Внеклассное мероприятие для младшего и среднего школьного возраста "Folk-tails Cocktail"
методическая разработка по английскому языку (5,6,7 класс) по теме
Развлекательное мероприятие по мотивам народных и литературных сказок для младшего и среднего школьного возраста
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Внеклассное мероприятие в рамках Недели английского языка
Folk Tales Cocktail
Собирайся, народ, открывай пошире рот!
Смесь из сказок Fairy Tales или попросту Cocktail.
Сказки будут по-английски, кое-что и по-российски.
Кто язык тот трудный знает, тот сидит и отдыхает.
Не прощаемся засим, See you later говорим.
Scene 1
Masha: What a wonderful house! Oh, soup! Oh, bread! (She is eating)
What a nice bed! I want to sleep. (She is sleeping)
Father Bear: My plate is empty.
Mother Bear: My plate is empty, too.
Little Bear: And my plate is empty. I’m hungry. (He is crying)
Father Bear: Stop crying! Look! Who is it?
M. Bear: A little girl, I think.
L.B.: She is in my bed. Let’s eat her.
M. B.: Sh…no, sonny. Look at her, She is so beautiful. You can play with her.
L.B.: Play? Hm… a good idea. Hey Wake up!
Masha: Oh, who are you?
L.B.: We? We are three Bears. He is my father bear. She is my mother Bear. And I am a baby, Little Bear. And who are you?
Masha: My name is Masha.
L.B.: Masha, can you play with ball?
Masha: Ball? Yes, I can. Let’s play!
L.B.: OK. Come on!
(They are leaving)
Scene 2
Teacher: Let’s listen to the Fairy Tale about a very curious Baby Elephant.
Long, long ago there lived a Baby Elephant. Elephants had small noses then. And this elephant had a little black nose. He was very funny. He wanted to know everything. He always asked many questions. And his mother and father and his friends were angry with him and beat him. One day Baby Elephant wanted to know what the Crocodile had for dinner.
B.E.: I want to know what the crocodile has for dinner. I go to my aunt Giraffe and ask her my question.
Dear aunt! What does the crocodile have for dinner?
Giraffe: Go away I have no time to talk with you!
B.E.: She is always busy! I can go to my uncle Monkey. I’ll ask him my question.
(Monkey is eating banana)
B.E.: Dear Uncle! What does the crocodile have for dinner?
M.: I’m having my breakfast now. Don’t you see that I am eating a banana? I have no time to talk with you. Go away!
B.E.: (грустно) Now I’ll go to my friend Bird Kolokolo. May be he can answer my question.
(he sees the Bird) Hi, friend! Answer my question, please. What does the crocodile have for dinner?
Bird: Oh, it’s easy. Go to the big grey-green river Limpopo and ask the Crocodile.
(B.E. is going to the river)
Teacher: So B.E. goes to the grey-green river Limpopo. And there he sees a Crocodile.
B.E.: Good afternoon! Help me, please. Does the Crocodile live in this river?
Cr.: (дружелюбно) Do you want to see the Crocodile? It’s me.
B.E.: (учтиво) Good afternoon, Sir. Please, tell me what you have for dinner?
Cr.: (ласково) Come here, Little. I can show you.
B.E. Just a moment!
Cr.: (ласково) Come nearer, nearer.
(хватает слоненка) Today I’ll have a Baby Elephant for dinner!!!
B.E. : (с мольбой) Sir, don’t eat me! Don’t eat me, please!
Teacher: So the Elephant began to pull, and the crocodile pulled, too. And the Elephant’s nose began to get longer and longer. And when the Crocodile let him go, the Elephant got a very big long nose, called trunk.
(появляется слоненок с длинным хоботом).
Scene 3
Teacher: now will see Russian Folk tale Turnip or Repka
Father: Hey, wife! Hey, daughter! Look what I have got!
Wife and D: What is it?
F.: It is a seed. It’s Russian ovoshch named Repka.
W, D: repka, repka, repka
W.: Is it tasty?
F.: Mm… very tasty.
D.: Let’s plant it!
F.: OK. It will be big.
Together: Grow, grow, repka. Grow big and tasty.
F.: What a big Repka we have. I can pull it. One, two, three. Upps! No, it’s too big for me. Wife, come here!
W.: All right. I’m coming. What’s up?
F.: The repka is too big for me. Could you help me, Mary?
W.: Yes, of course, I can. One, two three. No result! It’s too big for us.
F.: Let’s call our daughter!
F.W.: Daughter, daughter! Come here!
D.: All right. I’m coming. What’s up?
W.: The Repka is too big for us. Can you help us?
D.: No, I’m busy. I and my friends go to the disco.
F.: No disco for you! (daughter is crying)
W.: Stop crying. Call your friends. They’ll help us. And then you’ll go to the disco. OK?
D.: OK. Friends! Come here!
F-s: We are coming. What’s up?
D.: It’s the repka. It’s too big. You see? Can you help us?
F-s: Of course, we can.
Together: One, two, three! Yes!
Все исполняют песню “ The More We Get Together”
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