Конспект урока по теме "День Земли"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (5 класс) на тему

Урок-экологическая конференция в 5 классе


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Предварительный просмотр:

Предмет, класс: Английский язык, 5 «Б» класс.

Учитель: Яковлева Галина Владимировна, учитель высшей категории.

Тема урока

« Earth Day is Every Day » (День Земли каждый день)

(Экологическая конференция)

Цели урока

1. Обучающая

Обобщение, систематизация и активизация знаний учащихся по теме урока.

2. Воспитательная

Расширение кругозора. Воспитание ответственного отношения к вопросам, связанным с экологией Земли.

3. Развивающая

Дальнейшее развитие языковых навыков по теме урока на уровне монологических логических высказываний, развитие навыков аудирования, публичного выступления, общеучебных умений.

Ход урока

  1. Организационный момент. Приветствие.
  2. Представление темы.
  3. Исполнение песни.
  4. Выполнение задания.
  5. Чтение стихотворений.
  6. Выступления детей. Выполнение задания по прослушанному.
  7. Аудирование с заданиями.
  8. Заполнение пропусков.
  9. Исполнение песни.
  10. Домашнее задание.
  11. Заключение.


Доска. Проектор и компьютер.

Ход урока.




1. Организационный момент. Приветствие.

Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, pupils and guests. We are glad to see you here. We are holding a conference which covers ecological items.

2. Представление темы.

 The theme of our conference is “Earth day is Every day” because people celebrate Earth Day on the 22nd of April. The symbol of the conference is Jelly Jam, a make-believe animal, a people preserver, which helps us study ecology. We wish everybody to help people and nature and today YOU are welcome to our conference!

3. Исполнение песни.

Now let’s start our conference with the HYMN  - “It’s up to me and you”. (Слова на листах) (Приложение 1)

Match the word and picture by drawing a line between the pairs.

The song is now ready. Let’s sing.

4. Выполнение задания.

Bravo! Our conference is open. There are lots of ways to help the environment. Match the sentences to the pictures and write down all the things you do to help. (Приложение 2)

5. Чтение стихотворений.

Thank you very much for everything you do to help the Earth.

You have prepared for the conference and made your own posters and Earth day badges. Now let’s listen to the poems about the Earth and Earth Day. I believe you are Earth day helpers and you take care of mother Earth. (Приложение 1)

6. Выступления детей. Выполнение задания по прослушанному.

Earth Day is on April 22nd every year. What do people do on this day? Is it the only day when we can help the Earth? Now let's listen to our girls’ reports and answer their questions. (Приложение 3)

7. Аудирование с заданиями.

Now look and listen. Welcome to Planet Earth Museum, a museum where you can learn some interesting facts about the world we live in. Match the word and picture by drawing a line between the pairs.

What goes where? Can you match the pictures to the places?

(Приложение 4)

8. Заполнение пропусков.

Well done! Don’t ever think that you are not important to our Earth. YOU ARE!!!

Fill in the blanks to find out how you can help protect the environment. (Приложение 5)

9. Исполнение песни.

You must do these things every day, not just on Earth Day. We are the Earth and people everywhere can save the Earth. And our conference is at an end. I’d like Nastya, our rising star, to sing a famous song by Michael Jackson – “Earth song”. And we can sing along with Nastya. (Слова на листах) (Приложение 6)

10. Домашнее задание

Thanks a lot. Now I’m sure that you can save the Earth. For hometask you get a crossword and you should make up a story about our make-believe animal, Jelly Jam, using the given words and adding your own ones. (Приложение 7)

11. Заключение.

You are the best, the real helpers. You get Earth Day, Every Day Award. I can say that everything depends on us. You have done a very difficult and interesting work and you get a good reward. Be happy and good luck. Thank you very much for your attention. Good-bye. (Приложение 8)

П-1                                                П-1



I'm proud to wear my Earth Day badge

I give the Earth a hand.

I pick up litter, care for trees,

Recycle what I can.

I'm an Earth Day helper

Each and every day.

I take care of Mother Earth

In oh, so many ways.

A Song


I am the Earth

And the Earth is me.

Each blade of grass,

Each honey tree,

Each bit of mud,

And stick and stone

Is blood and muscle,

Skin and bone.

And just as I

Need every bit

Of me to make

My body fit,

So Earth needs

Grass and stone and tree

And things that grow here


That's why we

Celebrate this day.

That's why across

The world we say:

As long as life,

As dear, as free,

I am the Earth

And the Earth is me.

Save the Earth

People everywhere

breathe the same air,

share the same seas,

live together on the land.

People everywhere

who learn, plan,

work, care,


save the earth.



1) Answer the following questions about Earth Day.

1. What is the purpose of the report?

a) to entertain

b) to inform

c) to test your knowledge

d) none of the above

2. In which month is Earth Day celebrated?

a) February

b) March

c) April

d) May

3. On Earth Day we remind people to...

a) recycle paper

b) recycle cans

c) reuse materials

d) all of the above

4. Why do we think that Earth Day should be every day?

a) People want to play in clean parks every day.

b) People should take care of the planet every day.

c) People like to read the newspaper every day.

e) None of the above.

2) Match the words with their meanings.

recycle                         to use something over again

reuse                         to use less of something

reduce                         to use a material and make it into something else


HELP                TWO                POLLUTE                ENERGY                PICK                 OFF        

                        GARBAGE                                RECYCLE        


HELP                TWO                POLLUTE                ENERGY                PICK                 OFF        

                        GARBAGE                                RECYCLE        


Earth Song

What about sunrise

What about rain

What about all the things

That you said we were to gain…

What about killing fields

Is there a time

What about all the things

That you said was yours and mine...

Did you ever stop to notice

All the blood we've shed before

Did you ever stop to notice

The crying Earth the weeping shores?

Aaaaaaaaaah Aaaaaaaaaah

What have we done to the world

Look what we've done

What about all the peace

That you pledge your only son...

What about flowering fields

Is there a time

What about all the dreams

That you said was yours and mine...

Did you ever stop to notice

All the children dead from war

Did you ever stop to notice

The crying Earth the weeping shores

Aaaaaaaaaaah Aaaaaaaaaaah

I used to dream

I used to glance beyond the stars

Now I don't know where we are

Although I know we've drifted far

Aaaaaaaaaaah Aaaaaaaaaaaah

Aaaaaaaaaaah Aaaaaaaaaaaah

Hey, what about yesterday

(What about us)

What about the seas

(What about us)

The heavens are falling down

(What about us)

I can't even breathe

(What about us)

What about the bleeding Earth

(What about us)

Can't we feel its wounds

(What about us)

What about nature's worth


It's our planet's womb

(What about us)

What about animals

(What about it)

We've turned kingdoms to dust

(What about us)

What about elephants

(What about us)

Have we lost their trust

(What about us)

What about crying whales

(What about us)

We're ravaging the seas

(What about us)

What about forest trails

(ooo, ooo)

Burnt despite our pleas

(What about us)

What about the holy land

(What about it)

Torn apart by creed

(What about us)

What about the common man

(What about us)

Can't we set him free

(What about us)

What about children dying

(What about us)

Can't you hear them cry

(What about us)

Where did we go wrong

(ooo, ooo)

Someone tell me why

(What about us)

What about babies

(What about it)

What about the days

(What about us)

What about all their joy

(What about us)

What about the man

(What about us)

What about the crying man

(What about us)

What about Abraham

(What was us)

What about death again

(ooo, ooo)

Do we give a damn


2) Make up a story about our make-believe animal, Jelly Jam, using these words and adding your own ones:

BREATHE                POLLUTE                HEALTHY                RECYCLE                WATER

AIR                REDUCE                THE EARTH                REUSE                PLANET

PAPER                 BOTTLES                 CELEBRATE        

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