План - конспект урока английского языка "The Traditional English and Russian food."
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (6 класс) на тему
План - конспект урока английского языка "The Traditional English and Russian food.", 6 класс
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Предварительный просмотр:
Тема урока: The Traditional English and Russian food.
Традиционная английская и русская еда.
Цель урока: совершенствование навыков монологической и диалогической речи.
Задачи урока:
- Активизация лексики по теме «Продукты питания».
- Развитие навыков аудирования с целью извлечения основной информации.
- Формирование навыков просмотрового чтения.
- Развитие навыков монологической речи по темам «Традиционная английская еда ».
- Совершенствование навыков диалогической речи.
- Закрепление грамматических навыков по теме «Present Progressive»
- Развитие коммуникативных навыков (презентация фильмов и проектов).
- Активизация творческой деятельности учащихся в процессе работы над созданием проекта.
- Развивать чувство красивого посредством поэзии и прослушивания музыкальных произведений.
- Повышение мотивации к получению знаний по английскому языку.
- Воспитывать терпимое отношение к мнению других людей, умение работать в группах.
- Повышать интерес обучающихся к изучению языка, используя интересные факты и традиции страны изучаемого языка и своей страны.
- Презентация фильмов по теме «Tradition English tea and sandwiches», «Russian food».
- Видеоматериалы по теме « The English breakfast», «In the cafe», «How to make sandwich».
- Плакат «Семья».
- Рисунки по теме «Продукты питания», «Овощи и фрукты».
- Аудиозапись № 55, тетрадь №2, раздел 6.
- DVD, телевизор, магнитофон.
- Музыкальное сопровождение, мелодия «Чунга-чанга».
- Плакат “Crossword”.
Ход урока:
1. Организационный момент. Приветствие. Знакомство с темой.
Hello, boys and girls!
Do you want to know more about England and the English people? Let’s talk about some English traditions, exactly about the traditional English breakfast and English tea. We also speak about Russian food. (Хотите узнать больше об Англии и англичанах? Давайте поговорим об английских традициях, а именно о традиционном английском завтраке и об английской традиции чаепития. А еще о нашей русской еде.)
2. Фонетическая разминка.
- Firstly, we begin with pronunciation to repeat the words. Look at the blackboard. Listen, read and repeat.
[ɪ:]- sweet, tea, tea-break, meal, meat, cheese
[ɪ]- biscuit, chips, fish, milk
[aɪ]- pie, slice, like
[æ]- sandwich, salad, apple
[eɪ] – cake, potato
[Λ]- bun, lunch, butter
[ɔ]- shop, strong, tablecloth, , teapot
[ɔ:] –salt, water, sausage
[u:] –soup, juice, spoon, food, too
- Read the words and find out the common sound.
1). Cherry, cheese, chocolate, lunch -[tʃ]
2). Jam, juice, vegetable, jelly - [dʒ]
3). Tea, sweet, meat, treat - [ɪ:]
3. Речевая разминка.
- RIDDLES (загадки). There are some riddles try to guess them.
- It is a fruit. It is red or yellow, sometimes green. It is very tasty. Children like to eat it very much. (an apple)
- It is white. It is oval. It is good to eat for breakfast. It comes from a hen. (an egg)
- It's a drink. In Russia people usually drink it hot, but in some countries people drink it cold (tea).
- It is a drink. It is white. Children like to drink it. It comes from a cow. (milk)
- It's green and you have it in salad (cucumber).
- Monkeys like the yellow fruit (banana).
- Apples, bananas, plums are ... (fruits).
- “ODD” Find out the odd words. (Нахождение лишнего слова )
- Plate, cup, mug, glass, soup.
- Apple, coffee, banana, grapes, lemon.
- Milk, juice, tea, salad, lemonade.
- Ice-cream, cheese, sugar, butter.
- ‘’FOUR ‘’Divide the words into four columns. (Разбейте слова на 4 колонки)
Drinks | Vegetables | Fruits | Others |
Карточки: Tomato, cucumber, orange, ice-cream, cheese, milk, apple juice, sugar, cabbage, butter, ham, eggs, coke, tea, banana, coffee, mineral water, yogurt, pear, sausage, water, juice, lemonade, apple, lemon, potato, carrot.
Drinks | Vegetables | Fruits | Others |
milk | tomato | orange | ice-cream |
apple juice | cucumber | banana | cheese |
coke | potato | pear | sugar |
tea | carrot | apple | butter |
coffee | cabbage | lemon | ham |
mineral water | eggs | ||
water | yogurt | ||
juice | sausage | ||
lemonade |
- «BREAKFAST»- кроссворд. Let’s check your vocabulary! Find 16 names of food. Do the puzzle?
B | U | T | T | E | R | W | E | P |
F | R | U | I | T | M | B | G | O |
I | T | E | A | Z | I | A | G | R |
S | U | G | A | R | L | N | C | R |
H | A | M | V | K | K | A | H | I |
S | W | E | E | T | F | N | E | D |
O | R | A | N | G | E | A | E | G |
U | B | R | E | A | D | N | S | E |
P | O | T | A | T | O | R | E | T |
Breakfast, cheese, sugar, butter, milk, soup, banana, orange, sweet, porridge, fruit, egg, tea, ham, potato, bread, fish.
- Аудирование (Аудиозапись № 55, тетрадь №2, раздел 6.с. 36, упр.9)
Write down the numbers of the pictures.
4.Повторение ранее изученного материала.
- Работа с иллюстрациями
Now I am going to show you some pictures. Express your attitude. Different people eat different food.
(Опорные слова на картинках и дети повторяют их за учителем хором и индивидуально.)
Do you like ……….?
What foods do you………?
What’s your favourite…….”
What do you have for?
- Монолог «Завтрак в моей семье»
Hello, my name’s……….. I am 12 years old.
What do we usually have for breakfast? Well, we usually eat bread and butter, jam or marmalade, and cheese, eggs, bacon or salami. We usually drink tea with milk, or sometimes fruit tea. At weekends we have a glass of milk. Our parents like white coffee or coffee with milk. We also drink juice; orange juice is the best. My sister prefers bread and butter, with apple jam, and I like bread and cheese and eggs. What is your favourite breakfast?
- Декламация стихотворения “What do I like?”
Let's start with a short poem.
“What do I like?”
I like ice-cream.
She likes sweets.
I like cookies.
He likes cheese.
I like coffee.
She likes tea.
I love you.
Do you love me?
- Презентация фильма по теме «Russian food».
Please, fill in the gaps
What do we like?
A lot of people in Russia eat soup for their lunch. There are a lot of sorts of soups .You can have meat soup, chicken soup, fish soup or vegetable soup. Russian people have a sweet tooth. They like eating sweet things like pies, jams, cakes, buns and rolls. Russian people like tea. They usually have tea with milk or lemon.
- Диалог «Когда мамы нет дома»
When Mum is out
Dad: Children, where are you?
Liza: Here, I am, Dad.
Dad: And where is Denis?
Liza: He is eating bananas.
Dad: And where is Anna?
Liza: Eating apples.
Dad: And Alex? And what is he eating?
Liza: He is eating sweets.
Dad: What about supper? Is Mum in?
Liza: No, she’s out.
Dad: And where is Spot? What is he doing?
Liza: Eating your breakfast.
Dad: My breakfast!!!
- Закрепление грамматических навыков по теме «Present Progressive»
We (have) breakfast now. My Mum (eat) a sandwich with cheese. My Dad (eat) cereal with warm milk. I (eat) a toast with butter. We (drink) tea with lemon.
- Видеоматериал по теме « The English breakfast».
Now let’s speak about traditional English meals. Now we are going to watch some video «The English breakfast» and do the task.
The traditional English breakfast
The traditional English breakfast is a big meal. Some people begin their breakfast with cereal. They eat it with cold or warm milk. Then they have a plate of bacon and eggs, tomatoes, sausages and beans. Then they have a toast with butter and marmalade and some fruit or some juice. They drink tea or coffee in the morning.
Many English people now take such a full breakfast only on Sunday morning. Most people have a sandwich or a light snack for lunch.
- The English breakfast is…
A – a plate of bacon and eggs, tomatoes, sausages
B – a fruit salad and biscuits
- The English have … for breakfast.
A -cereal or toast with tea
B- spaghetti and coffee
- The English people have English breakfast…….
A-every day
B-only on Sundays
- Видеоматериал по теме ««In the cafe»
Now we are going to watch some video «In the cafe». What are they ordering?
The boy is ordering chicken.
The girl is ordering fish.
- Мини-диалоги «In the cafe».
We are in the cafe and you can order something for eating and drinking. But at first we must learn some phrases to be able to do it. Фразы, которые мы сейчас выучим, используются в английском языке в повседневной речи, например в кафе, в магазинах, в тех общественных местах, где вы хотите что-либо приобрести и при этом сделать это вежливо. Look at the blackboard:
would like - [wud]
I would like….. –Мне бы хотелось….
What would you like? – Что пожелаете?
Here you are. – Вот, пожалуйста (когда вам подают что-либо).
Would you like an apple? - Yes, please. /No, thank you.
Фразы фонетически отрабатываются.
- Презентация фильма по теме «Tradition English tea and sandwiches»,
It’s not a secret that English people like to have tea.
English Sandwiches and English Tea
A lot of people in England eat sandwiches for their lunch. There are a lot of sandwich shops in London. You can buy all sorts of sandwiches in these shops. You can get meat sandwiches, or salad sandwiches, or meat –and –salad sandwiches. And you can get cheese, egg or fish sandwiches. You can even buy fruit sandwiches. Each sandwich has 2 thin slices of bread. You put butter and meat between the 2 slices. Lots of foreigners don’t like English sandwiches. They like the kind of sandwich we call a roll. Some foreigners don’t like English tea, either. English tea is very strong. The Englishmen drink a lot of tea. They drink it with lemon, we drink tea with milk, so it is called the Russian tea.
Is the information in these sentences True or False?
- There are a lot of sandwich shops in London (t)
- You can’t buy all sorts of sandwiches in these shops (f)
- You can even buy milk sandwiches (f)
- Each sandwich has 2 thin slices of bread (t)
- You put butter and meat between the 3 slices. (f)
- English tea is very strong. (t)
- We drink tea with meat, so it is called the Russian tea. (f)
- Видеоматериалы по теме «How to make sandwich».
- Чтение текста «Tea»
Russian people like tea. English people like tea, too. They drink a lot of tea. They have tea for breakfast. They have tea for lunch, dinner and supper. Some English families have two or three cups of tea at tea-time.
English people drink tea from cups, not from glasses. English people like to have tea with milk, not with lemon. They call tea with lemon “Russian tea”.
- Исполнение песни
Let’s sing a song. Учащиеся исполняют песню о еде на мотив песни "Чунга-чанга".
I like tasty things to eat and drink
Bread and butter, cornflakes, porridge, milk,
Chicken, rice, potato, salad, fish,
Sandwich, meat
They're not all I wish.
Breakfast, dinner, supper, lunch
I like all them very much
I like all them very much
I've a sweet tooth
That's why I like to eat
Chocolate, ice-cream, pudding, biscuits, sweets.
I like yoghurt, cakes and apple-pie
Healthy diet I will say "Goodbye".
Breakfast, dinner, supper, lunch
I like all them very much
I like all them very much
5.Подведение итогов
Dear children. I am glad to see that you have made a good job. You have known new words and you can make up sentences. Thank you for your work. The lesson brings us to the end. The lesson is over. Good-bye. See you at next lesson. Don’t forget to do the task in your work-books. Homework: draw a tea table or a breakfast table. (Нарисуйте стол к чаю или стол к завтраку, традиционные английские блюда на них и подпишите на английском языке. Расскажите по картинке об английском завтраке или английском чае.)
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
A lot of ____ in _____ eat _____for their _____ .
A lot of people in Russia eat soup for their lunch .
There are a ____ of sorts of ____ .
There are a lot of sorts of soups .
You can have ______ soup, ______ soup, _______ soup or ______ soup.
You can have meat soup, chicken soup, fish soup or vegetable soup.
_______ people have a ________ _________ .
Russian people have a sweet tooth.
They like eating _____ things like _____, ______, ________, ________ and _______.
They like eating sweet things like pies, jams, cakes, buns and rolls.
_______ people like ______.
Russian people like tea.
They usually _____ _____ with ______ or _____.
They usually have tea with milk or lemon.
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
A lot of people in England eat sandwiches for their lunch.
There are a lot of sandwich shops in London. You can buy all sort of sandwiches in these shops.
You can get meat sandwiches, or salad sandwiches, or meat-and-salad sandwiches. And you can get cheese, egg or fish sandwiches.
You can even buy fruit sandwiches.
Each sandwich has two thin slices of bread. You put butter and meat between the two slices.
Lots of foreigners don’t like English sandwiches.
They like the kind of sandwich we call a roll.
Some foreigners don’t like English tea, either.
English tea is very strong. They make it in a teapot .
The English drink a lot of tea.
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