методическая разработка по английскому языку по теме

Рогонова Елена Владимировна



Файл scenario_of_the_lesson_tv_advertising_pros_and_cons.docx25.18 КБ

Предварительный просмотр:

                                                               Сценарий урока английского языка в 9 классе

                      по теме:   “TV ADVERTISING: PROS AND CONS” / «Реклама на телевидении: за и против».

                                                           ПОДГОТОВИЛА: Рогонова Елена Владимировна,

                                                   учитель английского языка ГБОУ СОШ № 1024 г. Москвы


ЦЕЛЬ + что отрабатывается







ВРЕМЯ на выполнение задания


To draw the student’s attention to the  topic;  activate the pupils’ speaking skills.

To develop their listening, speaking skills.

To develop students’ intellectual abilities.

To develop the pupils’ pair and group communicative skills and widen the students’ outlooks.

To teach listening and  practice video watching.

To develop reading skills, speaking skills.

To teach the  students to express their opinion.

To teach listening and  practice video watching.

To teach students to express their opinions.

To sum up and activate the students’ knowledge about TV ADVERTISING:


The teacher greets the students.

Teacher: I’d like to begin our lesson today with the proverb. Look at the screen.

“All is not gold that glitters”.

 Please, translate the proverb. Do you know any Russian proverb, which has the same meaning?

This proverb suits our lesson quite well.

Could you guess what I mean?

“An announcement informing people about a product, service, or event, for example in a newspaper, or on the television, radio, or the Internet”.

Do you know what other words we use to say “реклама?”

Advertising –commercial – advert -ad.

1) Every student receives a table with the questions.

They go round the class, ask their questions and make notes in their tables.

Feedback : students answer  the questions;  report about the answers.

2) Teacher:

And now let’s discuss

advantages and disadvantages of advertising. I would like you to split into two teams: one for and the other against advertising.

3) Listening- Watching.

Teacher:  Listen to  two teens discussing adverts.  We are going to watch a video fragment and decide who has these opinions, Phil (P), Liz (L) or both of them (B).


4) Reading.

Read the adverts (1-4) and match the expressions   (1-9) from the adverts with their meanings (a-i)

5) Watching- Speaking.

Teacher: Let’s watch some commercials, which you know very well, because you can watch them every time, when you switch on TV. Watch some ads and say what you think about them.


Summing – Up

Question/Answer time.

Which are the best and the worst adverts? Why do you think so?

Home task:

Choose  a real product or make one up (e.g. CD/DVD/shoes/watch).Think of five good things to say about it.

Tell the class about the product.

I. Оргмомент.

1) Introduction.

2) Ice – breaker.

II.Основная часть урока.

 Communicative section.

Class survey.


Энергизирующая минутка.

Students listen to a funny melody  and relax.

Энергизирующая минутка. 

Students listen to music and relax.

III. Оценка результатов работы .

 Домашнее задание.

Подведение итогов.

Работа в круге.

Работа в парах+ «все со всеми».

Работа в группах.

Индивидуальная работа

Работа в круге.

Индивидуальная работа

Работа в круге.

(Контроль выполнения задания).

Работа в круге.

Работа в круге.

Работа в круге.


“All is not gold that glitters”.


Advertising –commercial – advert -ad.

Tables :

Think about these questions:

1. What sort of adverts do you like most?

 2. What sort of adverts do you think are the most effective? Why?

3.Which products usually have the best or worst adverts?

4. What do you think is the best advert on TV at the moment? Why do you like it?


to inform and create awareness;

to improve our attitude toward the brand;

to lead to      commercialization of our consciousness,

 to prevent us from thinking and taking our own decisions.

and etc.

Students’ handouts


DVD disk

(video fragment)

Students’ handouts (the text of the adverts


Idiomatic expressions from the adverts (1-9) and their meanings (a-i).



1)  “Dove”.

2)  “No smoking”.

3) “Mars”.

5 min.

7 min.


6 min.

7 min.

1 min.

6 min.

8 min.

1 min.

4 min.

Звучит мелодия. Учащиеся входят в класс,

рассаживаются по местам по кругу.

Учащиеся перемещаются по классу, проводят опрос, заполняя таблицы ответами.

Учащиеся слушают музыкальный фрагмент сонаты № 6 Вивальди.

Цель: восстановление сил,

подготовка к      заключительному этапу урока.

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