Урок по теме «Праздники Британии. Easter»
методическая разработка по английскому языку по теме
учитель Вдовина О.В. МБОУ СОШ №30 г. Тамбова
Урок по теме «Праздники Британии. Easter». Материал можно использовать как на уроке, так и как внеклассное мероприятие.
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Урок по теме «Праздники Британии»
Учитель: Вдовина О.В.
МБОУ СОШ №30 г. Тамбов
- активизировать употребление в речи обучающихся ранее введенной лексики по теме «Праздники» («Пасха»);
- продолжить формирование навыков аудирования у обучающихся;
- тренировать обучающихся в чтении;
- развивать навыки письма;
- развивать языковую догадку и внимательность;
- повторить названия животных;
- обучать выражению уважения к коммуникативному партнеру;
- воспитывать интерес к иностранному языку;
- расширять знания обучающихся на основе страноведческого материала;
- воспитывать уважение к традициям других народов.
Оборудование: магнитофон, раздаточный материал, красочные газеты, коллажи.
Today we are speaking about Easter. But first of all let’s review the words! Name the words belonging to spring time. (обучающиеся называют слова. Победителем считается тот, кто назвал больше слов или последнее слово).
I think you know the words. But do you know the history of Easter?
- Easter comes in spring, a joyful time for everyone. The cold dark days of winter are over. Birds return to sing. Grass and flowers begin to make a new carpet for the Earth.
The date of Easter is not the same from year to year. But it always comes on the first moon in spring. At Easter children eat chocolate Easter eggs. Sometimes parents hide them in the house or in the garden and the children look for them.
T. Oh, I see, you know the words and some facts about Easter. Now I want to know if you can write the words. Look at the picture and put down the missing vowels.
- b…nny
- c…rd
- ..ggs
- d…c…r…t…
- fl…w…rs
- S…nd……
- M…r …h
- … pr…l
- s…nsh…n…
- b…sk…t
- sh…w…rs
- …pr…ng.
You are very good. And now HATCH AN EGG. I have 10 plastic eggs with sentences. The first player ‘hatches’ an egg, reads the sentence. The next player chooses an egg and reads the sentence. When all eggs have been hatched, the has arranged the words in a logical story.
- Long ago in Germany there lived an old woman who loved children.
- Each year she would give children gifts to celebrate spring.
- One year she had nothing to give because she became very poor.
- All she had were some eggs.
- She didn’t want to disappoint the children, she coloured the eggs and hid them in the grass.
- When the children arrived, she told them to run out into the lawn to find their gifts hiding there.
- The children ran into the yard in search of their surprise.
- As one of the children uncovered the eggs, a large rabbit hopped away.
- So the children thought that the rabbit had left the eggs from them.
- And ever since, children searched for the eggs left by the Easter rabbit on Eater morning.
LET’S play a little. Hop like a bunny. One child is the caller. The remaining players are behind a line. The caller calls out an animal walk:
- hop like a bunny
- slither like a snake
- leap like a frog
- run like a fox
- crawl like a snail
- fly like a bird
- scamper like a squirrel
- trot like a horse
- jump like a kangaroo
- walk like an elephant.
T. Another competition. WORD SCRAMBLE.
Words Unscrambled the words:
1. foeslwr flowers
2. shunsien sunshine
3. ruhchc church
4. irapl April
5. yaduns Sunday
6. ketbas basket
7. ggenhtu egg hunt
8. ratecode decorate
9. cchknie chicken
10.ewrohs shower
Aудирование рассказа учителя с элементами игры.
Words: bobbing – подпрыгивать (о хвостике)
Snap of a twig – хруст веточки
Perk up – подняться вверх (об ушах)
Sniff – втягивать носом
Whenever I say the words:
Cottontail – shake your head
Pink nose - sniff your nose
Soft, brown eyes – look blank
Long, tall ears – show me your hands.
So listen to the text and be attentive!
Once upon a time there lived the a little bunny who lived under the roots of an old tree in the forest. The bunny had a pink nose, a cottontail, soft eyes, and long, tall ears that could hear any sounds for miles around.
One day the bunny was going through the forest with his little cottontail bobbing along behind him.
His long, tall ears told him nothing. His pink nose told him nothing. His soft, brown eyes saw no sing anywhere.
Suddenly there was a snap of a twig. The cottontail stopped bobbing. The bunny’s long, tall ears perked up to listen for the sound of a stranger. He sniffed the air with his pink nose for any scent of danger. His soft, brown eyes looked in every direction. The bunny didn’t move. It began feeling frightened!
Who should come bounding down the path … but another little bunny just like him! She had a pink nose, a cottontail, soft, brown eyes, and a long, tall ears that could be hears for miles around. She stopped and looked at the bunny with her soft, brown eyes. They smiled at each other and hopped off down the path together.
T. Thanks a lot. But do you know the poems about Easter?
Down a sunny Easter meadow
Went a rabbit running sprightly
With him went his skippy shadow.
Tag, they played, and played it lightly.
All the robbins in the meadow.
Called them as they jumped and scurried.
Hurry, Bunny! Hurry, Shadow!
Easter’s coming. And they hurried.
A rabbit came to my house once
With furry stretched – out ears.
His nose was full of wriggles, and
His eyes were full of fears.
I said, “Why do you twitch your nose?”
Is that a bunny – rabbit?
And are you called the “March Hare,”
Or called the “Easter Rabbit?”
He never said a word; but bounced
Away on the pushing legs;
But, oh, he left behind a nest
Of coloured Easter eggs!
Have you looked in the cupboard?
Have looked in the drawer?
Have you looked by the window?
Let’s hunt some more.
Peek in the closet, peek under the bed.
Peek in your slipper,
You know what he said.
“I’ve coloured my eggs
With paints and brush
And I’ll hide them on Easter
In your house. Hush! Hush!
T. Thanks a lot. As I know you had a hometask. So let’s see your headbands, rabbit masks, Easter cards, Easter eggs.
The winners are… .
Fill in the missing consonants.
- …ap..ine……
- …ont….
- sho…e…s
- su………ine
- clo……es
- …un…ay
- bu……y
- ca……
- …ide
- e……s
- …ai…
- s……ing
- wa……
- ……urch
- …a…ke…
- chi……s
(happiness, month, chicks, April, bunny, hide, eggs, spring, clothes, March, warm, sunshine, showers, Sunday, church, basket, new, card, rain). Целесообразно выписать эти слова , добавив те , которых нет в задании.
Use the letters in the word Easter to make as many different words as possible. ( east, tea, ear, tree as, eat, ate, at, rat, sea, see).
Use the following code to learn the secret. Write the letters on the correct lines.
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 |
N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 |
1 12 12 15 6 20 8 5 5 1 19 20 5 18 5 7 7 19 1 18 5
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
8 9 4 4 5 14 21 14 4 5 18 20 8 5 12 9 12 1 3 2 21 19 8 5 19.
All of the Easter eggs are hidden under the lilac bushes.
Our Easter party is over. Thanks a lot.
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Урок по теме «Праздники
Урок по теме «Праздники Британии. Easter» Материал можно использовать как на уроке, так и как внеклассное мероприятие. предназначено для учащихся 6-7 классов.