Открытое мероприятие " Traditional English dishes"
методическая разработка по английскому языку (6 класс) по теме

В начале учебного года учащиеся 6 го класса повторяли названия блюд,изученных  на уроках в 5 классе. Старшие школьники ораганизовали для малышей данное открытое мероприятие,чтобы в игровой форме помочь закрепить пройденный материал.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Открытое мероприятие «Традиционная английская кухня»

Цель: -Познакомить учащихся с особенностями английской национальной кухни;

              -Развить интерес к традициям страны,изучаемого языка.

Оборудование: -Блюда английской кухни;

                            -Аксессуары английских домохозяек;


                            -Музыкальное оформление.

В мероприятии участвуют учащиеся 6-х классов, проводят мероприятие учащиеся 9-х и 10-х классов.

Сценарий мероприятия: “Traditional English Food”

S1:  - It is so difficult to find English food in England. In London you can eat Russian,Polish,Swiss,Swedish,Spanish,and Italian-but where are the English restaurants?English kitchen,absorber ingredients from allover the world-chickens,rabbits,apples and tea. All of these and more successfully incorporated into British cooking was of course the weather. The good old British rain gives us rich soil and green grass, and means that we are able to produce some of the finest varieties of meat,fruit and vegetables,which don't need fancy sauces or complicated recipes to disguise their taste.

S2: - English living in the country know about English traditions most of all.

      Usually country's life is simple and quite. We know that after the World War First English rural parties celebrated not often. But now English farmer try revival atmosphere of real rural parties. We would like to show you a small part of traditional rural holiday with favourite English dishes. Welcome to our contest “ The best housewife”.

S3; You are our jury. You will choose the best dish. The best housewife who prepared the most delicious dish will be our winner. Let me introduce to you our partners. The first housewife is Mrs. Richland. She will introduce to usher original recipe of English breakfast.

Mrs. Richland: I and my husband prefer boiled eggs and sandwiches for our breakfast. My husband is a lawyer, so he is a very busy man. That's why our breakfast must be nourishing and high-calorie. I want to give you my breakfast.

S1: Thank you Mrs. Richland and sit there, please. The second partner is Mrs. Woodland. She's from Yorkshire.

Mrs. Woodland: My family is large. I suppose that food must be not only tasty but also useful. So all my family prefers traditional English dish- porridge. I like it without any sugar or salt. It is more useful. But my little daughter likes porridge with butter and sugar. She is too silly yet.

S2: Thanks Mrs. Woodland, and give me your dish. The third housewife is Mrs. Brown. Oh, what have you in your hands? It looks wonderful! What's this? Say to us, please!

Mrs Brown: Hello, I'm glad to introduce you my pudding. Its recipe is our family's secret. My Granny gave it to me. Taste, please. Enjoy my pudding.

S3: Thank you very much, Mrs. Brown, and sit down. But who is it? She is our next partner. Meet Mrs. Smith!!!

Mrs. Smith: I'd like to tell you about my family. My husband is a farmer. He is tall, strong and handsome. Our farm is famous for best hens all over the country. That' why we prefer roast chicken. It is from my husband's farm. I and my husband hope that you will like it as we are.

S1: Thanks Mrs. Smith. Dear jury, taste it please. And I'd like to introduce to you our last partner- Mrs. Priestly.

Mrs. Priestly: I'm a good cooker. My favourite dishes are biscuit and cakes. I bake them very well. Our family is fan of 5 o'clock.. Every  day we get together at 5 o'clock and have the real English tea with my cakes and biscuit. I'd like you feel atmosphere of English tea and taste these wonderful biscuit.

S2: Thank you Mrs. Priestly. Sit here. Now jury call the winner of our contest “ The best housewife”

Жюри объявляет победителя и награждает призом.

S3: Thank for your taken part in our contest. We congratulate Mrs... one more and good bye.


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