Ролевая игра "Why is English so popular?" /К.Кауфман,М.Кауфман "Happy English.ru-8"/
план-конспект урока английского языка (8 класс) на тему
Цели: формирование коммуникативной компетенции;
Социокультурный аспект– знакомство с мнением разных людей из разных стран о популярности английского языка;
Развивающий аспект– развитие способности оценивать чужое мнение, развитие догадки по аналогии с русским языком, способности к анализу, обобщению, перефразированию, умения делать выводы;
Воспитательный аспект– воспитание уважительного отношения к мнению собеседника, его взглядам, формирование способности к критическому мышлению, воспитание толерантности; воспитание чувства ответственности за совместную работу;
Учебный аспект– развитие речевых умений; использование в речи средств лексической связи; сопутствующая задача – развитие умения пересказать прочитанное от лица данной роли.
Оформление урока:
- плакат “Conversation bricks” /phrases of agreement, disagreement, interruption, supporting different ideas/
I agree with you; I disagree with you; Don’t give me that! ; I’m afraid that’s wrong; I think so too; That’s exactly what I wanted to say; Do you really think so?; That’s very true;
- текст “The roots of the English language”;
- карта “The British Empire in 1919”;
Техническое оборудование:
- экран и проектор;
- компьютер;
- класс, подготовленный для конференции, ученики сидят за партами, расставленными в полукруг, на каждой парте табличка с именем участника.
Ход и содержание урока Деятельность преподавателя |
Деятельность учеников |
1. Организационный момент: Teacher : Good morning. Take your seats. Каждый ученик проходит и садится за парту. 2. Объявление темы, целей и задач урока, мотивация учения Teacher: Today we are going to hold a conference on the subject “ Why is English so popular?” The main aim of our today lesson is to make up a forum for exchanging the information and ideas between the leading specialists of different countries. 3. Повторение и актуализация опорных знаний. I suppose the time comes to talk about the knowledge of English. - Where is English used? - Why is it important for people?
Well, at our conference we are going to discuss: why English is so popular from different points of view, what people from different countries think about this question. Now I’d like to give the floor to our Chairman. 4. Проведение конференции. Межгрупповая дискуссия
- Good morning.
P1: English is very popular because it is used … P2: I want to add… P3: Besides, … 1. Introduction. The Chairman: My name is Mr(Mrs) Forbes, I’m a Canadian journalist. I’m going to write an article about the English language and I want to know what people from different countries think about it. First of all, I want to introduce our guests: - Mr(Mrs) Bamridge, an English historian; - Mr(Mrs) Belob(a), a Russian translator; - Mr(Mrs) Brinks, a rich American businessman; - Mr(Mrs) Swarup, an Indian student. (There may be 2 students and 2 translators if there are more pupils in the class). Let me announce the agenda of the conference: 1)We’ll listen to the report “The roots of the English language” presented by Mr(Mrs) Bamridge, an English historian. 2) You are going to watch the presentation “The British Empire” by Mr(Mrs) Swarup, an Indian student. 3) Finally we’ll have a discussion. 2. Main body. Now I would like to give the floor to Mr(Mrs) Bamridge. He (she) is an English historian and has prepared the report about the roots of English.
Now I would like to give the floor to Mr(Mrs) Swarup. He (she) is an Indian student and has prepared the report about the British colonies.
Chairman: Any questions to the speaker? Let’s proceed to the discussion.
- Mr(Mrs) Belob(a), a Russian translator; - Mr(Mrs) Brinks, a rich American businessman. 3. Conclusion. Chairman: The time of the discussion is up. Our conference is close. Thank you for attention and work. |
Итоги урока. Teacher : The discussion has been very interesting and it caused the variety of questions about the popularity of English. All of you have given your own opinion and done it successfully.So, what are the main conclusions of the discussion?
Home task: to write an article using the material of the lesson and means of communication.
Thank you for the lesson. Good-bye! |
P1: The influence of the British history is one of the reasons why English is popular. P2: There were a lot of colonies and a lot of people had to learn and speak English. P3: English is easier than some other languages of the world. …
Технологическая карта урока
Деятельностьучастников | |
Этап подготовки |
Разработка сценария
-разработка сценария -план игры -общее описание сценария /Rolecards/ |
Ввод в игру (руководитель) /introduction/
-постановка проблем, вопросов /problems, questions/ -распределение ролей -формирование групп -консультации |
Этап проведения |
Групповая работа над заданием |
Виды работы: -работа с источниками -активизация групповых ролей; -мозговой штурм; … |
Межгрупповая дискуссия /discussion/ |
-выступления групп -защита результатов -правила дискуссии |
Этап анализа обощения |
Мнение экспертов |
Вывод из игры Анализ, рефлексия Оценка и самооценка работы Итоги игры Рекомендации |
Role card 1: You are Mr(Mrs) Brinks, a rich American businessman. You think that English is so popular because it is the language of the USA which is one of the biggest and strongest countries in the world. Everybody wants to do business with America. Illustrate your position with these ideas. 1. Six out of ten richest people in the world are Americans. 2. The whole world eats in American restaurants: MacDonalds, Burger King and Pizza Hut. 3. The whole world wears American jeans such as Levi’s. 4. Hollywood is the biggest film producer in the world. There are a lot of American films. 5. The dollar takes the second place after the euro as the most popular currency in the world. 6. The USA is the world leader in science and technology. 7. 8. /add your ideas/
Role card 2: You are Mr( Mrs) Belob(a), a Russian translator. You think that English is so popular because it is very easy. Illustrate your position with these ideas. 1. Compare English and Russian: - Plurals are easier. You just have to add an –(e)s in the end. Compare: tables, books, trees. – Столы, книги, деревья. - Genders are simpler. In English you use “she” for women, “he” for men and all others are “it”. In Russian we have tree (it), book (she), table (he), room (she). It is difficult. - English words don’t change so much. I read this book. – Ячитаюэтукнигу. We read this book. – Мычитаемэтукнигу. You read this book. – Тычитаешьэтукнигу. They read this book. – Оничитаютэтукнигу. He (She) read this book. – Он(она) читаетэтукнигу. You read this book. – Вычитаетеэтукнигу. 2. Compare English with some other languages, Chinese or Japanese. 3. 4. /add your ideas/ |
Role card 3: You are Mr(Mrs) Bamridge, an English historian. You think that English is so popular because it has words from other languages. It is like many European languages and that’s why people can learn it easily. Use this information and facts from the text as examples. A lot of English words are like German. The grammar is also very similar. Compare: Meine Freundin ist neun Jahre alt. (German) – My friend is nine years old. (English) Wir gehen in die Schule. (German) – We go to school. (English) Sie ist interessant. (German) – She is interesting. (English) Scandinavian words in English: anger, cake, call, egg, get, give, kick, kill, score, scrub, seat, skill, skirt, sky, take, they, them, their, ugly, want, window, husband. Latin words in English: street, kitchen, cup, cheese, wine, angel, wall, paper. French words in English: country, court, crime, prison, religion, prince, princess, royal, adventure, change, fruit, letter, literature, magic, male, female, mirror, question, special. The roots of the English language In fact, English is a Germanic language. The Anglo-Saxons contributed to the formation of English most of all. English grammar is still very similar to German. There are also a lot of French words in English from when William Duke of Normandy became the King of England in 1066. You can find a lot of Scandinavian words in English too. They came from the times when the Vikings raided Britain. The English alphabet came from Latin. Christian monks, who spoke Latin, brought it to England from Ireland. It is very strange, but the Celtic language didn’t contribute many words to modern English. We can only find Celtic words in the names of places and rivers such as: Dover, Kent, Avon and the Thames, for example. |
Role card 4: You are Mr(Mrs) Swarup, an Indian student. You think English is so popular because the UK used to have a big empire. The British had colonies all over the world, and all the people in the colonies had to speak English. Your country India is an example. Look at the text and the map. Use the text and the map to support your ideas. The beginning of the British Empire was in 1583 when Queen Elizabeth 1 sent her ships to explore new lands and continents. The expeditions were always successful. More and more lands became the part of the British Empire. At that time Doctor Dee, the Queen’s magician and astrologer, said the famous words: “British Empire”. He was right. Britain had the largest empire in the world. People said about it: ”The sun never sets on the British Empire.” It was true: the empire was so big that it was always daylight in some part of it. Its territories were on every continent and ocean. By the beginning of the 20th century the British Empire had a population of 400-500 million people (about a quarter of the world’s population at that time), and covered about 30 million square kilometers. Some of the countries that used to be British colonies or territories are^ the USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, India, large parts of Africa, the Caribbean, the Far East, the Middle East and some islands in Europe.
Role card 5: You are Mr(Mrs) Forbes, a Canadian journalist. You have to write an article about the English language and you want to know what people from different countries think about it. You have a small role in the discussion, but you must: - start the discussion; - introduce people to each other: - lead the discussion; - take notes of the discussion; - finish the discussion and say who convinced you. Your guests are: - Mr(Mrs) Bamridge, an English historian; - Mr(Mrs) Belob(a), a Russian translator; - Mr (Mrs.) Brinks, a rich American businessman; - Mr(Mrs) Swarup, an Indian student. |
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