Урок по теме "Мода - моя страсть"
презентация к уроку английского языка (9 класс) по теме

Осипова Ольга Валерьевна

Файл содержит разработку для ученика и презентацию с заданиями и материалами, а так же авторское видео для постановке вопроса - может ли школьная форма быть модной.


Microsoft Office document icon fashion.doc26 КБ
Office presentation icon fashion_is_my_passion.ppt1.35 МБ

Предварительный просмотр:

 “Fashion is my passion”

  1. Crossword puzzle (the other side)
  2. Watching or reading

Task for pupils who watch a video

Finish the sentence:

  1. You can combine a top with ...
  2. To look summery you can wear ...
  3. You can use such jewelry as ...
  4. Another option to look fashionable is a ...
  5. To a strapless dress you can add a ...

Task for pupils who want to read the text

Read the text:

How to Choose Your Back-to-School Wardrobe:

1. Choose comfortable clothes. How will this save money? Because you won't go back to the shop to return half of your clothing items when you realize your jeans are too tight.

2. Make sure your clothes fit perfectly. Even if it's the coolest jacket you've ever seen in your life, if it doesn't fit, don't buy otherwise you'll have to buy another item later to replace it.

3. Don't buy something extravagant. We all get the urge to buy that hot pink leather mini skirt, thinking that we'll wear it one day just to surprise our friends. This then just wastes the money spent buying it, which certainly doesn't save you money on your back to school clothing costs.

4. Coordinate outfits. Come up with a few themes. For example, red colours go well with black and brown colours – with yellow.

5. Develop a plan of what you need. You need three pair of jeans, two skirts, four sweaters, and so on. Make the list, and buy only what is on it at the shops.

6. Do not choose clothes with bright provocative prints. Remember – these clothes should show your intellect not your inner world and problems.

7. The clothes should suit you, the colour of your hair, eyes, skin. If you are pale do not choose bright colours like red and orange. Light blue, pastel colours will suit you better.

8. Your tops, skirts and shorts should not be too short. It is a school not a beach. You must demonstrate your knowledge, not your body.

True or False:

  1. Bright clothes indicates your intellect.
  2. Comfortable clothes is better than cool trendy clothes.
  3. It is good when there is a provocative print on your t-shirt.
  4. Before going shopping you should make a plan of what to buy.
  5. The shorter your skirt the more beautiful you look.

  1. Let’s sing a song
  1. Designers______________________________________________________________
  2. Designers______________________________________________________________

  1. Questions:



Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 2

Fashion is my passion

Слайд 3

Problem English11.avi

Слайд 4

Back to School Fashion 2010.flv

Слайд 5

Choose the correct answer: 1. For the first outfit she is wearing a) t-shirt and skinny jeans b) jacket and loose jeans c) black jeans and a grey t-shirt 2. For jewelry in outfit №2 she is wearing a) a silver chain b) big earrings and a bracelet c) a necklace 3. In outfit №3 the chain matches a) the shirt b) the earrings c) the sandal shoes 4. Outfit №4 consists of a) destroyed jeans and a blazer b) trousers and a vintage t-shirt c) a cute necklace and high-heeled shoes

Слайд 6

Answers (across): T-shirt Sneakers Jacket Scarf Dress Trousers Jumper

Слайд 7

Answers (down): Tie Slipper Socks Bathrobe Jeans Clothes Hat Gloves

Слайд 8

“ Fashion”: I am, I'm too ____________ I'm so, fierce that it's so nuts I live, to be ______ thin Dress me, I'm your ____________ J'adore Vivienne, La Vie et Moi Gucci, Fendi, et Prada. Valentino, Armani too. Merde I love them Jimmy Choo ___________put it all on me Don't you want to see these ______ on me _______ put it all on me I am anyone you want me to be [2x] Ohhhh ohhhhh La la la We love ___________ I need, some new stilettos Can't walk, down the street in those You are, who you _____ it's true A girl's just as hot as the ________ she choose J'adore Weitzman, La Vie et MoiLouis, Dolce Gabbana, Alexander McQueen, eh oh. Merde I love those Minolo

Слайд 9

Find your place! Prosecutors Designers Advocates

Слайд 14

I am waiting for your home works... See your later...

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