Открытый урок в 9-м классе по теме: "Are you a friend of our planet?"
план-конспект урока (английский язык, 9 класс) на тему
Предварительный просмотр:
Открытый урок в 9-м классе по теме: "Are you a friend of our planet?"
Тема: “Save our planet”.
Активное развитие речевых умений и навыков учащихся, развитие способности извлечения информации ,к сравнению.
Воспитывать бережное отношение к природе.
Good morning dear children. Today our theme is “All people are responsible for our planet”.
“To be responsible for” is “быть ответственным за”.
At the lesson we’ll discuss environment problems and share our opinions concerning this problem. You’ll also develop your grammar skills.
Today for every answer I will give you a flower.
During our lesson I want you to think about the problem “Nobody will help us and our planet if we don’t help ourselves.”
2. Now let’s do phonetic exercises.
Listen to me, look here and say after me the words.
Read the words and translate them.
Find the transcription for these words. (At the blackboard)
3. Continue the sentences.
The Earth is our…
We must…
It is important to …
My friends and I …
4. Let’s check the pupils at the blackboard.
5. Let’s make up some rules for us. What must we do to help nature?
For example:
We must not leave litter in the streets.
We must not pollute rivers.
We must keep the country tidy.
We must water flowers, trees.
Please, make up your rules.
6. Open your books at page 78. Look at the picture and say what happens when rules are broken.
7. But first let’s review grammar! Simple Present Passive.
Что это? Когда употребляется? Как образуется?
For example:
Water is polluted.
Trees are not cut down.
Are, is, am + V3.
Правильные и неправильные глаголы.
Look at the picture and say what happens when rules are broken.
8. Go to the blackboard and do some tasks. (Карточки)
1) Read a sentence and write another sentence with the same meaning.
Cars pollute the air.
We cut down trees. Tourists often leave glass bottles in the forest.
We recycle newspapers, bottle and metal rules.
Sometimes children break rules.
2) Make up the sentences.
For example:
We leave a fire —> We destroy the forest.
When the fire is left, the forest is destroyed.
We pollute the air. —> We change the climate.
We throw away plastic bottles. —> We damage nature.
We leave litter in the forest. —> We hurt animals.
We break trees. —> We disturb birds.
9. Listen to me and do the task. Read the sentences. Is it true or false?
Difficult Problems
More people are against cruelty to animals in sports, such as fox-hunting. Some people think that it is also cruel to use animals for scientific research1. I don't think so. My mum works in a medical laboratory. They create new medicines and then test them on animals. Mum says it's necessary. Some animal research leads directly to the development of important new medicines that save hundreds of lives. It's not the same: to kill animals for sport or for life-saving research in medicine.
True or False?
More people are against cruelty to animals in sports.
More people think that it is also cruel to use animals for scientific research.
Jack's mum works in a hospital.
She cures animals.
She creates new medicines and then tests them on animals.
Jack agrees with his mum, that it's necessary to use animals for scientific research.
10. Read the text and answer the questions. (Карточки)
Fill in the missing words.
Read the text and answer the questions.
We live on the Earth. This planet is our home. We want our home to be clean and new. We want to see blue seas, green trees, and clear sky. We want to breath clean air. If you care about your planet, don't make it dirty. Don't leave plastic bags, bottles, cans, newspapers in the streets, parks, forests. Pick up the litter if you see it. Remember that the future is in our hands.
What planet do we live on?
Do you want our home to be clean and new?
Is it nice to see blue seas and green trees?
Do you want to breath clean air?
Is it good to make our planet dirty?
Where must you leave cans and plastic bags?
Do you usually leave newspapers in the streets?
Must you pick up litter if you see it?
Can kids help our planet?
What must they do?
Fill in the missing words.
We (1).... on the Earth. This planet is our (2).... We want our home to be clean and new. We want to see blue (3)..., green trees, clear sky. We want to breath clean (4) .... If your care about your (5) ..., don't make it dirty. Don't leave plastic bags, bottles, (6)..., newspapers in the streets, (7)..., forests. Pick up the litter if you see it. Remember that the future is in our (8)... .
11. At the end of our lesson look at the blackboard. What can you say about these words?
“Nobody will help us and our planet if we don’t help ourselves.”
I think you are children now, but in the future you’ll be grown ups. We want to live on the clean Earth. We must learn how to protect our planet. We can help. We can plant new flowers, trees.
You understand the problem. I’m glad with you.
12. Your homework: Ex. 2 page. 92–93 (finish the sentences).
13. Your marks: …
14. The lesson is over. Good bye.
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