Pros and Cons of the Internet
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (9 класс) на тему

Утешева Алтынай Пазыловна

Презентация о плюсах и минусах использования Интернета в повседневности.


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Слайд 1

Advantages and Disadvantages (Pros + and Cons -) of the Internet using

Слайд 2

You can find the latest news and information at any time. But With so much information, finding what you really need can take hours. There is too much adds instead of real information.

Слайд 3

On-line shopping saves you time and money. But Sometimes you after the shopping get not what you really needed. Your money can be stolen from your credit card.

Слайд 4

You can share your interests and hobbies with people, join special chat groups and forums. You can find new friends. But Making Chat Friends is not the same as meeting real people. You can become Internet-addicted.

Слайд 5

You can download any music, films, books, etc. But You become nervous and stressed if the connection is slow. You can catch a virus.

Слайд 6

You can send mail fast and cheaply. But Often we miss paper letters in envelopes. Hackers can break up your mail and read your letters.

Слайд 7

How to protect yourself? Don’t give personal information to chat friends (bank accounts, documents, real address, etc.). Change passwords. Make combined passwords. Don’t use any personal information as a password. Keep your password in a secret. Get a good anti-virus programme. Check the information. Keep your eyes open.

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