Lesson focus: Reading for general and more detailed information. Vocabulary. Speaking. (in the context of a story about Christmas) Language skills related tasks.
методическая разработка по английскому языку (11 класс) на тему
Разработанный урок может быть использован для развития навыков чтения с пониманием основного содержания, чтения с выборочным пониманием нужной информации, а также для развития лексических навыков и навыков говорения у учащихся с уровнем Upper-Intermediate.
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Разработанный урок может быть использован для развития навыков чтения с пониманием основного содержания, чтения с выборочным пониманием нужной информации, а также для развития лексических навыков и навыков говорения у учащихся с уровнем Upper-Intermediate.
Lesson focus: Reading for general and more detailed information. Vocabulary. Speaking. (in the context of a story about Christmas)
Language skills related tasks.
I have decided to use “The Christmas Kiss” by J. Thompson from the Cynic Online Magazine with Upper-Intermediate level because
-the topic about Christmas is appropriate to students’ age (they are able to realize that everything has both advantages and disadvantages and even such a happy holiday can be sad) It is also a story about love, which is one of the most exciting themes for students at this age.
-the length and complexity of the text (especially some words like “invigorated” or “engulfed”) are cognitively challenging. I tried to find a certain balance between adapting the text (in order to make the story a bit shorter according to the lesson length and the appropriate level) and remaining faithful to the original text in awareness of its content and style.
-the text gives a great opportunity for developing reading and speaking skills.
Before planning the lesson I have read the 9th chapter “Productive skills: speaking and writing” and the 10th chapter “Receptive skills: listening and reading” from “Learning Teaching” by J.Scrivener. With the help of the materials and chosen text I am going to help students improve in two skills: reading and speaking. I think this text could be exploited in the following way:
Lead-in to engage students’ interest in the topic and task (5 mins)
Pre-reading task to get students to give their predictions by reading the title of the text. Students check answers with partner, then whole class.
Set task: reading for general understanding. (task 1) (10 mins)
Students read text quickly and complete task.
Students check answers with partner, then whole class.
If students couldn’t do the task get them to read it again.
If students could do the task set another task: reading for more detailed information (task 2) (15 mins)
Students read more carefully to complete comprehension task.
Students check answers with partner, then whole class.
If students couldn’t do the task get them to read appropriate lines again.
Set vocabulary task. (task 3) (15 mins)
Students do vocabulary task
Students check answers with partner, then whole class feedback to check answers and clarify target vocabulary (MPF)
Set up role play (15 mins)
Students prepare for role play in groups then do the roleplay in pairs.
Whole class feedback on role play ( Delayed correction if necessary)
I designed the activities in this way according to the most important to me points read in J Scrivener’s book “Learning Teaching.”
As for developing reading skills I tried to follow Scrivener’s “route map for a basic reading lesson” - “from overview to details” (“Learning Teaching” by J.Scrivener, p 266-267) and his “task-feedback circle as a starting point” (“Learning Teaching” by J.Scrivener, p 150)
The stage of lead-in is designed to involve students in the topic with the help of the picture with traditional Christmas decoration (mistletoe) by making a link between students’ experiences and the topic of the text. Then students do one pre-reading task by giving their predictions.
So, after lead-in students’ task is to focus on fast reading for gist (task 1). This activity aims to develop skimming and is designed to increase reading speeds. ”A typical skimming task would be a general question from the teacher” (“Learning Teaching” by J.Scrivener, p 265) I designed this task by asking a similar question (Read the text very fast (5 minutes) and answer the question:
Did the main character feel sadness or joy when he thought about Christmas?) in order to get s-s to find the answer quickly without reading every word of the text.
The second task is focused on developing reading for detail (“reading texts closely and carefully with the intention of gaining and understanding of as much detail as possible” (Learning Teaching” by J.Scrivener, p264) I designed this activity by making True/False statements in order to help s-s develop intensive reading.
The third task is focused on vocabulary ( working out meaning of words from context by developing reading for more detailed information) This activity aims to develop vocabulary in the context of life experiences connected with celebrating Christmas in order to prepare students for speaking at the next stage of the lesson.
The last task is connected with role play and aims to develop speaking skills in the appropriate context. This activity is designed in order to encourage students to speak by giving them role cards with necessary words and allowing time to prepare first of all in groups then in pairs. The end of the activity is designed according to J Scrivener words “At the end of the role play make sure that you give some feedback on how well the students completed the activity. Remember to comment on the language used as well as the appropriacy of what was said. Students will need to feel that they have achieved something” (Learning Teaching” by J.Scrivener, p222) I would like to say that a certain kind of romantic music could be used at this stage of lesson in order to encourage shy students to speak louder and it would be necessary for creating appropriate feelings and emotions connected with this touching episode from the story.
So as you can see the main aim of the lesson is to develop reading skill (sub-skills are reading for gist, reading for detail, and speaking skill) Speaking skills are developed at post-text stage already but “if the subject is relevant and interesting, if the students already know about or are provided with information…if they feel motivated to talk about it, there is a good chance of something interesting happening” (Learning Teaching” by J.Scrivener, p211)
I suppose that the lesson could be very effective and useful because it is logically structured and appropriate to the level in awareness of students’ needs and interests.
-Look at the picture and discuss in pairs what holiday it is connected with and why.
Whole class feedback (Clarifying MPF of the word “mistletoe” if necessary)
-Talk in pairs what you feel if you think about this holiday
. Whole class feedback.
-Can Christmas be associated with loneliness and suffering?
In what case? Discuss in pairs.
Whole class feedback.
Read the title of the story and predict what it is about.
Discuss in pairs.
Whole class feedback.
Task 1
Read the text very fast (5 minutes) and answer the question:
Did the main character feel sadness or joy when he thought about Christmas?
Then check your answer in pairs.
Task 2
Read the text more carefully and write T or F after each sentence.
I give you 10 minutes. Then check your answer in pairs.
- The main character’s name was Roland.
- The main character wasn’t able to celebrate Christmas because he hated this holiday.
- Rachel and Bill tried to help their friend after his wife’s death.
- The main character killed his best friend accidentally.
- The main character didn’t want to celebrate Christmas with Rachel and her family only because of his sad feelings for this holiday.
- Rachel went on celebrating Christmas because she didn’t miss her husband.
- The main character wished he wasn’t so shy.
- There was only one reason why Rachel came to Roland, i.e. her children and grandchildren couldn’t celebrate that Christmas with her.
- Roland was happy to see Rachel on his doorstep.
10. Rachel brought only foodstuffs with her.
Task 3
Find and underline a word or phrase in bold that means:
- controlled thoughts and feelings
- inspired, encouraged
3. stay where you are until something ends, usually something bad.
- avoid doing something
- moving against something with great force
- “You are mad!”
- touched someone gently with a flat hand several times to show that you care about them or want to make them feel better.
- a point that people disagree about.
Task 4
Choose any card you like. (Divide s-s into 2 groups by giving them 2 types of cards: for Rachel and Roland.) Discuss in groups the reaction of your character. Choose a partner from another group and do the role play in pairs.
Whole class feedback on role play.
You were very sympathetic with Roland and did your best to support him after his wife’s death.
You went on celebrating Christmas after your husband’s death in spite of the fact you were missing him very much and the holiday reminded you of your happy life when he was alive.
You invited Roland to share Christmas with your children and you didn’t understand why he didn’t come.
One day you realized everything could be changed. You knew that Roland used to evade celebrating Christmas. You found him in order to celebrate Christmas together. You felt that he was happy to see you.
You were shocked when he kissed you but you waited for it.
Tell your sweetheart about your feelings.
Begin your phrase with the words: ”I am at a loss for words…..”
-You were suffering after your wife’s death very much.
-You weren’t able to celebrate Christmas because it reminded you of your wife and life when you were happy.
-It was Rachel who helped you when the first days of grief engulfed you.
-You were very thankful.
-But being invited by Rachel you fled far away to wait out another Christmas.
-You wished you were not so shy to tell Rachel about your feelings.
-You were happy to see Rachel on Christmas Eve.
-When she patted your cheek your heart started slamming. You felt invigorated and alive.
-You kissed Rachel. You dreamt about it.
Tell your sweetheart about your feelings. Begin your phrase with the words: ”I am at a loss for words…..”
The Christmas Kiss
by Judy Thompson
It was two days before Christmas, when I lost my dear wife, Emma to Breast Cancer. That was ten years ago and since then I haven't been able to face the festive season without thoughts of Emma struggling between life and death. Her last whispered words to me were, "I'm sorry I ruined your Christmas. I really tried to hold out." Since that ill fated Christmas I haven't been able to bring myself to celebrate the season. With Emma gone, Christmas seemed a moot point. I had no family to visit, because Emma and I didn't have children. When Emma was alive, we had many Christmas dinners at my best friend Bill's, with their noisy house full of children demanding my attention. ”Look, uncle Roland! Look what Santa brought me.
When the first days of grief engulfed me after Emma's passing, it was Bill's wife, Rachel who silently slid in and out of the house with food, a note encouraging me or directing me that the garbage had to go out, make sure you pay your bills. As days turned into months, Bill and Rachel brought over a small Springer Spaniel puppy, they hoped she would bring me companionship and comfort. While searching one of Rachel's old baby name books, I came across Aza, which is Arabic for comfort and a comfort she has been. Months turned into years and Bill and Rachel's kids grew up, went to school out of state and one married. Bill was killed two years ago in a tragic accident on his way up to my cottage. The first Christmas without Bill was hard, the kids came home to be with their Mom. Despite Rachel's grief, she still put up her tree and decorations and I wondered how could she do this without Bill? Knowing that she was missing Bill as much as I had missed Emma.
An invitation was extended to me like every year to come share Christmas with Rachel and her family, but I always turned it down and fled to Connecticut. I fled for many reasons besides my bitter feelings for the season. I had come to rely just a little too much on Rachel over the years and now with Bill in the great beyond with my Emma, my feelings for Rachel had blossomed into something a little more. I was a shy man, who didn't express his feelings to the world and so I kept to my own counsel on the subject. I never told Rachel where my heart lay. Sometimes I wished I wasn't such a reserved man, that I could be more bold and just take her hand and tell her the truth, but instead I packed up my bags and headed north to my cottage to wait out another Christmas.
On Christmas Eve, I was enjoying the fresh air and newly laid snow, reading and napping when suddenly there was a knock on the door. I got up from the chair and I walked towards the door. To my surprise Rachel stood on my doorstep. She smiled. "Roland Mitchell, if you think you are going to get out of another Christmas, you have another thing coming!" Coming out of my shock, I finally asked. "What are you doing here?" I moved aside to let her in." Cyril and Brigit are at her mother's this year and Meredith is snowbound at the Denver airport, and Mark's car broke down. Aren't we just a pair of sad souls with no one to celebrate Christmas with?" Her eyes twinkled with mischief. "I don't celebrate Christmas." I reminded her. Rachel patted my cheek. My heart started slamming against my ribs when the palm of her hand touched my skin. Rachel said sternly. "You used to evade celebrating Christmas, those days are over. I think ten years of the no Christmas rule is quite enough." Rachel winked and nodded toward the door. "You might want to give me a hand with the tree on my roof. I picked it up on the way here." I laughed. "You're nuts! Did you know that?"
While Rachel unpacked her foodstuffs, I untied the tree and slid it off the roof. The smell of Douglas Fir assailed my nose and I breathed the scent in deeply. I suddenly felt invigorated, and alive.
When darkness was heavy upon us, Rachel pulled the boxes of decorations towards the tree. "Okay. Do not fear, my dear. Decorating a tree is like riding a bike. You start with. . ." "The lights first, I remember." I hid a smile. I wrung the garland around and around the tree. Rachel stood surveying my work. She was deep in thought about the tree and suddenly I noticed she was under the mistletoe. I dropped the garland and walked over to her. Her eyes took on a questioning look and I ducked my head and brushed her lips lightly with mine. I kissed her with tenderness and meaning. She looked at me with shock. I pointed to the mistletoe and her eyes followed. "You were standing under it and I . . . I . . . " I was at a loss for words….
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