План-конспект урока для 8 класса в соответствии с ФГОС второго поколения: "Life is a miracle!"
план-конспект урока английского языка (8 класс) по теме
Урок разработан в соответствии с новыми образовательными стандартами и направлен на формирование умения применять новые знания.
Spotlight, Module 3, Across the Curriculum
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Предварительный просмотр:
План – конспект
урока английского языка для 8 класса
(Spotlight, Module 3, Across the Curriculum)
Учитель: Сизова Елена Владимировна
Тема урока: Life is a miracle!
Тип урока: урок открытия новых знаний
Форма урока: урок-исследование
Цели урока: расширять предметную и надпредметную базу; формировать умения применять новое знание.
Задачи урока
- развивать способность к саморазвитию и самосовершенствованию путём осознанного
присвоения социального опыта;
- систематизировать изучаемую лексику;
- развивать слуховую оперативную память;
- формировать навыки неподготовленной речи.
- обогащать и систематизировать лексический и грамматический материал
продуктивного плана;
- совершенствовать навыки аудирования и самостоятельной работы с текстом
(поисковое чтение)
- воспитывать уважительное, толерантное отношение к чужому мнению во время совместной работы;
- стимулировать интерес учащихся к изучению иностранного языка через интересные формы и методы работы;
- знакомить учащихся с традициями и реалиями страны изучаемого языка.
- предупреждать переутомления детей путем смены деятельности.
- технология развивающего, личностно-ориентированного обучения.
Техническое оснащение урока:
- компьютерная презентация урока;
- мультимедийный проектор;
- программное обеспечение (Ms Оffice, , Power Point);
- DVD film;
- интернет ресурсы.
Ход урока
T: Good morning! I’m glad to see you! How are you? The weather is fine today, isn’t it? Are you in a good mood today?
There are some guests at our lesson, aren’t there?
They are in a good mood too, aren’t they?
Why do you think so?
Are they smiling?
And we hope we’ll have a good time at our lesson, now let’s get down to our work.
I A human life… What is it? There are different ways to answer this question. Some people think that life is a struggle. The others believe that life is a daring adventure. The thirds are sure that life is an actual and active work. But there is one more mind. For many people life is a miracle. (slide 2) Albert Einstein said: “There are two ways to live your life – one is as though nothing is a miracle, the other is as though everything is a miracle.” (translation)
Well, today I suggest speaking about life as a miracle. Is it really miraculous? And why is life a miracle? (students’ answers)
You can use my tips to answer this difficult question. (slide 3) Maybe some of them will coincide with your points of view. (… because we have the ability to think and decide for ourselves; …we can experience so many different things; …we can feel so many different emotions; …we are changing day to day; others)
II As I see opinions differ.
And now I would like to make you acquainted with one poem. It is also devoted to people’s life as a miracle. (slide 4 + music) …., I’d like you to read this poem aloud.
Are any of your reasons mentioned in the poem? (students’ answers)
Why is life like a miracle for the poet? (students’ answers)
III And now pay attention to the highlighted words in the text (life brings opportunities and lessons we can learn; so many possibilities there’s nothing we can’t do)
What is the main sense in these words? What makes life worth living? (students’ answers)
You are quite right. Life is a miracle when people do wonders every day. And they did, do and will do them. Some of these wonders are unknown but some you know well.
IV Look at the map. (slide 5) Which continents can you see? (students’ answers)
Look at the route of one around-the-world cruise depicted on the map. Can you guess who was the famous Englishman, admiral that sailed around the world in the sixteenth century? Do you know this man? (slide 6) (If students don’t know the answer, I help them.)
V I’m sure everybody wants to learn more about this man. To do this let’s divide into two groups. Who wants to work with the text, raise your hands! You are to read the text “The Master Thief of the Unknown World” in your textbooks and do exercise 3, page 55.
Who wants to listen to a record about Sir Francis Drake? You are to watch a small film about him
and do the following task: decide if the following information is true, false or not stated. (video)
(I give my students 5 minutes to complete the tasks then we check the results of this work.)
(slides 8, 9)
VI The following exercises will show how well you remember the information about Francis Drake you’ve just learnt. (slides 9, 10)
VII Let’s sum up the information you’ve learnt about Francis Drake.
Who wants to show Francis Drake’s journey on the map, label the places he visited and tell the class about his journey?
Who wants to add?
VIII Can we say that his life was miraculous? Why? (students’ answers) And the last one. Read the saying. (slide 11) What does it mean to you? (students’ answers)
IX Let me thank everybody for excellent work today. And now your homework: make a presentation about any famous person whose life can be estimated as miraculous. (slide 12)
Приложение 1 (презентация)
Приложение 2 (фильм)
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