Открытый урок по теме "Роль средств массовой информации в жизни человека" 8 класс
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (8 класс) на тему
План конспект урока в 8 классе по теме "Средства массовой информации". Урок составлен по УМК М.З. Биболетовой
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МБОУ Кадетская школа – интернат
Открытый урок
по английскому языку
« Роль средств массовой информации в жизни человека»
Подготовила: Табачная Е.В.,
учитель английского языка,
II категории
Класс: 8 А
Конкурс «Учитель года»
Бугульма, 2012
Задачи и цели урока
- Образовательные:
- формирование практических умений и навыков иноязычной речевой деятельности учащихся (в чтении, письме и говорении).
- учить правильно употреблять языковые средства, строить фразы, повышать общую культуру выражения мысли.
- Развивающие:
- развивать мышление, память, логику, воображение.
- развитие знаний, умений и навыков изучаемого языка
- развивать самостоятельность.
- Воспитательные:
- формировать мотивацию к изучению иностранного языка.
- воспитание чувства коллективизма, взаимовыручки, умений работать в паре и группе.
- воспитание культуры общения.
- умение давать оценку работе своих одноклассников.
Слайд 1
- Free talk.
- Dear students,
I’m glad to see you today. And now I want you to look at the pictures on the screen. So, try to explain what these pictures mean.
Слайд 2
(на экране картинки со средствами массовой информации;
учащиеся должны назвать их)
- So, we are going to review some information about the role of mass media in our life.
Слайд 3
II. Phonetic drill.
Hickety, Dickety, my black hen.
She lays eggs for gentlemen.
Sometimes nine
And sometimes ten,
Hickety, Dickety, my black hen.
III. The basic part of the lesson.
- As you told the mass media is divided into different means of communicating: television, books, newspaper and so on. But do you know what the definitions of these words are. I’ll give you cards with the words of the mass media you are to find the right variant according to the main word on the card. Слайд 4
(учащиеся подбирают определение или слово к своим надписям на карточках)
Cards I: Television, newspaper, the Internet, radio, books
Cards II: - a paper printed usually daily or weekly with news;
- broadcasting programs for people to listen to;
- broadcasting programs for people to watch no their TV;
- a way to communicate with your partner using the computer(e_mail);
- it is the most ancient mass media.
(выслушиваются ответы) Слайд 5
Now look at the screen again and choose the best adjectives to your mass media and explain why you will choose this variant.
Слайд 6
(Варианты ответов на экране):
… is … because…
The most useful | We can get necessary information |
The most interesting | There are a lot of shows, games, programs |
The easiest to use | You should only press the button |
The safest | It is not harmful for our health |
The cheapest | It helps us to save our money |
The most modern | It is new technology in all over the world |
Слайд 7
- I think it’s high time to relax.
Stand up and look around.
Shake your head and turn around,
Stamp your feet upon the ground,
Clap your hands, and then sit down.
- It was interesting to listen to your statements. But there is one more believing among people about means of communicating. They say that the media brings people closer. So, prove it. I’ll divide you into four groups. Pronounce the words: The Internet, television, newspaper, radio according to the turns of your sits. The words you pronounce make your group.
Слайд 8
(раздаются тексты и карточки со СМИ согласно названию команды; здесь ребята могут выбрать подходящие выражения для выступления)
Выражения: study the languages spoken all over the world, learn about the history of their own country, realize how common they have with other peoples, choose the place they would like to visit.
- Speaking about the mass media, we should remember about people who help us to be informed. They are: journalists, reporters, correspondents. Preparing for the program or the issue they try to meet with interesting people. But the computer, as it often occurs, suddenly broken and the questions for the guest were messed. Help them to correct the mistakes.Слайд 9
(на экране вопросы; следующий слайд правильный вариант)
- Often, Did, you, listen to, program, radio?
- Don’t , you, TV, any, programs, there, Are, like?
- Local, What, you, do, newspapers, to read, prefer?
- You, fairy – tales, Do, like, in your childhood, to read?
Слайд 10
- Now imagine you are the journalist at the press – conference. One of you is a successful person. Be ready to ask him the questions.
(один учащийся отвечает на вопросы)
- Unfortunately, I have to say “good- bye” but let’s review what is the role of the mass media in our life? Give me only phrase.
Слайд 11
(каждый учащийся высказывает по одной фразе)
Before going away, put the marks to your classmates in the cards according to their activities during the lesson. After that I’ll take them. And my mark for your lesson is on the screen.
Слайд 12
Television | a paper printed usually daily or weekly with news |
broadcasting programs for people to listen to | |
broadcasting programs for people to watch no their TV | |
a way to communicate with your partner using the computer(e_mail) | |
it is the most ancient mass media |
Newspaper | a paper printed usually daily or weekly with news |
broadcasting programs for people to listen to | |
broadcasting programs for people to watch no their TV | |
a way to communicate with your partner using the computer(e_mail) | |
it is the most ancient mass media |
The Internet | a paper printed usually daily or weekly with news |
broadcasting programs for people to listen to | |
broadcasting programs for people to watch no their TV | |
a way to communicate with your partner using the computer(e_mail) | |
it is the most ancient mass media |
Radio | a paper printed usually daily or weekly with news |
broadcasting programs for people to listen to | |
broadcasting programs for people to watch no their TV | |
a way to communicate with your partner using the computer(e_mail) | |
it is the most ancient mass media |
Books | a paper printed usually daily or weekly with news |
broadcasting programs for people to listen to | |
broadcasting programs for people to watch no their TV | |
a way to communicate with your partner using the computer(e_mail) | |
it is the most ancient mass media |
Mass Media.
Newspapers are especially important nowadays and we can't imagine our life without them. There are newspapers for professionals, for businessmen, for children and teenagers, for men and women, for sports fans, for those who are interested in gardening, fishing, hunting, for those who keep pets and so on. In short, you can always find a paper which suits your interests.
Television with its help we can see everything with our own eyes. It is the window on the world which gives us an opportunity to "travel" all over the world. TV gives us thought, introduces us to new ideas and activities. It has the power to educate and broaden our minds. It helps us to relax after a hard day's work and to escape from reality.
Many people prefer the radio. It is good to listen to it in the car, or in the open air, or when you do something about the house.
The Internet has recently become another important source of information. It is one thing that more cool and faster than television. The internet is a window into the world of information. Using the internet you can find all that you want to know and you don’t need go to shops, buy DVD...no. It is very convenient. You can chat with your friends in “in contact” and other chats pages.
Books. There are different kinds of books: novels, short stories, tales, fairy-tales, fables, poems, plays, memories, atlases and text-books. Books can be humorous, adventurous, detective, fantastic, historical, political, and scientific. They can be interesting, thrilling, fascinating, exciting, useful, unusual, original, amusing, moving, and true-to-life, well-written, boring, badly-written, and unoriginal.
Выражения: study the languages spoken all over the world, learn about the history of their own country, realize how common they have with other peoples, choose the place they would like to visit.
Оценочный листок
№ | Фамилия, имя | начало урока | стишок | соотнеси слово | составь предложение | работа с текстом | вопросы | интервью | итог |
1 | Антонов Аркадий | ||||||||
2 | Бутвин Александр | ||||||||
3 | Голов Евгений | ||||||||
4 | Лазарев Роман | ||||||||
5 | Мазлов Антон | ||||||||
6 | Москвичев Константин | ||||||||
7 | Останков Антон | ||||||||
8 | Родичкин Виталий | ||||||||
9 | Фархутдинов Тимур | ||||||||
10 | Хохлов Александр | ||||||||
11 | Шагалиев Роман | ||||||||
12 | Щучкин Стас |
Оценочный листок
№ | Фамилия, имя | начало урока | стишок | соотнеси слово | составь предложение | работа с текстом | вопросы | интервью | итог |
1 | Антонов Аркадий | ||||||||
2 | Бутвин Александр | ||||||||
3 | Голов Евгений | ||||||||
4 | Лазарев Роман | ||||||||
5 | Мазлов Антон | ||||||||
6 | Москвичев Константин | ||||||||
7 | Останков Антон | ||||||||
8 | Родичкин Виталий | ||||||||
9 | Фархутдинов Тимур | ||||||||
10 | Хохлов Александр | ||||||||
11 | Шагалиев Роман | ||||||||
12 | Щучкин Стас |
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