Открытый урок по теме:« Gadgets or New Technologies in our Life. Pros and Cons». 9 класс
методическая разработка по английскому языку (9 класс) по теме
Урок настроен на формирование интереса учащихся к техническим новинкам, на развитие способности к критическому мышлению, дает возможность учащимся высказать своё мнение о пользе и вреде гаджетов.
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Предварительный просмотр:
МБОУ «СОШ № 12»
Методическое объединение иностранных языков
Открытый урок
по теме:
« Gadgets or New Technologies in our Life.
Pros and Cons».
в 9А классе
Провела: учитель английского языка
высшей категории
Кузнецова В. В.
г. Новочебоксарск
МБОУ «СОШ № 12 »
Открытый урок по английскому
языку в 9А классе
«Гаджеты или технические новинки в нашей жизни»
совершенствование навыков употребления лексики, навыков говорения и аудирования.
Обучающие: активизация лексических навыков, употребление речевых оборотов и разговорных клише.
Развивающие: расширение кругозора, развитие навыков аудирования, устной речи.
Воспитательный аспект: формировать интерес учащихся к техническим новинкам, развивать способность к критическому мышлению.
Ресурсы: применение изученной лексики по теме «Технологии», модуль № 4 учебника «Spotlight – 9», авторов В.Эванс, Д.Дули, О.Подоляко, Ю.Ваулина, презентация в PowerPoint Кузнецовой В.В.
Вид урока: обобщающий.
Применяемые технологии: проектные, компьютерные, информационные.
Оборудование: медиа проектор, компьютер, компакт диск «Spotlight 9», наглядность.
План урока
Warming up!
Students Points of view.
Short Monologues.
Short Discussion.
Lexical test.
Exercise 2 P.60.
Discussion: positive and negative views points.
Internet Slang.
Ход урока: (слайд 2)
T. Good Morning boys and girls. Glad to see you. The theme of our lesson today is «Gadgets or new technologies in our life. Pros and cons.» You know that wonderful inventions are created in science and technologies. They are changing the lifestyle of millions of people all over the world. Modern inventions are used in everyday life and make it easier. What are gadgets? What are they for? Why does the modern man need them?
This what are we going to speak about at our lesson.
But first of all let us remember the names of modern inventions that have changed our life. Look at the pictures on the screen. What modern inventions do people use?(слайд 3)
Students answers.
It goes without saying that there are a lot of household appliances which are needed for all of us. What are they used for?
Короткие рассказы учеников.
T. I agree with you because I am of the same opinion. I see, boys and girls that you can say a lot about various devices. But what gadget is the most popular among teenagers nowadays?
What is your favourite gadget?(слайд 4)
T. And your Sasha? Do you use your computer only for playing games?
T. So, I see that the most popular gadget is a personal computer. (слайд 5). The truth is that for computers allow us to access the latest information really quickly. Interaction with the world is a great advantage of a computer. Large amounts of information become available through tem. But sometimes we can have problems with computer. For example: (слайд 6)
1. Have a virus, lost some files etc. What are the solutions?
Please say and match the problems to the solutions.
T. Well done! And now let us listen to the dialogue between two boys who have faced the computer problems. Please act out the dialogue to the rest of the class. (слайд 7)
T. Thank you, boys. Now open your textbooks on p.60 ex.2. Choose the correct word. Check in the wordlist. I am going to give you three minutes. Shall we get started? (читают вслух предложения с выбранным словом).
Now let us do the next bit.
T. Now listen to five speakers talking about computers and match them to statements A till E. They are in ex. 9 P.61. So, fill in the table, please. (Ученики заполняют таблицу в учебнике).
T. One of the speakers said that computers could take up a lot of your time. What do you think: are teenagers completely hooked on technology today? (слайд 8).
Размышления учеников о позитивной стороне использования компьютера в повседневной жизни подростков.
T. Thank you. But on the other hand there are those who believe that technology has had a negative affect on todays teenagers. They say that teens become antisocial. Do you agree with me?
T. Any other opinions?
Размышления учеников о негативном влиянии компьютера на подростков.
T. Yes. You are right. Some people become so dependent on computers that they don’t care about their everyday responsibilities. (слайд 9)
T. And now lets have fun. We need relaxing. When was the last time you used the Internet? I suppose it was very recently. And you probably send e-mails instead of letters. Young people today use the Internet slang, which is developing over the Internet. It can be useful and a lot of fun. Study the list of such expressions. Let us consider a few examples. (слайд 10)
Try to guess the meaning of these letters.(слайд 11)
Dear students if you want to be an up-to-date person you have to keep up with all the latest gadgets and if you want to learn about new technology or if you would like to know the best brand watch the «Gadget show» he website http:// fnd. five. Tv \gadget-show. Visit the website in the article on the page 69 ex.7. Ex.1 will help you. You are welcome to do it at home. So read the text and answer the questions ex. 2 and 3. (слайд 12)
So We are near the end now. You all get excellent marks today.
I want to say that you are brilliant. You have worked very hard. Did you like the lesson?
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
Plan: 1. Warming Up. 2. Students Points of View. 3. Short Monologues. 4. Short Discussion. 5. Lexical test. 6. Dialogue. 7. Exercise 2, p.60. 8. Listening. 9. Positive and negative views points. 10. Internet Slang. 11. Conclusion.
Inventions What are gadgets? Why does the modern man need them? What are they for?
2 The most important inventions that have changed our life. What modern inventions do people use in everyday life and what are they for? A digital camera A laptop A TV A Mobile phone A Microwave oven E-book Games console Personal Computer A Washing machine Gadgets
E - books Can E-books replace printed books?
I-Phone Calculator Calendar Clock Maps Mail Notes Spotlight Weather Photos Safari Stocks YouTube
Computers are playing the most important part in peoples lives. They offer people a lot of possibilities to develop their imagination, memory and many other mental abilities. Computers
Computers allow to access the latest of information really quickly Interaction with the world is a great advantage of a computer Large amounts of information become available through them.
Computer problems Have a virus reboot the system Can not connect run a search to the Internet Computer crashed use anti-virus software Lost some files call your Internet service provider The screen is freezing take it to the Computer service
My computer keeps crashing. The cursor sticks in the same place and I can not do anything. To do a full scan with your anti-virus software. It could be a virus that’s causing your problem.
Adrian has got a problem with………… His computer keeps ……………………. It seems that the cursor………………… Paul suggests switching………………... Adrian will do…………………………….. Paul thinks that the cause of the problem……………………………………
Are teenagers completely hooked on technology today? Positive: Using the Internet Help at school New skills Make life more enjoyable Comfortable Negative: Teens can get distracted Waste a lot of time Teens become antisocial Life in a virtual reality Health problems
Computer addiction: symptoms strange behaviour spending large sums of money on computers and software mental health problems Neglecting school or family obligations Using the computer for pleasure or relief from stress
Learn some of the Net Slang, which is developing over the Internet. It can be useful and a lot of fun. Study the list of such expressions : Cu Ty L8er :-o Rl Bbl N 2 m Btw Sys Ly 4u Gf F2f Asap
The Internet Slang rl bbl n2m btw sys ly 4u gf f2f asap cu ty l8er Real life Be back later Not too much By the way See you soon Love you For you Girlfriend Face to face As soon as possible See you Thank you later
IF YOU WANT TO BE AN UP-TO-DATE PERSON: You have to keep up with all the latest gadgets You have to learn about new technology Visit the website http://fnd.five. tv\gadget-show.
Предварительный просмотр:
МБОУ «СОШ № 12 »
Открытый урок по английскому
языку в 9А классе
«Гаджеты или технические новинки в нашей жизни»
совершенствование навыков употребления лексики, навыков говорения и аудирования.
Обучающие: активизация лексических навыков, употребление речевых оборотов и разговорных клише.
Развивающие: расширение кругозора, развитие навыков аудирования, устной речи.
Воспитательный аспект: формировать интерес учащихся к техническим новинкам, развивать способность к критическому мышлению.
Ресурсы: применение изученной лексики по теме «Технологии», модуль № 4 учебника «Spotlight – 9», авторов В.Эванс, Д.Дули, О.Подоляко, Ю.Ваулина, презентация в PowerPoint Кузнецовой В.В.
Вид урока: обобщающий.
Применяемые технологии: проектные, компьютерные, информационные.
Оборудование: медиа проектор, компьютер, компакт диск «Spotlight 9», наглядность.
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