Урок в 11 классе по теме "Досуг молодёжи" по УМК В. П. Кузовлева
методическая разработка по английскому языку (11 класс) по теме
Личностно-ориентированный урок по совершенствованию лексико-грамматических навыков устной речи по подтеме "Кино. Театр" темы "Досуг молодёжи"
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Предварительный просмотр:
Тяжлова Татьяна Ивановна
Приложение №6
11 класс
УМК В. П. Кузовлева
Тема: «Досуг молодёжи. » Подтема: «Кино. Театр. »
Цель: совершенствование лексико-грамматических навыков устной речи по теме.
1. Закреплять и расширять объём знаний учащихся по теме.
1.Учить учащихся высказывать мнение, аргументируя его и используя устойчивые выражения.
2.Совершенствовать навыки говорения, аудирования, чтения с различными стратегиями.
3.Обучать монологической речи по теме.
4.Совершенствовать навыки работы в парах, в группе.
5.Воспитывать у учащихся любовь к театру, стремление посещать театр.
Оборудование: раздаточный материал, иллюстрационный материал.
Ход урока
1. Warming up.
Glad to see you, ladies and gentlemen! I hope, everybody is all right today. You may sit if you’ve got blond hair (some pupils sit), dark eyes (some pupils sit), short hair (some pupils sit), if you can smile (all the rest sit).
2. And now look at these things and guess what the topic of our lesson will be today. Who wants to write the topic of our lesson on the blackboard?
Cinema and theatre in our life.
3. Cinema and theatre are associated with amusement and pleasure, aren’t they?
Tell me please, what the word “cinema” is associated with.
Cinema: different films, popular actors and actresses, a wide screen, film companies, cinema hall (rows of seats), … .
Tell me please, what the word “theatre” is associated with.
Theatre: names of famous theatres, large, nice buildings with columns, outstanding actors, curtain, stage, the “sold out” notice, premiere [`premiэ], a bow of actors, living acting, improvisation, women and men in evening dresses, an interval, buffet.
4. And now let’s compare cinema and theatre according to the following things:
cinema | theatre | ||
genres | Melodrama, historical, adventure, thriller, action film, comedy and others. | Opera, operetta, ballet, drama, musical, others. | |
Audience (what they do) | Watch, talk, eat pop corn | Applaud, react (say “bravo”, whistle), admire, give flowers, keep silence. | |
professions | Actors, directors, script writer | Actors, dancers, singers, stage manager, playwright. | |
emotions | Admiration, suspense, disappointment, enjoyment. | The same, but brighter. | |
hall | Rows, seats | Stalls, balcony, pit, dress circle box, orchestra pit. | |
What they teach | To defend justice, to defend the weak and offended, to be kind and patient. To find your way in life, to believe in love, to be proud of something; To believe in unreal things, to be aggressive. | To defend justice, to defend the weak and offended, to be kind and patient. To find your way in life, to believe in love, to be proud of something; | |
| Excellent, magnificent, outstanding, fantastic, impressive, splendid, nothing special, boring, reasonable, horrible. | The same. |
5. I think it’s high time to rest a little.
Close your eyes, open your eyes, look up, look down, look ahead, look to the left, look to the right, and turn your eyes round.
Stand up, stand one by one behind your classmate, put your hands on your classmate’s shoulders and make light massage, counting to ten.
6. And now let’s think and say what’s more popular now: cinema or theatre?
Work in pairs.
Read the opinion of different people and agree or disagree suggesting one decision.
The rule at page 183 will help you to make your speech more emotional, look at it and say if something is not clear.
These words will help you to agree: We both absolutely agree that … .
These words will help you to disagree: We both fully (completely) disagree that …
Watching films is an extremely good way of rest.
Watching performances is a really good way of spending free time.
Bad acting of actors in films can be compensated by special effects. Repeating of takes (дублей), a montage of shots (кадров) give an opportunity to watch the best playing of actors. But in the theatre actors play without takes. It’s fantastic.
If you like theatre, you’re old-fashioned. What is better than watching a film?
Especially if you’re kept in uncertainly up to the end and the story line is mysterious.
Watching films is a fairly good way to relax. After a hard working day it’s really enjoyable to watch a film with a simple plot or a film which is full of adventures and even fights. Tastes differ and everybody can choose a film according to interest.
The price of tickets to the theatre and to the cinema is almost the same. But … the theatre gives you the most advantages as compared with the cinema. I’ll try to explain. Let’s compare a restaurant and a canteen. In a very good restaurant, we have a dinner that is cooked specially for you; in a canteen we’re served with standard portions of a standard meal. And this is a difference between the living theatre and mass entertainment like films.
In the theatre, the play is cooked specially for us. The actors play once and for you!
For me, visit to the theatre is like a holiday. I always enjoy the atmosphere of the theatre. I constantly admire the playing of actors and think that only talented people can play heroes of different characters so convincing.
During the interval you may choose what to do: to listen to the living music (musicians play in the hall) and look at the photos of actors on the wall at the same time. Or you may visit a small museum and to know about the history of the theatre. Or you may go to the buffet and enjoy a cup of hot chocolate, a tasty sandwich.
7. As you have already understood some people prefer watching films, others – visiting theatre.
Work in groups.
Imagine please that you have to convince the pupils of your school what is better.
Class is divided according to colouful cards. Try to be emotional, because emotions influence people very much. Emphatic sentences can help you! Ex. 2 (5), p. 187.
I do love watching films than performances.
Good films do teach people to defend the weak and offended, to find your way in life, to believe in love, to be proud of something, to be kind and patient.
I do prefer watching films.
After a hard working day it’s really enjoyable to watch a film with a simple plot or a film which is full of adventures and even fights. Tastes differ and everybody can choose a film according to interest.
Performances are often complicated and difficult to understand.
I do enjoy going to theatre, because performances entertain and educate at the same time.
Good performances make mood better, they teach good Russian language.
You can watch plays from school Literature program: “Grief from the mind”, “The forest” by Ostrovsky; “The cherry garden” by Chekhov and others.
Theatre is the magic world.
Genres of performances are for different tastes: operas, operettas, comedies, dramas, ballets, musicals, tragedies.
The music of musicals is so exciting (impressive).
The performances do empress me greatly.
When I watch a performance I’m so involved in the action that I forget that I’m watching a play.
8. Let’s make a conclusion.
Is it easy to say what is more exciting: to watch films or performances?
Do both ways of rest have advantages?
What do you personally prefer and why?
A contest for two reporters.
Judges are the students.
9. Boys and girls, I like your work today and your marks are …
And what about you? Did you like the lesson today?
At home I advice you to practice in writing. Write an essay: What way of spending free time is more exciting: cinema or theatre?
Some students get individual task: to fill the table.
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