Методическая разработка внеклассного мероприятия "Жизнь и творчество Шекспира"
методическая разработка (английский язык) по теме
Предварительный просмотр:
БОУ ОО Омский авиационный колледж имени Н.Е.Жуковского
Сценарий литературно-музыкальной композиции на тему: «Жизнь и творчество Шекспира»
Омск 2012
о литературно-музыкальной композиции «Жизнь и творчество Шекспира».
Литературно-музыкальная композиция «Жизнь и творчество Шекспира» была разработана преподавателями иностранного языка Шевчик Н.М. и Колтун Н.Л. и проведена студентами группы ПР-32, С-69 (Шевчик Н.М.); П-79, М-12 (Колтун Н.Л.); Б-28 (Маслакова Л.М.) в группах английского языка в рамках празднования юбилея великого писателя.
В ходе подготовки сценария студенты проявили активность, творчество, самостоятельность. Преподавателями было наглядно продемонстрировано применение одного из активных методов обучения в педагогическом процессе, а именно переход от обучения к овладению смыслом событий, погружение в сознательно созданную ситуацию с целью обрести навыки практического применения своих знаний.
При подготовке композиции студенты самостоятельно принимали определенные решения, принятие решений сопровождалось эмоциями, что обеспечивало мобилизацию интеллектуальных ресурсов, стимулировало познавательную деятельность.
Литературно-музыкальная композиция велась исключительно на английском языке с музыкальным сопровождением, что способствовало развитию у зрителей внимания, наблюдательности, языковой догадки.
Мероприятие было оснащено яркими плакатами, портретами, были представлены многочисленные рефераты, доклады, альбомы с фотографиями. Незабываемое, динамичное зрелище, проведенное на одном дыхании, заняло 30 минут.
Студенты блестяще продемонстрировали знание дополнительного учебного материала и актерские способности. Данное мероприятие доказало, что образование - не всегда нудное и необходимое занятие. Более того, это - путь к самосовершенству.
Литературно-музыкальная композиция получила высокую оценку коллег и стала трамплином для активной дальнейшей деятельности преподавателей и студентов во внеурочное время.
Оформление и оснащение литературно-музыкальной композиции
Оформление и оснащение литературно-музыкальной композиции
- Плакаты
То be or not to be -
That is the question.
W. Shakespeare
журнальный столик
-рефераты о Шекспире
томик с сонетами Шекспира
- Вступительное слово преподавателя
(Звучит фонограмма, горят свечи, за журнальным столиком У1)
У1 : The facts are very few. Shakespeare was probably born on the 23rd of April, 1564, in Stratford-on Avon. His father was a respectable Shopkeeper, and dealt in wool, skins, leather, and gloves. His mother, Mary Arden was a farmer's daughter. William was the eldest of eight Children. We know that when Shakespeare was 18, he married Anne Hathaway, woman eight years older than himself, that in 1583 Susanna, their first child, was born, and that twins Hamlet and Judith followed inl585. At the age 22 Shakespeare left Stratford alone, for London. He is reputed to have been all manner of things, from sailor and solder to lawyer's clerk and householder outside an early London playhouse. We know that in 1593 and 1594 he wrote two early poems, "Venus and Adonis" and "Lucrece".
Later, he became a member of the company known as "Chamberlain's Men" which played at the "Theatre"; and he wrote for the company. He was already reaching the height of his fame when the Globe Theatre was built in 1593. He often acted at court, and retired, about 1611, to
The day of his death was the 23rd of April, 1616, fifty-two years exactly after the supposed day of his birth. That is all we know about William Shakespeare.
There has been a good deal of debate about the extent of Shakespeare's learning. It is true that he never went to university or travelled abroad. Some romantics have made him out to be an unlettered man of the people. They declared that an illiterate could never have written such poetry - therefore someone else must have done it instead. Such reactions are unnecessary. Shakespeare learned grammar, logic, and Latin at the grammar school, and he had enough education to develop his literary skill. We do not know whether Shakespeare went to London with the intention of becoming an actor
He may have done so. There would have been plenty of opportunity for him to be attracted to the stage in his youth, quite apart from any natural inclinations towards poetry. Theatre was very popular at that time. Classical plays were acted at schools, with education purposes in view; travelling companies of professional actors often visited Stratford and performed there. We cannot prove anything for certain, but it is
highly possible that William Shakespeare joined one of these companies when they passed through Stratford.
The London to which young Shakespeare came was a splendid place where painters, musicians, poets shone. Theatre was the most exciting entertainment. If genius could he accounted for. It might perhaps he said that Shakespeare's acquaintance with the art of the actor helped him in an understanding of the art of the playwright. But this explanation is not enough. To it must be added an observing mind, a profound sympathetic understanding of life, an acquaintance with all classes of men and women, and above all an ability to see human nature.
Shakespeare wrote 37 plays, among them comedies ("The Taming of the Shrew", "Much ado About Nothing", "Twelfth Night", "As You Like It", etc.), tragedies ("Hamlet", "King Lear", "Macbeth", "Romeo and Juliet", "Othello" and others), historical plays ("Henry the Sixth", "Richard the Third ", "Henry the Fourth", etc), and sonnets Shakespeare's genius did not lie in his ability to originate ploys (for almost all of his stories were borrowed from chronicle, biography, prose tale, or earlier play), but rather in his capacity for revealing life in its lull richness and movement.
Shakespeare's plays and sonnets are masterpieces. Shakespeare expressed in them the variety of human nature. All human life is there in his'plays, its greatness and its imperfections alike Shakespeare possesses some special merit for every generation, and almost every person in turn. Whether he is writing of history, or love, or tragedy, or comedy, things have meaning and value. It was his genius that gave the world poetry of a deathless beauty.
- Чтение сонета № 130 (под сопровождение гитары)
My mistress eyes are nothing like the sun;
Coral is far more red than her lips red;
If snow be white, why then her breasts are dun;
If hairs be wires, black wires grow on her head.
I have seen roses damaskt, red and white,
But no such roses see I in her cheeks;
And in some perfumes is there more delight
Than in the breath that from my mistress reeks.
I love to her speak, yet well I know
That music hath a far more pleasing sound:
I grant I never saw a goddess go;
My mistress when she walks treads on the grounds.
And yet, by heaven, I think my love as rare
As any she belied with false compare.
Чтение сонета № 14
Not from the stars do I my judgment pluck;
And yet methinks I have astronomy,
But not to tell of good or evil luck,
Of plagues, of dearth's, or seasons quality;
Nor can I fortune to brief minutes tell,
Pointing to each his thunder, rain and wind,
Or say with princes if it shall go well
By oft predict that I in heaven find:
But from thine eyes my knowledge I derive,
And, constant stars, in them I read such art,
As truth and beauty shall together thrive,
If from thyself to store thou would convert;
Or else of tree this I prognosticate:
Thy end is truths and beauty's doom and date.
Чтение сонета № 144
Two loves I have of comfort and despair; Which like two spirits do suggest me still; The belles angel is a man right fair, The worser spirit a woman colourd ill. To win me soon to hell, my femail evil Tempteth my better angel from my side, And would corrupt my saint to be a devil Wooing his purity with her four pride, And whether that my angel be turn fiem Suspect I may, yet not directly tell; But being both from me, both to each friend, I gess one angel in another's hell: Yet this shall I never know, but live in doubt, Till my bad angel fire my good one out.
У5 Заключительное слово
У.Шекспир Полн.собр. соч. -М, 1957-1960, т. 1, т.8
С.Шенбаум Шекспир. Краткая документальная биография. – М.: Прогресс, 1985
И.Гилилов «Игра об Уильяме Шекспире или Тайна Великого Феникса».- Москва, 1997
«Знание - Сила» №2,1998, стр. 16-18 «Шекспир или Шакспер»
«Новая Юность», №28-29,1998 «Портреты Шекспира разгаданы»
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