Lesson focus: Grammar Clarification (Past Simple)
методическая разработка по английскому языку (7 класс) по теме
Разработанный урок может быть использован на этапе формирования и развития грамматических навыков, связанных с употреблением Past Simple в 7-х классах общеобразовательных школ.
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Разработанный урок может быть использован на этапе формирования и развития грамматических навыков, связанных с употреблением Past Simple в 7-х классах общеобразовательных школ.
Lesson focus: Grammar Clarification (Past Simple)
Lesson stage/ Time interaction | Aim | Procedure |
Warmer 5 mins S-S T-S Grammar clarification S-S T-S 20-25 mins Checking understanding S-S S-T 5-10 min-s | -To generate students’ interest in presenting grammar Past Simple) -to clarify Past Simple - to provide restricted practice of using PS of regular and irregular verbs in affirmative, negative and interrogative sentences. -to provide freer practice of using PS of irregular verbs in affirmative, negative and interrogative sentences. | -Write down on the board “Past” on the left and “Present” on the right. -Set task: I’ve got some pictures which are connected either with my present or my past life. Try to guess and stick the pictures on the left or on the right. -s-s complete the task -give s-s an opportunity to change pictures if they want. -checking s-s’ predictions -get s-s to guess when the events in the past could happen showing cards with time markers (last century, last summer, last year, 9 years ago, etc) Draw a timeline on the board by asking s-s where Past is (Future and Present) -explain: Today we are going to talk about Past. -divide s-s into 3 groups and set task: Make your sentence using words on the board.(Appendix I) -the first group makes an affirmative sentence. -give other s-s a chance to change if they want -clarifying and checking meaning of TL -clarifying pronunciation and drill -clarifying form -train regular and irregular verbs using flashcards and pictures. -Get s-s of the second group to make a negative sentence using words on the cards. -clarifying and checking meaning of TL -clarifying pronunciation and drill -clarifying form -train regular and irregular verbs using flashcards and pictures. -Get s-s of the third group to make an interrogative sentence using words on the cards. -clarifying and checking meaning of TL -clarifying pronunciation and drill -clarifying form -train regular and irregular verbs using flashcards and pictures. Set task: Fill in the gaps and make a negative and an interrogative sentence.( Appendix I) -s-s complete the task -eliciting answers - Set task: Make your own story (or sentences if no time) about your character (Mr. Blue, Mr. Nose and Mr. Sport) using affirmative, negative and interrogative sentences. GW (Appendix III) -eliciting answers |
Appendix I
1. my/ visited/ a/ ago/ I/ grandparents/ week
(I visited my grandparents a week ago.)
2. they /not/ go/ school /last /did/ month /to
(They did not go to school last month.)
3. did/ why/ buy/ yesterday/ you/ it/?
(Why did you buy it yesterday?)
Appendix II
Fill in the gaps and make a negative and an interrogative sentence:
1 My friend (to sing) his favourite song yesterday.
2 His mother (to cook) last week.
3 Her father (to teach) us Russian 2 years ago.
4 Their parents (to go) to Moscow last summer.
5 I (to write) a composition about Pushkin last month.
6 We (to speak) English in the lesson 20 minutes ago.
Appendix III
Mr. Blue
Mr. Nose
Mr. Sport
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