урок-закрепление по теме «Туризм в Лондоне»
методическая разработка по английскому языку (11 класс) по теме
Данный урок предназначен для учащихся 11 класса, занимающихся по учебнику «Английский нового тысячелетия»/ ”New Millennium English” для 11 класса. Авторы: О.Л. Гроза, М.Л. Мичурина, Т.Н. Рыжкова, Е.Ю. Шалимова.
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Tourism –
is a kind of active rest, combining it with educational purposes
There are different kinds of tourism:
Rest Pleasure Sports tourism Business tourism Educational tourism Family tourism Excursion tourism
Welcome to London
Westminster's Abbey
The Tower of London
St. Paul’s Cathedral
The Houses of Parliament
Buckingham Palace
Anyone who walks around the capital at the moment can see that tourism is one of London's key industries. The key to the tourist industry in London is integrating the city's strengths and history with the new economy. No other city can compare with London in that. It is far from being a question of historic sites and ceremonials — important though these are. London is a 24-hour city with nightlife, clubs, restaurants and internationally known events. It plays the role of any great city throughout the ages — bringing together in one place a critical mass of economic, scientific, cultural and intellectual possibilities. But a key question is how to unite these elements physically. What makes this possible is London's combination of tradition with its status as the world's most internationalised. Both are rooted in the city's unique history — for several centuries London was the world's major port. This made it possible to bring together "tradition", in the sense of a long uninterrupted history, and the greatest multicultural centre in the world. Since London became the greatest melting pot in the world, diversity and the most modern forms of communications are integral to London's character. That creates the city's unique character and attraction. If London is to continue to develop its tourist industry, this requires an integrated approach in policing, transport, culture, and business. In short, strengthening London as one of the world's greatest tourist centres, which is a very conscious policy of the GLA, is not going to lessen the attraction of the city for its inhabitants. What makes London a great place for tourists is not only its (10) tradition, but that it is a modern, "lived-in" city.
Ken Livingstone claims that London's appeal to tourists is that it is a "lived-in city" ("London's a great international brand that has to be marketed carefully", 15 August). I agree with him. But if we want the reality to match the rhetoric, we need to act now to save the city. The Mayor's endorsement of the "24-hour city" sits uneasily with his desire for a living city. To have a truly living city, you need residents: local communities, such as the 6,000 people who live in Soho and Covent Garden in the West End. They live alongside about 350 bars and clubs that stay open, up to 5 a.m. already. The capacity of such bars is 50,000 people, bringing with them noise, nuisance and crime. As a result, the very residents who make up the "lived-in city" are being driven out. We need to have sustainable tourism. If we don't act, we'll rip the heart out of London and drive away business and tourists. At Westminster, we've introduced policies to restrict new licences. We want people to have a good night out, but the community needs a good night's sleep, and a genuine mix of uses must be sustained. If the Mayor wants to deliver a living city, he has to ensure that those who live in the centre of the city have a quality of life that most of us take for granted
Keeps historic sites
Noise pollution
Keeps culture and traditions
Gives jobs for residents
Employs money for the city
Transport problems
Tourism in London -
To be or not to be?
Londoners need tourism, but it must be sustainable tourism.
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