план-конспект занятия (10 класс) на тему

Конспект открытого урока в 10 классе

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Предварительный просмотр:


                               ПО УЧЕБНИКУ КУЗОВЛЕВА.           С ИСПОЛЬЗОВАНИЕМ ИКТ

Автор :Шкаров О.В

Цели урока: учебно-практическая :активизация и закрепление лексики по

                        Теме ‘’Teenagers problems” развитие умений и навыков устной

                         речи развитие навыков понимания иностранной речи на слух

                         навыков чтения и письменной речи.

Познавательная: -расширение и углубление культурологических

           знаний формирование и развитие социокультурной

компетенции учащихся создание положительной мотивации к

        изучению иностранного языка.

Воспитательная:  формирование уважительного отношения к

           иностранному языку  культуре других народов.

Развивающая –развитие навыков языковой догадки при работе с текстом на

аудирование  умение сравнивать особенности своей страны и     страны изучаемого языка формирование универсальных учебных действий учащихся : регулятивных познавательных личностных и коммуникативных.

Тип урока: повторительно-обобщающий.

Оборудование: слайды, презентация, раздаточный материал.

Ход урока: Организационный момент. Постановка  задач урока.

Тeacher:  Good   morning !I am glad to see you again.

                 Is anybody absent today?

Pupil: All are present at the lesson today.

Teacher: So I hope we are ready to start our lesson about “ Teenagers’ problems”.

                  Please remember what were we speaking about last lesson?

Pupil: Last lesson we were talking about teens’ problems at different countries all

           over the world.

Teacher: Yes we had already revised the teens’ problems in America, Great Britain

                 Today we will talk about the problems of teenagers in Russia.I want you

                  enrich  your vocabulary by means of the new words and expressions

                   given in the key-words  on slide 1.

2.Phonetic warm-up.

Teacher: The 1-st slide is about “ Spending spare time of young generation”.


  • To have a spare (a free) time-
  • To enjoy live-
  •  Being you

Pupil: I want to describe how teens’ spend   their free time the world over and in  

           our   country ,too. The  youth is a very good and interesting time for every

           man. They want to have more spare time to meet with friends , go to

           discos, be independent. Being young is a very responsible time for the


Teacher:  Now ,what can you tell me about the next slide? Describe it using the

                 Next phrases:


  • Going  to school-
  • dealing  with parents-
  • continuing education-
  • to choose a career-
  • to get a diploma                

Pupil: I want to give some information about this slide. We have a lot of opportu-

           nities to choose any career. When you finish the secondary school you will

             be able to continue education at the Institutes, Universities or Academies

             or military institutions. Choosing a future career is a very complex task in

             the life of every young man.

Pupil : I want to add about the higher education. Parents want their children to

            get  a diploma, find a good job  and  to be a good man.

Teacher: It was very interesting to listen your point of view. Now we will listen  

                 And then discuss the text for audition:”What  do the Russian youth want  

                I remember you after the first listening of the text try to understand the

                main idea of the text. You can do some notes according to the text.

               Please, listen to the text :(it is sounding the text)

 The problems of Russian youth are the same as in the world, in general. The problems of young generation are the problems of the whole society. The young

Generation is the future of our mother land. They are more –opened, communicative,  know legable and informative. It is connected with the modern

World, in a whole. From one side it I s the process of globalization, informatization

And urbanization. On the other side, the Russian government and state I s held the

Politics in the supporting of gifted and talented young men .Our youth is involved in the life of the society ,they keep the traditions of their fathers ,grandparents and grand grandparents. They want to live in the great country .So, we are Russians.

Teacher: Write down some key-words from the text:

               1.in general-

               2.the whole society-

               3.to be connected with

               4. gifted and talented-

               5.to keep the traditions-

             Now, please make up some sentences according the text using key-words.

The pupils make up some sentences according to the text:”What do the Russian

Youth want?”

Teacher: We listen to the text again. For the second time the text is sounding.

Please, answer my questions:

  • What are the problems of Russian youth?

Pupil: The problems are to finish the school, enter the institutes, to get a diploma,

            To see the world and to find their places in the life.

Teacher: 2. What can you tell about the state supporting of young generation?

Pupil: The Russian government and state is supporting youth by different

            Measures. There are a lot of grands, programmes for gifted and talented.

Teacher: 3. How can you characterize the youth of our days?

Pupil: Our generation keeps and follows the traditions of senior generation.

Teacher: 4.How can you formulate the social position of your own and the youth?

Any of the pupil gives their own opinions.

Teacher: Thank you for opinions and ideas .Our lesson is going to the end. Your

                 Home task will be the rendering of this text in written form.

5. The discussing of the lesson’ results .The marks and their explanations.

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