урок в 8 классе "Мой взгляд на праздники Британии"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (8 класс) по теме
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Конспект урока с использованием ИКТ
«Мой взгляд на праздники Британии»
8 класс УМК Кузовлева В.П.
Повторить названия британских праздников
Активизировать лексику по теме «Праздники»
Развивать навыки аудирования.
Развивать речевые навыки (монологическое и диалогическое высказывание)
Воспитывать уважение к культуре страны изучаемого языка.
Воспитывать умение работать в разных формах речевого взаимодействия (в парах, группе, в толпе)
Воспитывать уважение к культуре страны изучаемого языка.
Цель: Совершенствование речевых компетенций.
Ход урока
Good morning, students. It’s time to start our English lesson. Look at this sound and tongue-twister.
If two witches were watching two watches, which witch would watch which watch. (скороговорка написана на доске) Can you connect the tongue- twister and the theme of our lesson? (слайд 1)
You know a lot about British holidays and traditions. It’s time to see how much you know. Let’s have a little competition, this is the 1st team, that is the 2nd team. Listen to my sentences and name the holiday.
On this day many people promise to try and better themselves by, for example, giving up smoking. (New Year’s Day)
On this day British people trick on each other. (April Fool’s Day)
On this day people make fancy costumes and put them on. (Halloween)
On this day the British people sot off fireworks. (Gay Fawkes’ Night)
On this day people send beautiful shapehearted cards. (St. Valentine’s Day)
On this day people decorate a tree and prepare holiday food. (Christmas)
On this day people dye eggs and present their relatives with them. (Easter)
On this day people go to the countryside and have picnics. (Bank holiday)
Well done, nice work!
Look at the pictures, match the symbols with the holidays (слайд 2)
St. Valentine’s Day valentine cards
Easter Easter Bunny, dyed eggs
Christmas Christmas tree, Santa Clause, presents
Halloween witch, jack-o-lantern
Guy Fawkes’ Night fireworks
I think…….is/are associated with…….
Listen to the information about British holiday, which is new for you. Be attentive, try to find details.(аудирование текста)
Boxing Day is wonderful holiday, especially for children, they like it very much. This is the day when the children open their Christmas presents. On Boxing Day the British usually visit their relatives, friends, go for a walk. In the country there are usually Boxing Day meets (fox-hunting).
Answer my questions about this holiday
- What holiday is it?
What kind of holiday is it?
Would you like to celebrate this holiday?
Why do you want to celebrate this holiday?
Before you will start spearing about holiday activities, let’s revise some of them. (на слайдах картинки и первые буквы слов)
Tell us how British people celebrate different holidays. (опора на доске)
British people celebrate …….by…….Ving
Take a card with the name of the holiday, form the group, discuss and make a short story about a holiday. Other groups can add the ideas. Would you like to celebrate this holiday and why?
What holiday would you like to celebrate and why? Write down it into your copybooks. Find somebody who wants to celebrate the same holiday. Other students be very attentive and tell what holiday is the most popular in our group.
Imagine the situation you are Russian students in Great Britain and you want to know more about some celebrations.
But first let’s revise some useful phrases. Listen to my questions and finish them.
-What kind (of holiday is it?)
-When (do the British celebrate this holiday?)
-How (do the British celebrate this holiday?)
на слайде диалог-тренировка. Далее ученики вытягивают символы и в парах составляют диалоги.
Name the holiday which sounds interesting. (обмен мнениями после диалогов)
I hope in the future you will have a chance to visit Britain and to see these celebrations with your own eyes.
I’ve got a surprise for you. It’ time to check up your knowledge about the British holidays.
(тест на множественный выбор, самопроверка) (приложение 1)
9. You have done a fruitful work. Your homework will be connected with the British holidays. Write down what British holiday you would like to celebrate and why, what wouldn’t like to celebrate and why.
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