методическая разработка по английскому языку (8 класс) по теме
Урок, построенный по методике интенсивного обучения , предусматривающий проведение ролевой игры на уроке английского языка
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Разработка урока по английскому языку « SEEING A DOCTOR» учителя школы 1285 Романчиковой Г.Н.
№ | Коммуникативный контекст и задание | Грамматика | Лексический материал | Взаимо- действие | Доп. материал | Время | Примечание |
1 | Every year we have a planned doctor’s consulting. It’s rather tiring and time-consuming. But this year things have improved as a new clinic is going to open nearby. It’s quite modern , non-traditional because everything is unusual in it. | 1 мин. | |||||
2 | Введение лексического материала. Teacher’s story: I can tell you a secret. I’ve got it from the Internet ( it’s a gossip). A well-known singer V. Leontjev has visited this clinic of late. The singer was not feeling well . His body was not working properly. He was suffering from many diseases, but he didn’t know what they were. The doctor examined his eyes, and the patient was diagnosed as having severe problems with stomach. In addition to it he had a broken leg. He was given an appropriate treatment. And as a result he felt much better a month later and was extremely satisfied with the diagnoses. | Past Simple Passive , Past Simple Active | Suffer from…, diseases, not feel well, be examined by, an iridologist, be diagnosed, severe problems with stomach, have a broken leg, be given an appropriate treatment, be satisfied with. | Фронтально | Фотография современного здания | 2 мин. | Смена интонации |
3 | Мотивация повторения новой лексики ( жёсткая модель – упр. 1) Share the news with your friends. Just imagine: Model: 1) He wasn’t feeling well. 2) He was suffering from many diseases. 3) He had a broken leg. 4)The doctor examined his eyes.(his eyes were examined) 5) He was diagnosed as having severe problems with his stomach. 6) He was extremely satisfied with the diagnoses. | Past Simple Passive , Past Simple Active | Suffer from…, diseases, not feel well, be examined by, an iridologist, be diagnosed, severe problems with stomach, have a broken leg, be given an appropriate treatment, be satisfied with. | По цепочке | 3 мин. | Шёпотом. Игра «испорченный телефон». | |
4 | Предтекстовое задание. -What kind of doctor do you think he was? - He was an iridologist. He diagnosed the case only having looked at his iris (the coloured apple of the eye). Read the text and say what extraordinary services are available at the clinic and if the method belongs to the future. | Группа по 2 | Рисунок глаза | 6 мин. | |||
5 | Работа с текстом. Ученики читают текст про себя. | ||||||
6 | Контроль понимания текста ( упр. С стр. 71) | Фронтально | Учебник, текст | 2 мин. | |||
7 | Цепочка упражнений по выводу лексики в речь (1 жёсткое упр-е). We are at the receptionist’s. You have got a unique chance to make an appointment with an iridologist only today. There are too many people and only three receptionists. Remember they might forget your request, so make an appointment at each desk. Here are your identification cards with your roles. Model( patient) : I’m Mrs Jane. I’m 50. I’m not feeling well. My body isn’t working properly. I’m suffering from many diseases. I’m suffering from severe stomach problems. Model (receptionist): Could you tell me you name and age? Don’t worry. You’ll be diagnosed and given an appropriate treatment. Контроль 1 жёсткого задания. What complaints did the patients come with? How did the receptionist react? ( Models for answers: She said she was not feeling well. She said she was suffering from many diseases. She said she was suffering from severe stomach problems. The doctor said not to worry. He said I would be diagnosed and given an appropriate treatment. | Reported Speech | В парах Хор | Ролевые карточки | 3 мин. | ||
8 | 2 жёсткое упражнение You are waiting in a queue. There are two doctor’s consulting rooms. You are at Room 1.The rest are at Room 2.Your friends have already been at the doctor’s. They have been already given a proper treatment and they are satisfied with the results. What did they tell you? Model: My friend said the doctor had examined his eyes. He said he had been diagnosed and given a proper treatment. Контроль What are the impressions of your friends? What did she say? Model: She said she was feeling much better. She said that the doctor had examined his eyes.,etc.
| Две шеренги | 5 мин. | ||||
9 | 1 полужёсткое упражнение Model( teacher):З I have no stomachache. headache earache heartache toothache. I have no sore throat. running nose I have no problems with lungs. Kidneys Liver. We are at the doctors’. Patients, tell the doctors what you suffer from. You have been feeling strange for month. Doctors, calm them down. Diagnose the case and say they will be given a proper treatment. | Фронтально (зарядка) Тусовка | 1 мин. 2 мин. | ||||
10 | Свободное задание Нave you heard that the action is being held now for the best advertising of the clinic? If you are a winner, you’ll get consulting at the clinic with 50% discount within a year. In groups of 3 make a presentation of this unusual clinic. Say why it is worth going there. Advise your classmates, grandparents, relatives address to this clinic. Listen and say what arguments persuaded you to apply for help to it. Which of them are not persuasive? Don’t give less than 3 arguments in favour of addressing to this clinic. If you want your team to win, what questions would you ask? What advertising beside yours attracted your attention and why? Distribute your information: what each member of the group will speak about. Контроль задания Your friend is afraid of doctors and examining. Give advice to address for help to the clinic “Be well, Stay well” where the examining won’t take much time and won’t be stressful. | Группы по 3 | 15 мин. | ||||
11 | Подведение итогов | 1 мин. | |||||
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