урок английского языка по теме "Весна"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку по теме
разработку можно использовать при проведении урока, посвященного теме "Весна" на разных ступенях обучения, а также в качестве внеклассного мероприятия
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Предварительный просмотр:
Spring is coming
Цель: создать плакат «Весна идет», встреча весны.
- Развивать и поддерживать интерес к иностранным языкам.
- Закрепить лексику по теме «Весна»
- Развивать творческие способности учащихся.
Оборудование: компьютер, проектор.
Материалы: заранее приготовленные цветы, листья, солнце, ватман, ножницы, клей, бумага.
Дети разделены на 3 команды
Ход урока
Два ученика ведут диалог:
1: Come on! Let’s go for a walk! It’s eight o’clock!
2: Why do you want to go so early?
1: Because the sun is shining and there isn’t a cloud in the sky and we are going for a walk. Do you want to go too?
2: Yes, I do! We haven’t seen the sun lately. I think the winter is over at last and spring’s on the way. I like the fresh spring air.
1: Spring is here
Summer is near
Grass is green
So nice and clean
2: The buds are springing
The birds are singing
The sun is shining
The people are smiling
Good morning, dear guests of our party! Today is the second day of spring! That means winter is over! And how do you know sprin is coming. Let’s see
- Весна: признаки весны.
- Презентация (6-7 слайдов)
It's simple to know when spring is arriving. Spring comes and nature awakens from its winter sleep. The days become longer and the nights become shorter. Weather in spring is very varied. Some days it may be cold enough to snow, and some days it is warm enough to play out in the garden.
The ground is covered with fresh green grass and the first spring flowers. How lovely the white snowdrops are! There are new leaves and blossoms on the trees.
The birds begin to sing, to unfold their wings and build their nests. The air is fresh and warm, the sun shines brightly.
The days are warm and everything is full of life and joy. Everybody feels younger and stronger.
Many people like spring more than other seasons. It is very pleasant to watch how the nature awakens from the winter sleep.
In spring we can go to the country and have a walk in the woods or by the river, play ball-games, lie in the sun and even have a swim if the water is warm enough.
There are results of our search to the point “How do you know spring is coming?”
заранее проводится опрос учащихся школы по вопросам:
1) Why do you like spring?
It becomes warmer
Summer will come soon
Days are longer
2) How do you know spring is coming?
The birds begin to sing.
The air is fresh and warm.
The sun shines brightly.
You can see new leaves, grass and flowers
- What are you going to do in spring?
Walk more, play outdoors, cycle others
Результаты представлены в диаграммах
- We’ve learnt why do you like spring listen to Sue, say why does she like spring?
I would love winter but for the cold winds and wet snow. I hate wearing warm clothes.
I am happy that’s it’s spring now. It is so wonderful to see the new spring leaves, grass and flowers. Tomorrow the weather is going to be fine. I will cycle and go roller balding. I will have a good time!
- Конкурсы (за каждое верно и быстро выполненное задание команда получает жетоны)
- You’ll get broken flowers with proverbs in English and in Russian. Match the English proverbs with the Russian proverbs.
1) One swallow does not make a spring | Одна ласточка весны не делает. |
2) Half an hour in a spring evening is worth a thousand gold pieces. | Весенний день год кормит |
3) No matter how long the winter, spring is sure to follow | Как не злись метелица, всё весной повевает |
4) The spring makes the stream flow. | Вода потекла, весну принесла |
5) A late Easter, a long cold spring | Поздняя Пасха – долгая весна. |
6) A kind word is like a spring day. | Весенний день – что ласковое слово. |
7) The blossoms in the spring are the fruit in autumn. | Весна красна цветами, а осень снопами. |
So, what is the first attribute of the spring? (A flower)
- Complete the poem. (Ученики получают разрезанное стихотворение.)
The season of spring
Weather seems to sing
Lovely longer days
Are coming our ways
The season of spring
Blooming and blossoming
The season of spring,
Birds unfold their wings
Diving high into sky
Wish they could fly.
Guess the title of the poem. (spring).
How is nature? (Birds unfold their wings, Lovely longer days)
- On your chairs you find leaves with name of celebrations and their date. Match them.
April | International Women's Day |
March | Mother’s Day |
The 1st of April | April Fools' Day |
The 8th of March | Victory Day |
The 9th of May | Easter |
The 1st of May | International Workers' Day |
What do we celebrate in March? In April? In May?
What is the next attribute of spring? (new leaves)
- Fill the gaps with words: spring, flowers, shorter, cycle, grass, blossoms, days, leaves, walk.
1__________ comes and nature awakens from its winter sleep. The 2________ become longer and the nights become 3________. Weather in spring is very varied. Some days it may be cold enough to snow, and some days it is warm enough to play out in the garden.
The ground is covered with fresh green 4___________ and the first spring 5_________. How lovely the white snowdrops are! There are new 6________ and 7________ on the trees.
The 8___________ begin to sing, to unfold their wings and build their nests. The air is fresh and warm, the sun shines brightly.
The days are warm and everything is full of life and joy. Many people like spring more than other seasons.
In spring we can 9_________ and 10______ a walk in the woods or by the river, play ball-games, lie in the sun and even have a swim if the water is warm enough.
5) Describe the weather and activities of people in this weather. What do you do in spring?
The Weather and activity
The sun shines people can lie in the sun, go for a walk.
It snows people can go ski.
In rains people can stay at home.
It is cloudy people can skate, cycle.
It is hot people can swim.
- Создание проектов (ученики приклеивают атрибуты весны).
We’ve remembered attributes of spring. At home you’ve prepared a leaves, sun and flowers. Let’s create a poster.
Present your posters (tell about spring)
- Подведение итогов мероприятия и домашнее задание
Who has the most points? What was new?
Домашенее задание заполнить таблицу (поискать в литературе, в Интернете)
In Russia | In Britain | |
nature | ||
Weather | ||
Holidays | ||
activities |
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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