Сценарий урока английского языка в 9 классе по теме: “WellnessLifestyle” / «Здоровый Образ Жизни».
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (9 класс) по теме
Сценарий урока английского языка в 9 классе
по теме: “WellnessLifestyle” / «Здоровый Образ Жизни».
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Сценарий урока английского языка в 9 классе
по теме: “Wellness Lifestyle” / «Здоровый Образ Жизни».
ПОДГОТОВИЛА: Рогонова Анастасия Владимировна,
учитель английского языка ГБОУ СОШ № 1924 г. Москвы.
To stimulate students’ interest about this topic; to motivate their activity during the lesson Developing spontaneous talking skills based on the students’ personal experience and views. Teaching students to express their own ideas in English; Developing students’ learning skills via group and class work. To give additional information about “Wellness Lifestyles”; To develop and enrich students’ outlooks; train the new words and expressions orally according to the topic of the lesson. Developing positive ways of thinking. To develop their listening, speaking, reading skills, skills and habits of prepared and unprepared speech, educating students will respect to eternal values To sum up and activate the students’ knowledge about “Wellness Lifestyles” | The teacher greets the students and asks to introduce the topic of this lesson. Then the teacher sums up the statements of the students and makes a conclusion about the topic of the lesson “ Wellness Lifestyles”. Game “ Associations”. Students name different words associated with terms “Health” and “Wellness”. Task 1. a) Students individually (in pairs and in groups) answer the question “What is wellness in your understanding?” b) The teacher gives the students about 5 min. to discuss the result – whether they agree or disagree with such interpretations. c) Every group of students announce their variations, exchange their ideas with the other groups and the teacher. d) Check all together. Task 2. for Groups 1,2Teacher: Will you make your drawings to depict possible integration of all characteristics and say under what conditions “Wellness” can exist. The students in groups do the task. Check all together. Task 2 for Groups 3,4Teacher: Will you match the definitions and the words characterizing types of health. Check all together. The teacher and the students sing the song all together. Task 3. Listening. Students scan the questions, ask the teacher if they have any difficulties understanding them, listen to the text “ The Quality of Life Circle” and answer the questions. They also pay attention to the figures in the text and explain what they signify. Check the answers all together. Task 4. Work with the Text “ The Quality of Life Circle”. The students read the text. Then they do the tasks to the text in their groups. The group who completes an exercise first cries “Bingo!” and the teacher stops the rest of the class to check the task. Check the tasks all together. Task 5. Summing – up. Creativity – work: Filling Out an Application Form “Ask Yourself”. Question / Answer time
| I. Оргмомент 1) «Здравствуйте!» /Introduction/. 2) «Ледокол»/ “Ice – breaker”/ II.Основная часть урока. Энергизирующая минутка. Song “Healthy Life” Энергизирующая минутка. Музыкальная пауза + рифмовка III. Оценка результатов работы (Рефлексия)/ Домашнее задание Подведение итогов. | Работа в круге. Индивидуальная + работа в парах сменного состава (двойки)+ работа в мини – группах. Работа в мини – группах сменного состава. T – G 1-4 G1-4 G 1 – G 2 G 3 – G 4 Работа в круге. Индивидуальная работа + работа в круге Работа в мини- группах сменного состава. Работа в круге. Индивидуальная работа + работа в круге | Высказывания, иллюстрации, книги, фото. Sayings: “Active life makes you feel happy”. “Wellness means more than physical health”. “The quality of man’s life depends on his lifestyle” ; etc.
Students’ Handouts 1)“What is wellness in your understanding?” 2) “What spheres of human life does wellness deal with?” Students’ Handouts: Drawings - schemes “Wellness” Students’ Handouts: Cards:
Students’ Handouts; Tasks to the text: 1) Questions – cards.
2) The Scheme “Ingredients of a quality life’’ Students’ Handouts: Application Form “Ask Yourself”. | 5 min. 10 min. 10 min. 1 min. 10 min. 1 min. 8 min. | Учащиеся входят в класс, вытаскивают номер группы, в которой будут работать (Всего: 4 группы по 4 человека). Рассаживаются по местам по кругу. Звучит песня “Healthy Life”. В классе развешаны высказывания по теме урока, разложены картинки и книги, посвященные здоровому образу жизни человека. Учащиеся знакомятся с высказываниями, книгами и т.д. Учитель предлагает сформулировать тему урока на основе аудио – визуальных атрибутов. На доске появляются или записываются значения слова. Conclusion # 1. “Wellness exists when there is a balance between interdependent relationship of physical, emotional, intellectual, spiritual, social dimensions”. Conclusion # 2. “We can say that two words “health” and “ wellness” are synonyms, but “Wellness” has a wider range of meanings. It includes the idea of health and well – being”. |
Application Form
* What do I consider important in a quality life?
- Which quality of life ingredients are most important to me?
- What can I do to help myself attain those ingredients?
- How can I plan to do the right things?
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