
5. a,b
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