Открытый урок по теме «Holidays»
материал (английский язык, 10 класс) по теме

Открытый урок по теме «Holidays» с применением ИКТ и игровой технологии

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Предварительный просмотр:

London Quiz

  1. Who gave London its first name?

a) the Egyptians

b) theGreeks

c) the Romans

  1. Which river runs through London?

a) the Thames

b) the Severn

c) the Seine

  1. Who designed ST Paul’s Cathedral?

a) Christopher Wren

b) Benjamin Hall

c) Francis Drake

  1. Where are the British kings and queens crowned?

a) St Paul’s Cathedral

b) Westminster Abbey

c) the House of Lords

  1. Which birds, according to the  legend, protect the Tower of London?

a) pigeons

b) ravens

c) swans

  1. What is a “double-decker”?

a) a bus

b) a lorry

c) a ship

  1. What is “the Globe” in London?

a) the largest department store in Europe

b) Cockney rhyming slang for hope

c) a Shakespearean theatre

  1. Which is the only London Bridge that can be raised?

a) Tower Bridge

b) London Bridge

c) Waterloo Bridge

  1.  Where are the Crown Jewels kept?

a) Buckingham Palace

b) The Tower of London

c) The Bank of England

  1.  What is the London Eye?

a) a telescope

b) an observation wheel

c ) a newspaper

Предварительный просмотр:

Кадр 1 (видео)  The Houses of Parliament, Big Ben

Pupil-tourist: What is that magnificent building?
Pupil :  It is The Palace of Westminster or the Houses of Parliament, the mother of parliaments. It was Edward the Confessor who built it in the 11th century. William the Conqueror didn't like the palace, so he completely rebuilt it. Other kings and queens extended it and made it their main residence. The last king to live there was King Henry VIII, but in 1512, after a fire, he moved out and the Palace of Westminster ceased to be a royal residence and became the seat of the Houses of Parliament.
Pupil-tourist: It`s really very interesting...Oh, look there! It`s Big Ben, isn`t it?
Pupil : You are right. Big Ben is one of London's most famous landmarks. In fact, Big Ben is not the name of the clock on the Tower of Westminster, but it is the nickname of the bell inside. It was made in 1858.
Pupil-tourist: Why is it called Big Ben?
Pupil : Nobody knows for sure why Big Ben is called Big Ben, but many people think it was something to do with Sir Benjamin Hall, a rather fat man who was in charge of the building works at Westminster and whose nickname was 'Big Ben'

                                        Кадр  2  (видео)  London Eye

Pupil : And now we are at the London Eye.
Pupil-tourist: What is it?
It is the tallest observation wheel in the world. It is 135 metres high. Standing on the river Thames, the London Eye gives an excellent view of London. From the top of the wheel we can see all over London and the most famous London landmarks which we are going to visit today. Now, please take your places in the glass capsules and  let's look at London.
Pupil-tourist: How long does it take to go up?
Pupil : You go up 30 minutes.
Pupil-tourist: What a wonderful panorama we have seen!
Pupil-tourist: Oh, yes!

Открыть презентацию (Westminster Abbey) слайды-4-5-6

Pupil :  Look at that beautiful Gothic building. It’s the Westminster Abbey. It has been the place of coronation of every king and queen since William the Conqueror in 1066. The Coronation Chair dates from 1296! The last person to sit on it was Queen Elizabeth II, who was crowned here in 1953. Many British monarchs, writers, poets, musicians and scientists are also buried here.
Pupil-tourist: What is the main street in London?

Открыть презентацию (Trafalgar Square) слайд-7

Pupil : There isn`t the main street in London but there is the main square here. It is Trafalgar Square. Trafalgar Square is the heart of tourists' London.

 Открыть презентацию (Nelson’s column) слайды-8-9

There is a tall column of Admiral Nelson in the centre of the square. It commemorates his victory in the battle of Trafalgar, where the British navy defeated the navy of Napoleon in 1805.Thousands of  Londoners hold political demonstrations and see the New Year in there.
Pupil-tourist: How tall is it?
Pupil : It is 5 meters tall.
Pupil-tourist: Are there many museums in London?

Открыть презентацию (National Gallery) слайды-10-11

Pupil : Yes, there are. And one of them is the National Gallery — home of many famous paintings situated here. The Gallery has the collections of all European schools. All great artists are represented by masterpieces.
Pupil-tourist: I have heard that Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo and Van Gogh are represented here. It`s a brilliant gallery!

Pupil: Yes, you are right!

Кадр  3 (видео)   The Royal Festival Hall

  The Royal Festival Hall is a 2,900-seat concert, dance and talks hall. It is situated on the South Bank of the river Thames. It is London’s most acoustically perfect concert hall. It was opened in 1951. It hosts classical orchestra, jazz rock and world music.

Кадр 4 ( видео)  The OXO Tower

 The OXO Tower has been a riverside landmark since 1930-es. The OXO tower is home to some of the UK’s most famous  modern designers, restaurants, cafés, bars and exhibitions. On its roof top there is a restaurant and a free public viewing gallery.

Кадр 5 ( видео)  St Paul’s Cathedral

Pupil : We are passing by St Paul`s Cathedral. St Paul's Cathedral was built after the Great Fire of 1666 by Sir Christopher Wren, a brilliant mathematician and engineer, who designed many famous buildings in London.
It took Sir Christopher Wren thirty-five years to finish St Paul's. When Wren died he was buried in his own magnificent building. On the floor of the cathedral, under the great dome, there is an inscription dedicated to Wren. It says: If you seek my monument, then look around you.
Pupil-tourist: What is its height?
Pupil : The cathedral is a hundred and ten metres high and you can climb the 627 steps up to the dome. Inside the dome is the Whispering Gallery. If you whisper close to the wall on one side of the dome, you can be heard on the other side.
Pupil-tourist: Really? It`s very interesting.

Кадр 6 (видео) The Tate Modern Gallery

  The Tate Modern Gallery is housed in a former power station overlooking the Thames and St Paul’s Cathedral.The tall chimney is capped with lights to become a landmark beacon at night. It contains the best collection of international 20-th century art in Britain from Chagall to Picasso.

Кадр 7 (видео)  Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre+

+ открыть презентацию слайд-12

 Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre is a reconstruction of the Globe Theatre, an Elizabethan playhouse, located on the south bank of the River Thames. It was  destroyed by fire in 1613, rebuilt in 1614 but then demolished in 1644. In 1949 an American actor Sam Wanamaker decided to re-create Shakespeare’s theatre. He raised the money, got permission and found out exactly what the place looked like in the old days. In 1997         the theatre was opened to the public with a production of Henry V.

Кадр 8 (видео)  The Golden Hind

  The Golden Hind was an English ship which went round the globe between 1577 and 1580, captained by Sir Francis Drake. After considerable restoration work the old ship is now on display at the dock.

Кадр 9 ( видео)  Tower Bridge

  Tower Bridge is one of London’s famous symbols. When it was opened in 1894 it was considered a wonder of the world. You get fantastic views of London from the high walkways; it is even more exciting if you can be there when the bridge goes up. Tower Bridge houses a museum telling the story of the bridge’s design, construction and history.

Кадр 10  (видео) The Tower

Pupil : Now we are at the north bank of the Thames. And here we can see one of the most ancient buildings in London – The Tower.
Pupil-tourist: What is the Tower?
Pupil : Throughout its 900-year history, the Tower has been many things: a palace, a fortress, a palace of execution. And even a zoo. Today, the Tower is best known as a historical museum and more than 2 million people visit it each year. About 150 people and 8 ravens live in the Tower.
Pupil-tourist: Why do ravens live there?
Pupil : There is a story that they bring good luck to Britain, if they stay at the Tower. That`s why they get meat and biscuits every day.
Pupil-tourist: What is the wonderful bridge over there behind the Tower?
Pupil : It is Tower Bridge – one of London`s most famous symbols. Until the mid-18th century the only River Thames crossing was London Bridge. In 1885 the project of a new bridge was made and  when it was opened in 1894 it was considered a wonder of the world. We can get
fantastic view of London from the high walkways.

Кадр 11 ( видео)  Canary Wharf

 Canary Wharf is a major business district in London. It is also one of London’s two financial centres, a modern recreation and shopping centre. It contains many of the UK’s tallest buildings.

Кадр 12 ( видео)  The Old Royal Naval College

 The Old Royal Naval College is a twin-domed riverside masterpiece designed by Sir Christopher Wren. Originally it was a hospital for seamen. Now it is occupied by the University of Greenwich and Trinity College of Music.        

Предварительный просмотр:

     Открытый урок по теме «Holidays» с применением ИКТ и игровой  


10 класс, УМК «Английский в фокусе» (О.В.Афанасьева, Д.Дули, И.В.Михеева, Б.Оби, В.,Эванс)

Тема: Экскурсия по реке Темзе

Цель: опираясь на знания и умения, полученные во время прохождения темы «Каникулы» провести виртуальную экскурсию по реке Темзе.

Задачи:                                                                                                                                   Образовательные:

- совершенствование умений и навыков практического владения английским языком в  диалогической и монологической речи

- развитие лексико-грамматических навыков

- развитие навыков аудирования

- развитие навыков чтения с извлечением необходимой информации


- целенаправленное развитие психических функций, связанных с речевой деятельностью (внимания, способности к анализу, синтезу, логическому мышлению, языковой способности и готовности к коммуникации)

- развитие эстетических чувств и творческой активности учащихся


- формирование навыков и умений интеллектуального труда, навыков общения и работы в группе

- формирование познавательных интересов ,расширение эрудиции и лингвистического кругозора учащихся

- воспитание культуры языкового общения, уважительного отношения к культуре и традициям других стран

Тип урока: закрепление знаний  

Форма урока: урок-экскурсия        

Оборудование: компьютер, мультимедийный проектор, диск с записью видеороликов и презентации, магнитофон

                                                      Ход урока

I. Организационный момент. Введение в языковую среду.

Т. -  Good morning, dear boys and girls! Good morning, dear guests. Nice to meet you. How are you? I hope you are well today.

II. Актуализация знаний, постановка целей.

Т. - So, the subject of our lesson is travelling and tourism. As St Augustine once said The world is a book and those who do not travel read only a page”.(Презентация, слайд 2) How do you understand these wise words?

Pupil 1: - I think that travelling broadens people’s minds  just as reading books does.

Pupil 2: - Travelling helps us to learn more about different people and countries. (Другие варианты ответов)

T. – You are right.

Т. - Today we’re having an unusual lesson. We’re going to travel to London. What comes to your mind when you hear the word London? (На доске создается кластер с ключевым словом «London», используется лексика и понятия предыдущих уроков, а также мысли учеников по теме).  -  What comes to your mind when you hear “Tourism in London”? (Далее - работа с кластером)

Возможный кластер:

                             Types of holidays            

B & B                       Package

   Self-catering                                                                       Capital            Queen


                                Places to stay                        Tourism               London                 the Thames

 Private house                 Hotel                                                    

        Apartment                      Hostel                                                 Kingdom         Weather


Go  sightseeing                                    Do souvenir shopping

         Go on an excursion             Go on a guided tour


                                                                                                                                                         Teacher:                                                                                                                                                             So, It’s time to go on a guided tour (После работы с кластером обводим на доске                             Go on a guided tour)

III. Основная часть урока.(Деятельность учащихся по реализации задач урока)

1. Ролевая игра.

Т. – We’ve invited Nastya to our lesson. She’s a travel agent. Ask her any information you need about the trip you are going to take.

Travel agent: - Hi, everybody! Our travel agency organizes different trips around London. All the information you can find in the leaflet.

T. – Maxim, will you speak to the travel agent and make your choice? (Учитель предлагает одному ученику сделать выбор экскурсии для всего класса.)

Pupil: - Yes, I will.

Travel agent: - Look at the leaflets, please. We have a wide range of trips around London: a walking trip, a coach trip and even a trip by helicopter. Which do you prefer?

Pupil: - A coach trip, а walking trip… I think a sightseeing trip by riverboat is one of the best ways to see London, it’s so unusual! Settled! We choose a trip by riverboat from Westminster Bridge to Greenwich.

2. Аудирование.          

Т. – All right. We have chosen a boat trip along the Thames. Let’s listen to the recording of the text “Places to visit” and tick the names of the places of interest we’ll be able to see travelling along the Thames. (CD № 3, книга “This is London”, Philip Prowse, издательство “Macmillan”)


The Royal Observatory

The Royal Festival Hall

The Tate Modern

Buckingham Palace

The Imax Cinema

The London Eye

St Paul’s Cathedral

Windsor Castle

The Gherkin

The British Museum

Canary Wharf

The Houses of Parliament and Big Ben

T. – Which of these places of interest you won’t be able to see during the trip?

3. Чтение с лексико-грамматическим заданием.

T. – Open your textbooks at page 95. Here is one of the leaflets. You will learn more about some of the attractions you’ll be able to see on a boat trip along the river Thames. Read the text and do the task of exercise 2. (Учащиеся читают текст и самостоятельно выполняют задание к нему.)

T. – Look at the screen and check the task. (Самопроверка, слайд 3)

T. – Now look through the text again and answer the following questions:

  1. Which of the attractions can let you get a bird’s eye view?
  2. Where are educational workshops and lectures for schools run?
  3. Which of the attractions has been used for different purposes?
  4. Where in London can you be frightened or terrified?

4. Ролевая игра (продолжение)

 T. – So, we have learnt about some of the attractions on the Thames and now we are ready to start the trip. Our guides will tell us about the landmarks on the banks of the Thames. Our English guide will help us in our trip.

Видеоролик: Экскурсия по Темзе. Ученики играют роль гидов-экскурсоводов и проводят экскурсию. При появлении на экране очередной достопримечательности ученики-экскурсоводы рассказывают о ней «туристам» и разыгрывают диалоги. (Приложение к уроку)

Экскурсия сопровождается показом слайдов некоторых достопримечательностей, о которых идет речь в диалогах.

T. – Here we finish our trip. I hope you’ve enjoyed it and you will come to London one day and see it in full view. Now let’s sing a song about London and relax. (Видеоролик с записью видов Лондона и словами песни о нем)

IV. Подведение итогов работы.

T. – Did you like our lesson? Would you like to know some new facts about London? You worked well today . All of you get excellent marks. Who was the best guide do you think?(Ответы учеников)

T. – And what do our guests think? Please, give your opinions.

VI.  Домашнее задание.

Do the quiz to know how attentive you were during the trip.


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