Осуществление учебного процесса на уроках английского языка.
статья по английскому языку по теме
Материал написан на английском языке и посвящен моей работе с ребятами на уроках при обучении английскому языку. Формирование ключевых компетенций у ребят, способность к саморазвитию.
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My skill as a teacher of English
Modern education can’t do without foreign languages. Its aim is to provide conditions necessary for creative development of children, to develop the ability to reflect the process of learning, to develop the ability to self-observation and self-evaluation.
Nowadays a lot of people study foreign languages. But the most widespread language in the world is English.
Learning languages and teaching them are not an easy task. Russian and Norwegian teachers know about it very well. They use different teaching strategies, which are all important in the process of learning a foreign language. I am an English teacher too. As for me, I try to use different teaching techniques. And it’s important for me to know their strength and weakness.
I use my notebook, where I write what things have worked and haven’t worked at the lessons. It’s necessary to make techniques contribute to the achieving of the lesson aim. Some techniques have more than one aim and I think of such moments. Planning a lesson I choose the most appropriate techniques taking into account the main stages of the lesson and the chosen material. It’s very good for me when my lesson is interesting for children and I have chosen right methods and skills.
One day I used transferring techniques. It was the information transfer ‘What have you drawn? (There are three rectangles and there are short lines between them. There are two small circles under each rectangle…) One group of pupils read the description, other pupils listened to it. I thought that all the pupils wanted to read the discreption. It, s easier to read than to listen but in this class everybody wanted to listen. Such moments I note in my notebook. Sometimes I see that the game or the task is difficult for them. And I can jot down it for me.
In junior forms I often use drilling techniques. One of them is the repetition ’Parrots’. Pupils repeat what the teacher says. But they only repeat true statements. If the statement is falls they say nothing. It’s very funny for the pupils if they make a mistake. For example, I show a tomato and say’ This is a cucumber’ and my pupils repeat after me, but then they understand that they are wrong and they began to laugh.
I note what is interesting for my pupils and what is not very interesting for them. It is worth to use such strategies or it is not.
Foreign language teaching is a constant state of evolution witnessing one paradigm shift after the other. English teachers think in very practical ways about what can and should happen in the English language classroom. At the same time, we realize that classroom practice must be based on the theoretical principles. In our work balance is probably the key word: balance between different methods of language teaching, between fluency and accuracy, between oral and written language, between using the textbook and other sources.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты
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