план-конспект урока по английскому языку (8 класс) по теме
8 класс
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Предварительный просмотр:
8 класс
Учитель английского языка
Иванова И. В.
Тучково 2013
Приветствие команды отличников:
We are the brightest pupils and the cleverest of all! Learn English! It’s fun!
You should learn a lot of texts
You should read a lot of books
And a lot of English songs,
This is interesting and good.
English is very cool!
English is very cool!
English is the coolest every time.!
- If you like the Internet and computers
- If you are ambitious about your future job and you want to earn a lot of money
- If you are interested in travelling and communicating with foreigners
If you think all books and films in the original language are more interesting and you want to read Shakespeare and watch “Lord of the rings”
- If you want to become a top-class diplomat, politician, scientist or artist
- If that is what you think, you should learn English- six greatest things can happen to you!
1.You’ll be able to travel all over the world and communicate with people everywhere- you will talk to waiter in a hotel in Egypt or listen to an English speaking guide on an excursion.
2. You’ll always get the news first-you’ll be able to watch the international TV networks: CNN, BBC.
3.You’ll learn all about your favourite music groups, you’ll be able to understand the words of your favourite song and you’ll be able to watch English and American films.
4. You’ll be able to get access to information of any kind: you surf the internet day and night, most of the websites are in English.
5. You’ll find a fantastic job and earn a lot of money. The greatest thing, isn’t it. List the statistics and think—to learn or not to learn English.
6. A billion websites in the Internet are in English. A billion and a half people in the world understand English. One billion learn it. English is the language most spoken around the world.
Приветствие команды двоечников:
If you learn English- your life is finished
Don’t learn, don’t learn English
It may ruin your life
And you will soon die
Don’t learn, don’t learn English!
- You hate the Internet and computer
- You are not ambitious and you don’t want to earn a lot of money
- You are not interested in travelling and communicating with other people
- You think all books and films in other languages are boring
- If that is what you think, you shouldn’t learn English. If you learn it, five awful things can happen to you.
1.You’ll be able to travel all over the world and communicate with people. It’s nasty. First of all, you don’t want to travel- you are quite happy at home. Secondly, you don’t want to talk to a guide or a waiter in a restaurant. Thirdly, you don’t want to meet all those cool guys in an exchange programmer. All these people can learn Russian, can’t they?
2.You’ll get the news first. This may make you really nervous. The saying” No news is good news” is right. If you learn to speak English, you’ll have to watch the international TV that broadcast news faster and more professionally than smaller national networks. So you ‘ll never get any peace and quietness.
3. You’ll get access to information. Nobody needs so much knowledge. We live in the age of information, and we already get more information than we need. You’ll make a mistake if you learn English, because you will surf the net days and nights, and it is a bad addiction.
4.You’ll learn all about your favourite music group. Imagine that one day you’ll understand the words of your favourite English song. What if they are not as good as you thought? Only think, you’ll be able to watch British or American films in English. Who knows, you may never want to listen to bad translation again.
5.And worst of all, you ‘ll find a fantastic job and earn a lot of money. Horrible, isn’t it? Stay away from English and you’ll be safe from these top-class diplomats, scientists ,etc. You don’t want to be one of them. Almost all business n Russia is international, even a secretary has to speak English on the phone and write letters in English. So follow our advice- don’t learn English!
You know some pupils have problems with English, may be some of you can help them?
1.I like English very much, but when some English boys and girls came to our school on an exchange programme, I didn’t understand them. What should I do?
- You should listen to native speakers and repeat after them, you should watch films and listen to the songs in the original language. Speak more!
2.When I read the text, I always look the words up in the dictionary. But the next day I don’t remember them. What should I do?
-You should write down the words and examples with them. It’s so helpful to make up your own sentences with these words, and you should read in English more.
3. When I speak English to native speakers, they don’t understand me. What am I doing wrong?
-You should improve your pronunciation. Listen and repeat- that is what you should do!
4.I’m afraid, I’m not doing any progress. I have learnt all grammar rules and all words in our textbook, but when I try to speak, I make a lot of mistakes. I try to watch the news in English on BBC or CNN too, but I don’t understand it well. Help me, please!
-You should not only learn grammar rules, but use them. Do exercises every day, listen , watch, read, so practice regularly.
5. My mum makes me learn English, but there is a problem. When the teacher explains the new things in class, I understand everything, but two days later I can’t remember anything.
-You must practice English every day. Learn new words, read books in English, watch video films and listen to the songs. 15 minutes of English practice a day give you a good chance to improve your knowledge.
Why we don’t learn English? We are sure Russian will soon become the international language!
Learn English! It’s great! It’s fun! It will make you more intelligent, more confident and more sociable!
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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