Doctor, Doctor 6B Upsteam Elementary A2
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (7, 8 класс) на тему
Тема презентации: "Профессия - доктор". Презентация предназначена для учеников 7-8 классов.
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Подписи к слайдам:
Medical professions Chemist - аптекарь Ophthalmologist - окулист Dentist - стоматолог Doctor - врач Surgeon - хирург Optician - оптик
Who do you need to see if you: have toothache? need an operation? need glasses? have an eye infection? have a bad tooth? have tired eyes? have pneumonia? have a cough? Example: If you have toothache, you need to see a dentist.
Reading A: Good morning. How can I help you? B: ………………………………………………………………. A: I suggest you use this skin cream. You apply it twice a day. B: ………………………………………………………………. A: Yes, madam? B: ………………………………………………………………. A: Try some of these eye drops. They`re excellent! B: ………………………………………………………………. A: Whenever your eyes are sore. But you mustn`t use them more than three times a day. B: OK, thank you. Thank you. Oh, and something else. How often can I use them? What do you have for tired eyes? Could I have something for sunburn, please? My back is really sore.
2. A: Hello, Judy. Come and sit down. What`s the problem? B: ………………………………………………………………. A: OK, let me have a look. Open wide. B: ………………………………………………………………. A: It`s just a mirror. See? You needn`t be afraid. B: ………………………………………………………………. A: Hmm… I`m afraid you need to have a filling. We must do it now before it gets worse. B: ………………………………………………………………. A: Don`t worry. You won`t feel a thing! Oh, no. I hate the drill! What`s that? Well, I`ve got toothache. Oh, OK. As long as it`s not a needle. I hate needles.
At the chemist`s Task: Imagine you have some of the problems below. Use the language and the phrases to act out a dialogue. sunburn/skin cream cough/cough syrup insect bites/ointment cold/vitamin C tablets Asking for medicine Suggesting What do you suggest/ have for…? Could/Can I have something for…? Try some… I suggest… You should… You can try…
Grammar Must( n`t ) – Need( n`t ) We use must to express: strong advice. You must brush your teeth after meals. (I strongly advice to do so.) necessity. You must take one tablet three times a day for five days. ( It`s necessary that you do it .) We use mustn`t to express : strong advice. You`ve got a temperature. You mustn`t go out. (I strongly advice not to do it.) prohibition. You mustn`t enter this area. (It`s forbidden.) We use need/needn`t to express: necessity/lack of necessity. we need to be there on time. (It`s necessary.) You needn`t worry. Everything will be fine. (It isn`t necessary.)
Match the notices to their meaning A SLOW! CHILDREN CROSSING B Back in 10 minutes C AMBULANCE ONLY D NO SMOKING You must not smoke here. You must come back later or wait. You must not drive fast here. You must not park your car here.
Fill in with need to or needn`t You ……………… worry about me. I`m fine. Let`s go! We ……………… be at the airport before 10:00. I ……………… make a phone call. It`s an emergency. You ……………… go to the doctor. It`s just a cold. needn`t need to need to needn`t
Homework Learn the rule “must( n`t ) – need( n`t )” WB ex. 1-4 p. 45
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