Цифровое повествование на уроках английского языка(из опыта работы)
статья по английскому языку (11 класс) на тему
Как повысить мотивацию учебной деятельности ученика?Как сделать совместное обучение интересным? Эти и другие вопросы не раз задавал себе каждый учитель.
Одним из помощников на любом уроке может стать использование активных методов образования с привлечением ИКТ, например, создание цифровых историй (цифровое повествование).
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Цифровое повествование на уроках английского языка.
Как повысить мотивацию учебной деятельности ученика?Как сделать совместное обучение интересным? Эти и другие вопросы не раз задавал себе каждый учитель.
Одним из помощников на любом уроке может стать использование активных методов образования с привлечением ИКТ, например, создание цифровых историй (цифровое повествование).Цифровое повествование-это сочетание рассказа с показом цифровых изображений, текста, записанной речи, видео и музыки для передачи более емкой информации по теме.
Создавать истории любят ученики любого возраста, при этом они с большой охотой применяют современные технологии. Внедряя проекты с цифровыми историями в учебный процесс, можно привлечь внимание учеников и в то же время помочь им сформировать необходимые в современном мире навыки.
Рассказывание историй при помощи цифровых технологий
- Поощряет исследования, давая ученикам возможность самостоятельно
- изучать предмет и делая процесс обучения динамичным
и интерактивным.
- Формирует навыки критического мышления, помогает ученикам
- обдумывать тему глубже, четче и всесторонне, особенно если материал сложен.
- Улучшает усвоение знаний по любому предмету. Дает навыки выступления перед аудиторией
- Развивает творчество,
- Формирует речевую и цифровую грамотность.
На свои х уроках я активно использую эту работу. «Мой досуг» и «Наша практика», «Виртуальная экскурсия по стране изучаемого языка» и «Достопримечательности родного города», «Моя будущая профессия» и «Спорт как залог здоровья»-вот далеко не полный перечень названий цифровых рассказов студентов.
Многие проекты посвящены медицинской тематике,что,безусловно,способствует не только более успешному овладению английским языком,но и адаптации к своей будущей профессии.Студенты готовят цифровые рассказы о Гиппократе и Авиценне , Пирогове и Склифосовском,Даше Севастопольской и Флоренс Найтингейл,основательнице сестринского процесса,(Приложение 1 и 2)-людях,которые являются ярким примером прекрасного служения медицине.Все работы разные.Это и
- презентация,выполненная в программе PowerPoint с текстом,изображениями,
- фотоистории с текстом, фотографиями,записанным голосовым повествованием и музыкой,выполненная в программе Photo Story.
Все зависит только от фантазии и способностей творческой группы.
Для успешной работы над творческими проектами нами была создана ПАМЯТКА «Как рассказать удачную историю»:
1. Найдите свою историю.
2. Продумайте направление истории. Используйте сценарии и раскадровки.
3. Постарайтесь сразу привлечь внимание слушателей и удержать его. Некоторые
истории начинаются с важных вопросов, другие — со значимых статистических
данных и запоминающихся изображений. Найдите способ сразу же привлечь внимание
слушателей и старайтесь, чтобы им не стало скучно. По ходу повествования
поднимайте новые вопросы и поддерживайте интерес аудитории.
4. Используйте живой, легкий,грамотный язык. Не портите впечатление от интересных изображений и правильно подобранного звука неграмотно построенными предложениями.
5 Излагайте свои мысли четко, конкретно.Если не уверены,что слушатели вас поймут,сделайте переводы-подсказки,но не злоупотребляйте ими.Слушатели не глупее вас.
6. Помните о ваших эмоциях и эмоциях слушателей. У каждой истории есть
определенный эмоциональный настрой, влияющий на слушателей. Определите
эмоциональный настрой своей истории и следите, чтобы ему соответствовали
выбранные вами слова, изображения и музыка.
Работу над цифровым рассказом можно разбить на пять этапов.
1. Подготовка: обсуждение идей и определение ключевых тезисов в группе.
2. Составление: проработка сценария, создание и подготовка отдельных элементов продукта.
3. Проверка: доработка отдельных элементов проекта.
4. Редактирование и монтаж: объединение составляющих проекта в готовый продукт.
5. Публикация: представление проекта.
Создание цифровых историй-это серьезная учебная нагрузка с солидным объемом получаемых знаний, поскольку в процессе создания творческого продукта студентам приходится тщательнее изучать предмет, внимательно обдумывать материалы и обмениваться полученными знаниями на грамотном английском языке.
Использованная литература:
Расскажите историю, и вы полюбите учиться: http://download.microsoft.com/documents/rus/education/pdf/digitalstorytellingebook.pdf
ПРИЛОЖЕНИЕ 2 (рассказ)
Слайд 1- 3
Florence Nightingale, OM (May 12, 1820 - August 13, 1910), who came to be known as The Lady with the Lamp, was the pioneer of modern nursing. Each year, the International Nurses Day is celebrated on her birth anniversary.
Слайд 4
Born into a wealthy and well-connected British family at the 'Villa Colombaia' in Florence, Italy, she was named after the city of her birth, as was her older sister the old city that is now. A brilliant and strong-willed woman, Florence rebelled against the expected role for a woman of her status, which was to become an obedient wife. Her parents William Edward and Frances Nightingale were a wealthy couple. Florence was taught at home by their Cambridge University educated father. She was an academic child. Florence grew up to be a lively and attractive young woman, admired in the family social circle and she was expected to make a good marriage, but Florence had other concerns.
Слайд 5
In December 1844, in response to a pauper's death in a workhouse infirmary in London that became a public scandal, Nightingale became the leading advocate for improved medical care in the infirmaries and immediately engaged the support of Charles Villiers, then president of the Poor Law Board. This led to her active role in the reform of the Poor Laws, extending far beyond the provision of medical care.
In 1846 she visited Kaiserwerth, a pioneering hospital established and managed by an order of Catholic sisters in Germany, and was greatly impressed by the quality of medical care and by the commitment and practises of the sisters.
Слайд 6
Florence Nightingale's career in nursing began in earnest in 1851 when she received four months' training in Germany as a deaconess of Kaiserswerth. She undertook the training over strenuous family objections concerning the risks and social implications of such activity, and the Catholic foundations of the hospital. While at Kaiserswerth, Florence reported having her most important intense and compelling experience of her divine calling.
On August 12, 1853, Nightingale took a post of superintendent at the Institute for the Care of Sick Gentlewomen in Upper Harley Street, London, a position she held until October 1854. Her father had given her an annual income of £500 (roughly $50,000 in present terms) that allowed her to live comfortably and to pursue her career.
Her most famous contribution was during the Crimean War, which became her central focus when reports began to filter back to Britain about the horrific conditions for the wounded. On October 21, 1854, Nightingale and a staff of 38 women volunteer nurses, trained by Nightingale and including her aunt Mai Smith, were sent to the Crimea, with the authorisation of Sidney Herbert.
Слайд 7
She arrived early in November 1854. In Scutari (modern-day Üsküdar in Istanbul, Turkey) Nightingale and her nurses found wounded soldiers being badly cared for by overworked medical staff in the face of official indifference. Medicines were in short supply, hygiene was being neglected, and mass infections were common, many of them fatal. There was no equipment to process food for the patients.
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Слайд 9
She was celebrated and admired as "The Lady with the Lamp" after the Grecian lamp she always carried in her tireless evening and night-time visits to injured soldiers. Nightingale's lamp also allowed her to work late every night, maintaining meticulous medical records for the hospital, and writing personal letters to the family of every soldier who died in the hospital. The depth of her commitment to the care of her patients in Crimea earned her the everlasting respect and affection of the common soldier
Nightingale and her compatriots began by thoroughly cleaning the hospital and equipment, and reorganizing patient care. Although she met resistance from the doctors and officers, her changes vastly improved conditions for the wounded and by April dropped mortality rates by 40 per cent to just two per cent. She sent many letters to Herbert, to facilitate better medical care. She also invented the "polar-area diagram" to dramatize the extent of the needless deaths in British hospitals during the Crimean war.
Слайд 11-12
The Nightingale nurses in the East wore grey tweed wrappers, worsted jackets, with caps and short woolen cloaks, and a frightful scarf of brown holland, embroidered in red with the words, “Scutari Hospital”.-Sister Mary Aloysius.
Слайд 13
Nightingale returned to Britain a heroine on August 7, 1857, and, according to the BBC, was arguably the most famous Victorian after Queen Victoria herself.
Florence moved from her family home in Middle Claydon, Buckinghamshire to the Burlington Hotel in Piccadilly. However, she was stricken by a fever of possible psychosomatic origin, in part a delayed response to the stress of her work in the Crimean War and her bout with Crimean fever. She barred her mother and sister from her room and rarely left it. It has been suggested that she may have suffered from bipolar disorder or myalgic encephalitis. See CBC story: 'Florence Nightingale suffered from bipolar disorder'.
In response to an invitation from Queen Victoria, and despite the limitations of confinement to her room, Florence Nightingale played the central role in the establishment of the Royal Commission on the Health of the Army, of which Sidney Herbert became chairman. As a woman, Nightingale could not be appointed to the Royal Commission, but she wrote the Commission's 1,000-plus page detailed report that included detailed statistical reports and was instrumental in the implementation of its recommendations.
Слайд 14-15
There is museum a Florence Nightingale Museum in London and another museum devoted to her at her sister's family home, Claydon House, now a property of the National Trust.
The northernmost tower of the Selimiye Barracks building is today a , and in several of its rooms, relics and reproductions relevant to Florence Nightingale and her nurses are on exhibition.
Сла йд 16-17
By 1859, Florence had £45,000 at her disposal from the Nightingale Fund to set up the Nightingale Training School at St Thomas' Hospital on July 9, 1860. (It is now called the Florence Nightingale School of Nursing and Midwifery and is part of Kings College London.) The first trained Nightingale nurses began work on May 16 at the Liverpool Workhouse Infirmary. She also campaigned and raised funds for the Royal Buckinghamshire Hospital in Aylesbury, near her family home.
Florence Nightingale spent the rest of her life promoting the establishment and development of the nursing profession and organizing it into its modern form.
Слайд 18
Although Florence Nightingale was bedridden for many years, she campaigned tirelessly to improve health standards, publishing 200 books, reports and pamphlets. In recognition of her hard work Queen Victoria awarded Miss Nightingale the Royal Red Cross in 1883. In her old age she received many honours, including the Order of Merit (1907), becoming the first woman to receive it. Florence Nightingale died at home at the age of 90 on 13 August 1910 and, according to her wishes, she was buried at St Margaret's, East Wellow, near her parent's home, Embley Park in Hampshire. Florence Nightingale's farsighted reforms have influenced the nature of modern health care and her writings continue to be a resource for nurses, health managers and planners
Слайд 19
The Florence Nightingale Declaration Campaign, established by nursing leaders throughout the world through the Nightigale Initiative for Global Health (NIGH), aims to build a global grassroots movement to achieve two United Nations Resolutions for adoption by the UN General Assembly of 2008 which will declare: The International Year of the Nurse–2010 (the centennial of Nightingale's death); The UN Decade for a Healthy World–2011 to 2020 (the bicentennial of Nightingale's birth). NIGH also works to rekindle awareness about the important issues highlighted by Florence Nightingale, such as preventive medicine and holistic health. So far, The Florence Nightingale Declaration has been signed by over 13,000 signatories from 78 countries. It was celebrated at the National Cathedral in Washington on 25th April in 2010.
Слайд 20
Hear a historical recording conducted by Thomas Edison assistant in London, Col. George Gouraud, at Nightingale home on 30 July 1890.Edison had perfected his wax disc and sent his assistant around the world to record famous voices: “When I am no longer even a memory, just a name, I hope my voice perpetuates the great work of my life. God bless my dear old comrades of Balaclava and bring them safe to shore.”
Слайд 21
It is order of Florence Nightingale, which was institioned in 1912 year.
Слайд 22
In the eighties, space probes discovered the Nightingale Corona on the planet Venus. A corona is a kind of volcanic feature.
U. S. Air Force C-9A Nightingale medical evacuation aircraft
Florence Nightingale - Academic Kids
Английский - просто.Florence Nightingale http://www.english-easy.info/biographies/biographies_Florence_Nightingale.php#axzz2EzDZdt6E
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