Dialogues - 5 form
материал по английскому языку (5 класс) по теме

Столбовая Ирина Игоревна

Данные диалоги предложены учащимся в качестве модели для создания собственных по темам "Personality and clothes", "Hobbies", "Rare animals". 


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Предварительный просмотр:

  1. Rare animals. Your partner has to write a report about rare animals. Help him\her.
  1. Hello, Kate.

B-Hello, Bob.

A- I haven’t seen you for ages. How are you?

B-I’m fine.

  1. Where have you been?
  2. I’ve been to Africa and seen a lot of rare animals.

A-That sounds wonderful.  And I watched a great film about animals on TV last night.

B-Do you like animals?

A-Not very much. I have to write a report.

B-I see. I can help you. I’ve learnt that big cats live all round the world but cheetahs live almost in Africa.

A-I’d like to write about leopards. Are they the smallest big cats?

B-Of course, not. Spanish lynxes are the smallest.  

A-Oh, yes. I remember. Snow leopards are the quietest big cats. Look at the photo!

B-They are great. What sharp teeth and claws! They are scary.

A-You’re right. But what beautiful fur.


B-Let’s write down all this information.

A-I think that the report is excellent. Thank you for your help.

B-Good luck. See you soon.

  1. Hobbies (COLLECTIONS). Talk to your friend about the strangest collection that you have.

A-Hello, Kate.

B-Hello, Bob.

A-How are you? I haven’t seen you for ages.

B-I’m fine. I’ve been to the waterpark.

A-How did you like it?

B-It was exciting! I always go there at the weekends. How do you spend your free time?

A-I like to stay in. My favourite hobby is collecting rubbers.

B-What a strange hobby! Why did you like collecting them?

A-I’m fond of drawing and I need lots of rubbers.

B-I see. What is your favourite one?

  1. My favourite one looks like a dinosaur. And do you collect anything?

B-I collect shark teeth. I wear my favourite one round my neck. Look!

A-Where do you find them?

B-My grandparents have a house by the beach. I go there and find teeth in the water and in the sand.

A-Do you enjoy swimming there?

B-Of course, not. I’m afraid of sharks.

A-What an unusual hobby!

B-Come to my house and I’ll give you one shark tooth as a present.

A-That sounds great. Let’s go.

  1. Your friend invited you to a birthday party. You need to buy a present. Ask your friend to help you.

A-Hello, Kate.

B-Hello, Bob.

A-How are you? I haven’t seen you for ages.

B-I’m fine. Thanks.

A-Where are you going?

B-I’m going to the shop. Tomorrow I’m going to go to a birthday party and I have to buy a present.

A-What are you going to buy?

B-I have no idea.

A-OK, I’ll help you. What kind of person is your friend?

B-He is musical.

A-What instrument does he play?

B-He plays the saxophone in a band.

A-Buy a case for his saxophone.

B-He has already bought it. What else can you advise me?

A-Is he sporty?

B-Yes, he is. He’s very good at sports. It’s his best point.

A-What sports is he fond of?


A-What clothes does he wear for jogging?

B-In summer he wears shorts and a T-shirt. But now it’s a bit cold for such clothes.

A-Then buy a tracksuit.

B-What a good idea! Thank you.

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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