Урок английского языка 4класса по теме "Рождество в Стране Вопросов".
методическая разработка (английский язык) по теме
Данный урок в форме игры активизирует навык использования в речи вопросительных структур.
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План – конспект урока английского языка в 4А классе
Тема урока: Christmas in Questionland.
Рождество в Стране Вопросов.
Тип урока: комбинированный
Вид урока: урок – игра
Цель урока: 1. совершенствование навыков диалогической и
монологической речи
2. активизация вопросительных структур на базе
Present Simple, Past Simple
Задачи урока: 1. совершенствование коммуникативных умений через
игровую деятельность учащихся;
2. развитие умения интегрировать имеющиеся знания
3. создание ситуации успеха, творчества как основы для
повышения мотивации изучения языка
Технологии: ролевая игра, технологии ситуативного обучения,
информационно- коммуникативные технологии
Оборудование: портреты гномов с вопросительными словами, карточки
c заданиями для команд, мультимедийный проектоp,
В классе стоит наряженная елка.( A Fortune Tree)
Ход урока.
I. Teacher: At the end of December when the weather is cold and there is
much snow in the street a merry holiday comes. It’s Christmas. All the people
are at home. They are waiting for Christmas.
Today we are going to celebrate Christmas with our friends. They are
unusual friends. They neither eat nor drink. They neither dance nor play. But
they live everywhere: in books and films, towns and villages, in England and
in Russia. And their favourite home is books by Rudyard Kipling. Do you like
reading his books? A lot of Kipling’s stories begin with them. For example,
“How the Whale got his throat? “
“How the Camel got his Hump?”
“How the Leopard got his Spots?”
“How the First Letter was Written?”
Children, can you guess who are our friends? Yes, they are six brothers who
live in Questionland. What are their names?
Pupil 1: Their names are What, Why, When, How, Where and Who!
Teacher: That’s right! They invite us to celebrate Christmas in Questionland.
But we can’t get to this country if we don’t do all the tasks the six brothers
have sent us.
II. Recite the poem by R.Kipling about six brothers:
Team 1: I have six honest serving men,
They taught me all I knew.
Their names are What, and Why, and When,
And How, and Where, and Who.
Team 2: I send them over land and sea,
I send them east and west,
But after they have worked for me
I give them all a rest.
III. Choose the right word from the box to complete the sentences:
Why Who What Where How When |
1….is Christmas Day?
2…..puts their stockings near the bed?
3….do the people eat for Christmas?
4…..does Santa Clause put the presents for children?
5…..do you like Christmas?
6…..old is Santa Clause?
IV. Listen to the song and answer the questions:
1. Who went over the mountain?
2. What did he see there?
3. Where else did the bear go?
4. What did he see there?
V .Sing the song which begins with the question word.
The pupils sing the song – Who’s got the longest neck in the jungle?
VI .Imagine you’ve met a new friend in Questionland. What questions
would you like to ask him(her)?
(pupils work in groups)
VII. Read the sentence and ask as many questions as possible.
Yesterday Sally decorated the Christmas Tree with toys and lights.
VIII. Read the questions and get ready to say how you celebrate Christmas
in your family.
1. When do you celebrate Christmas ?
2. How do you decorate your room?
3. What do you do before Christmas?
4. Where do you put presents for your relatives?
5. Do you make a wish at Christmas night?
IX. The last task. Look at our Fortune Tree. You can see small Christmas
crackers on it. Inside each cracker there is a question. Come up to
the Tree , take a cracker, open it and read the question. If you answer
correctly, your wish will come true and you can get into Questionland.
X. Summing up.
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