An Apple a Day Keeps a Doctor Away
методическая разработка по английскому языку (6 класс) по теме
Научить детей адаптироваться в реальных ситуациях- делается акцент на этикетные нормы. В качестве непременного условия выдвигается вежливый,доброжелательный и доверительный тон общения.Развитие у учащихся внимания, веры в себя, в свои способности, чтобы дети раскованно , с удовольствием говорили на англ.языке.Тема <Здоровье> очень актуальна. Важно,чтобы дети могли воспользоваться своими знаниями в реальной жизни.
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Урок Тема : «An Apple a Day Keeps a Doctor Away» Цель урока : привитие учащимся навыков межличностного общения, умения инициировать и поддерживать беседу, а также контроль усвоения лексических единиц и использования их в речевых блоках, как в диалогической, так и в монологической речи по теме: « An Apple A Day Keeps A Doctor Away ». Задачи: Учебная задача: контроль усвоения языкового материала и следующих грамматических тем: употребление модальных глаголов must , should , артикль с названиями болезней, Present , Past Simple Tenses , глагол to be в Past Simple Tenses , построение отрицательных и вопросительных предложений, использование выражений частности, потребление повелительного наклонения в связных высказываниях и использовании их диалогической и монологической речи. Развивающая задача: Обучение устной речи – диалогической с элементами монологической речи, обработка лексических единиц в речевых блоках, в связных высказываниях и реальных ситуациях. При этом совершенствуются произносительные навыки учащихся: фонетика, английская интонация (логическое ударение, ритм), развитие у учащихся интереса к языку, преодоление языкового барьера, для обеспечения эффективной учебной деятельности учащихся. Воспитательная задача: научить детей адаптироваться в реальных ситуациях – делается акцент на этикетные нормы. В качестве непременного условия выдвигается вежливый, доброжелательный и доверительный тон общения. Развитие у учащихся внимания, веры в себя, в свои способности, чтобы дети раскованно, с удовольствием говорили на английском языке. «Good health is a strong, energetic body and mind working together and growing together challenging the world and being challenged by the world»
The Smiths tell his children what they must (should) do and they mustn’t (shouldn’t) do to be healthy. What do they say? Pretend you are Mr.(Mrs.) Smith and say it for them: Mary you must get up too late. Bob mustn’t eat a lot of sweets. should help your mother about the house shouldn’t take any tablets without his advice. take a lot of vitamins. look after your little sister. eat fruit and vegetables. eat too much ice-cream. give sweets to your pet. consult the doctor. wash your hands before you eat.
Parents and teachers often tell children what they must do first. What do they say? Example: Mother : do homework / go for a walk. Mother : You must do your homework before you go for a walk. Mother: wash hands / eat. Granny : wash hands and face / go to bed. Teacher : think / speak. Grandfather: say goodnight / go to bed. Father: do homework / play. Teacher: think / write.
Complete the crosswords: 1 ноги 2 голова 3 нос 4 рот 5 рука 6 лоб 7 ступни 8 волосы 9 глаза 10 уши Плечи 1 зубная боль 2 боль в животе 3 головная боль 4 совет 5 простуда 6 боль в ухе 7 боль 8 зубной врач 9 зубы 2 1 6 5 4 3 8 7 9 1 11 2 3 4 10 5 7 6 8 9
Complete the crosswords: 1 ноги 2 голова 3 нос 4 рот 5 рука 6 лоб 7 ступни 8 волосы 9 глаза 10 уши Плечи 1 зубная боль 2 боль в животе 3 головная боль 4 совет 5 простуда 6 боль в ухе 7 боль 8 зубной врач 9 зубы h c a m o s o t e h c a r a e h c a a 4 h 3 t e h c a d l o e c i v d a d a c h e e d e a c n t 9 i t s e h t e t l e g s h e a d o s e n m o u t h l d e h a n f e h e a d r f o r s r e t e s i y h a e
Ruth has a toothache. Ruth has a toothache. Teddy has a cold. Fred has a headache. Eddie’s getting cold. Sam has a stomachache. Frankie has the flu. Jack has a backache. Tony has one, too. Ruth has a toothache. Teddy has a cold. Fred has a headache. Eddie’s getting old.
Write a note to your teacher. Explain why you can’t go to school: To have got a toothache a stomachache a splitting headache an earache a bad cough a sore throat a running nose a cold to be running a temperature date Dear I can’t come to school today illness because reason your name
Read and say if Tom has a sweet tooth and answer the questions: THE LAST TOOTH. Tom liked sweets and ice-cream very much, that’s why he didn’t have all his teeth. Yesterday his last tooth fell out. But Tom wasn’t sorry about that. He said: «That’s very good! Now that I don’t have teeth I can eat ice-cream and sweets every day». Who liked sweets and ice-cream? What did he like to eat? When did his last tooth fall out? Why wasn’t Tom sorry about his last tooth? How often can he eat ice-cream and sweets? What specialist should he consult?
«An Apple a Day Keeps a Doctor Away» «The First Wealth Is Health» « A Merry Heart Is a Good Medicine » «A Sound Mind in a Sound Body» « What a wonderful thing it is to be healthy, to have a strong and sound body and an active mind» «And most important of all, good health is Fun » Remember : good health is much more than not being sick.
Предварительный просмотр:
Тема: «An Apple a Day Keeps a Doctor Away»
Цель урока: привитие учащимся навыков межличностного общения, умения инициировать и поддерживать беседу, а также контроль усвоения лексических единиц и использования их в речевых блоках, как в диалогической, так и в монологической речи по теме: « An Apple A Day Keeps A Doctor Away».
Учебная задача: контроль усвоения языкового материала и следующих грамматических тем: употребление модальных глаголов must, should, артикль с названиями болезней, Present, Past Simple Tenses, глагол to be в Past Simple Tenses, построение отрицательных и вопросительных предложений, использование выражений частности, потребление повелительного наклонения в связных высказываниях и использовании их диалогической и монологической речи.
Развивающая задача: Обучение устной речи – диалогической с элементами монологической речи, обработка лексических единиц в речевых блоках, в связных высказываниях и реальных ситуациях. При этом совершенствуются произносительные навыки учащихся: фонетика, английская интонация (логическое ударение, ритм), развитие у учащихся интереса к языку, преодоление языкового барьера, для обеспечения эффективной учебной деятельности учащихся.
Воспитательная задача: научить детей адаптироваться в реальных ситуациях – делается акцент на этикетные нормы. В качестве непременного условия выдвигается вежливый, доброжелательный и доверительный тон общения. Развитие у учащихся внимания, веры в себя, в свои способности, чтобы дети раскованно, с удовольствием говорили на английском языке.
«An Apple a Day Keeps a Doctor Away»
«The First Wealth Is Health»
«A Merry Heart Is a Good Medicine»
«A Sound Mind in a Sound Body»
«What a wonderful thing it is to be
healthy, to have a strong and sound
body and an active mind»
«And most important of all, good
health is Fun»
«Good health is a strong, energetic
body and mind working together and
growing together challenging the world
and being challenged by the world»
Remember: good health is much more than
not being sick.
- Hi, Sveta! How are you, my dear?
- Hi, I’m fine, thank you! And you?
- Oh, I feel awful.
- What’s the matter?
- I’ve got a backache.
- I’m sorry to hear that. You must consult the doctor. I think, you should call a doctor any time you have a problem. The doctor knows what to advice. And you must do what he or she says or you won’t get well.
- Sveta, I don’t like doctors and I think I can do without the doctor’s advice. The doctor will say that you must stay in bed and take some medicine even if you’ve only got a headache.
- Vika, you are not right. When I feel ill, my parents always dial 999. The doctor comes and says what to do.
- I think you are right. That’s a good idea.
- I hope you get better soon.
- Thank you. Bye.
- Good-day, Ivan Ivanovich! May I come in?
- Come in, please. How are you? You don’t look happy today.
- I don’t feel well. I’ve got a headache and an earache.
- What’s the matter?
- My ear hurts. And I can’t move my head.
- Are you taking the tablets I’ve given you? You must follow my advice. You should stay in bed and keep warm. You should take some vitamins, drink hot tea with honey and raspberry.
- Yes, I will. Thanks a lot for your advices. Bye.
- Good-morning, Peter, may we come in? You were absent yesterday at school. We shall have a test-paper in maths tomorrow. What’s the matter with you? Are you ill?
- Oh, I have a splitting headache and a sore throat.
- Your face is red and you have a running nose. Evidently you have a cold. When did you manage to get it?
- I don’t know. I must have caught cold last night after a game of football when I felt so hot that I even took off my jacket.
- How thoughtless of you, the evening was cold and windy. Now, you’ll have to stay in bed. Here’s the thermometer. Take your temperature.
- No, I’ll be all right in a few hours.
- Put the thermometer under your arm. Oh. It’s thirty-eight point three. You’ll have to stay away from school.
- Oh, that’s fine! We shall have a test-paper in maths tomorrow, so I won’t have to write it. That’s what I call «good-luck»!
- Oh, don’t talk nonsense! Just get into the bed and I’ll call the doctor in. Where is your phone?
- Good-day, I’m Diana Ar. What is your name?
- My name is Peter.
- What’s the matter with you?
- I’ve a splitting headache, a sore throat and a running temperature.
- First of all: I shall feel your pulse. Give me your hand, please. Thanks. So, let me examine your throat. Where is a small spoon? Open your mouth, please. Your throat is red. Let me listen to your heart and lungs. Strip to the waist. Breathe.
- What’s the matter with me, doctor?
- You have a bad cold. You must stay in bed for 2 days, until your temperature is normal and you stop coughing. I shall prescribe you some medicine. Ask your mother to go to the chemist’s and get the medicine. Now I shall give you a tablet for headache. But the main thing for you is to stay in bed. If you don’t feel better, call me in 999.
- I think if you play sports, eat foods like porridge, milk and fruit you will be strong and healthy without doctors.
- As for me, I think you should visit the doctor only if it is really serious. If you’ve or just have a rest. And if you’ve broken your leg you must call a doctor.
- You should follow good advice: «Early to bed, early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise». Then you won’t have to visit doctors very often.
- We must eat a lot of fruit and vegetables, a lot of vitamins every day. All juices are good for health: tomato, apple, apricot and of course pine-apple juice. Vitamin «C» is good for our health. Garlic prevents us from cold. As you know: «An Apple a Day Keeps the Doctor Away».
Complete the crosswords:
1 | 11 | ||||||
2 | |||||||
3 | |||||||
4 | |||||||
5 | 7 | 10 | |||||
6 | |||||||
8 | |||||||
9 |
1 ноги
2 голова
3 нос
4 рот
2 | ||||||||
1 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | ||||
7 | ||||||||
8 | 9 | |||||||
5 рука
6 лоб
7 ступни
8 волосы
9 глаза
10 уши
11 плечи
1 зубная боль
2 боль в животе
3 головная боль
4 совет
5 простуда
6 боль в ухе
7 боль
8 зубной врач
9 зубы
The Smiths tell his children what they must (should) do and they mustn’t (shouldn’t) do. What do they say? Pretend you are Mr.(Mrs.) Smith and say it for them:
Mary you must get up too late.
Bob mustn’t eat a lot of sweets.
should help your mother about the house
shouldn’t come to school in time.
be late for school.
look after your little sister.
get up.
eat too much ice-cream.
give sweets to your pet.
take your pet for a walk.
wash your hands before you eat.
Parents and teachers often tell children what they must do first. What do they say?
Example: Mother: do homework / go for a walk.
Mother: You must do your homework before you go
for a walk.
Mother: wash hands / eat.
Granny: wash hands and face / go to bed.
Teacher: think / speak.
Grandfather: say goodnight / go to bed.
Father: do homework / play.
Teacher: think / write.
Write a note to your teacher. Explain why you can’t go to school:
I can’t come to school today illness
your name
To have got a toothache
a stomachache
a splitting headache
an earache
a bad cough
a sore throat
a running nose
a cold
to be running a temperature
Complete the crosswords:
e | g | s | |||||
h | e | a | d | ||||
n | o | s | e | ||||
m | o | u | s | e | |||
l | |||||||
h | a | n | d | f | e | ||
f | o | r | e | h | e | a | d |
h | a | i | r | e | r | ||
e | y | e | s | t | s |
1 ноги
2 голова
3 нос
4 рот
s | ||||||||
t | ||||||||
t | o | o | t | h | a | c | h | e |
m | e | d | o | a | ||||
a | a | v | l | r | ||||
c | d | i | d | a | ||||
a | c | h | e | a | c | c | ||
a | c | e | h | |||||
c | h | e | ||||||
h | e | |||||||
d | e | n | t | i | s | t | ||
e | ||||||||
e | ||||||||
t | ||||||||
h |
5 рукa
6 лоб
7 ступни
8 волосы
9 глаза
10 уши
11 плечи
1 зубная боль
2 боль в животе
3 головная боль
4 совет
5 простуда
6 боль в ухе
7 боль
8 зубной врач
9 зубы
Read and say if Tom has a sweet tooth and answer the questions:
Tom liked sweets and ice-cream very much, that’s why he didn’t have all his teeth. Yesterday his last tooth fell out. But Tom wasn’t sorry about that. He said: «That’s very good! Now that I don’t have teeth I can eat ice-cream and sweets every day».
- Who liked sweets and ice-cream?
- What did he like to eat?
- When did his last tooth fall out?
- Why wasn’t Tom sorry about his last tooth?
- How often can he eat ice-cream and sweets?
- What specialist should he consult?
Ruth has a toothache.
Ruth has a toothache.
Teddy has a cold.
Fred has a headache.
Eddie’s getting cold.
Sam has a stomachache.
Frankie has the flu.
Jack has a backache.
Tony has one, too.
Ruth has a toothache.
Teddy has a cold.
Fred has a headache.
Eddie’s getting old.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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