"A Contemporary Story About Cinderella"
методическая разработка по английскому языку (6 класс) по теме
Скетч «Современная интерпретация сказки о Золушке».
Описание работы: Данная методическая разработка предназначена для учителей английского языка средней школы. Этот материал можно использовать для организации театральной постановки во внеклассной работе с детьми 6-8 классов. Скетч состоит из 4 сцен, общей продолжительностью примерно 15 мин.
Участие в театральной постановке, позволяет создать реальную ситуацию общения, приобрести такие качества, как умение работать в команде, проявлять взаимопомощь, внимание друг к другу.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Скетч «Современная интерпретация сказки о Золушке».
- Развивать у детей коммуникативную компетенцию.
- Развивать навыки говорения и выступления на публике.
- Формировать умение работать в команде.
- Воспитывать чувство товарищества и взаимопомощи.
- Повысить мотивацию к изучению английского языка.
Contemporary Interpretation of the Story About Cinderella.
(Sketch for 10-15min.)
- Step-mother
- Daughter Sofi
- Step-daughter Cindy (Cinderella)
- John (a guy)
- Some people (for background scene 2) and a celebrity (Paris Hilton).
Scene 1
At home.
Step -mother
Daughter Sofi
step -daughter Cindy.
(Mother and daughter are at the table. The daughter surfs the net. Cindy washes the floor).
S: Mom, I want to drink.
Step- mother (addressing Cindy): Hey you, give a glass of water to my beautiful daughter.
Sindy (bringing the glass for Sofi): here, please!
St.-m: And give me a book.
St.-m (while Cindy is bringing the book): Stupid girl, not this book.
(Cindy is bringing another book).
St.-m: No, I don’t want to read it. Give me a magazine!
(Cindy brings the magazine then continues to wash the floor).
S: Wow! Mom, Paris Hilton will have a party tonight.
C: Party?
St.- m: Yea, party!
C: Oh, please…may I go to the party?
St.-m (holding a list and then reading it): Of course, you may, my sweet girl. But, first you must:
1 Wash the dishes.
2. Wash the floor with a teeth brush.
3. Wash the windows.
4. Clean every single leave on flowers.
5. Paint walls in pink dot.
6. Paint swimming pool in blue.
Step -mother (dropping the list for purpose): And pick up this.
(Cindy goes to do the work about the house)
S: Mom, I need a new dress. Let’s go to do some shopping.
St.-m: Yes, my dear, let’s go.
(Sofi and her mother go away and there is only Cindy left who decided to use Sofi’s ipod without permission)
C. (looking through the information on the internet): Oh, useful information how to be cool at a party.
Scene 2.
John, St. -mother, daughter, Paris Hilton, people invited to the party, celebrities.
(Step- mother and Sofi have come to the party).
Step -mother (having seen a handsome guy and addressing her daughter):
Oh, what a handsome guy for you… Just look at him!
S: Oh, yea!
(Then Sofi sees Paris Hilton and goes to her)
S: Wow! Mom, look! Paris Hilton is over there! (Both step -mother and her daughter go to Paris Hilton)
Scene 3.
(Cindy having read useful information how to look cool and fashionable at the party transforms, changes her clothes and comes to it.)
Cindy, John, Paris Hilton, people.
J. (coming to Cindy): Hi. How are you? My name is John.
C: Hi, my name is Cindy.
J: Nice to meet you, Cindy!
C: Nice to meet you too!
(John talks to her for a while and invites her to dance)
J: Shall we dance?
C.: Oh, yes, with pleasure.
(After dancing Cindy watching on the clock which she has taken off her clutch):
C: Thank you for the wonderful evening! I have to go.
J: Oh, is it the time to go? Tell me your telephone number.
Cindy (wants to distract him and run away home): Look! Paris Hilton is over there…
(While John is looking at Paris Hilton, Cindy is in hurry and drops her watch accidentally).
Scene 4.
At home.
Cindy, John, St.- mother, daughter. Step -mother and her daughter Sofi are at the table. Sofi surfs the net. Mother reads the magazine. Cindy cleans the floor.)
S. (reading news out loud): Mom, that guy from the partу is looking for a girl who lost her watch to marry.
St.- m: Mm, send him a message that the watch is yours.
S: Ok!
(The bell is ringing.)
St.-m (to Cindy): Hey you, open the door.
(Cindy opens the door, runs away because she recognized John. John looks at her. He seems to recognize her too.)
St.-m: Hello!
J. to S: Hello. Is it your watch?
S: Yes it’s mine!
J: Give me your wrist, please.
(J. tries to put the watch on Sofi’s wrist but can’t do. Then mother stands up and looks at them.)
St.-m: Put it on! Put it on!
J: No, it’s not hers. Have you got another daughter?
St.-m.: No, I … .(Cindy comes into the room and her eyes meet John’s ones.)
J: Is it your watch? Let me try it on your wrist? (Cindy being afraid of her st.-m. looks at her and st.-m. nods).
John (having put the watch on her wrist and recognized the girl from the party): Oh! You…! Please, marry to me!
Cindy (smiling): Yes! Yes!
Step mother and her daughter (standing up simultaneously): What???
(John and Cindy run away together.) Step mother and her daughter (sitting down simultaneously): Oh,…
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