" Thanksgiving Day " [Обзор Unit 3 Traditions, Manners, Кузовлев В.П. и др. "Happy English-3"] открытое мероприятие
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (8 класс) на тему
§ знакомство с историей и традициями празднования Дня Благодарения в США:
§ воспитание потребности и способности понимать образ жизни других народов:
§ развитие умения говорить (монологическая речь); формирование грамматических навыков говорения.
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" Thanksgiving Day "
[Обзор Unit 3 Traditions, Manners, Кузовлев В.П. и др. "Happy English-3"]
открытое мероприятие
Учитель: Новикова Т.И.
открытого урока
Тема: " Thanksgiving Day ".
Цели урока:
- знакомство с историей и традициями празднования Дня Благодарения в США:
- воспитание потребности и способности понимать образ жизни других народов:
- развитие умения говорить (монологическая речь); формирование грамматических навыков говорения.
Задачи урока:
- развитие умения читать и говорить (извлечение конкретной информации);
- развитие навыков аудирования (извлечение конкретной информации);
- введение и активизация нле по теме;
- умение выразить своё отношение к увиденному, прослушанному, используя речевые клише (выражения предположения ) ;
- практика употребления Past Simple в разговорной речи ;
- таблица речевых клише (expressing probability);
- таблица Past Simple, Past Simple Passive;
- карта США;
- презентация “Thanksgiving Day”;
- слова песни «Happy Thanksgiving to All»
- компьютер
- раздаточный материал (кроссворды, кейнворды, рисунки)по теме
Ход урока
1. Вводная часть
1. Разговор с дежурным
Т.: What's the date of today ?
P. : It's the 29th of November.
T.: What's the day today ?
P.: It's Thursday.
Т.: Dear children, today people in the USA celebrate Thanksgiving Day, It's а family day. They gather to give thanks for all good things in their lives. They have a holiday feast. They have a lot of fun this day. So, let's start our lesson with a funny rhyme.
2. Фонетическая зарядка
One little, two little, three little turkeys,
Gobbly , wobbly, bobbly turkeys,
Hurry, scurry, worry turkeys,
Thanksgiving Day!
3. Практика употребления в речи разговорных клише ( expressing probability )
May be | ... is/are connected with …
I doubt but | ... is/are associated with ...
Probably | … make (s) me think of …
T.: Children, look around. What do you think this holiday is connected with ?
4. Контроль выполнения домашнего задания. Ex. 1 p. 111 ( reading, words ).
Т. I think it was interesting to you to get to know about some historical facts of celebrating this day. And when we speak about history, we use Past Simple, Past Simple Passive in our speech. Let's revise Past Simple. Such words as yesterday, ago, last define this tense. It's formed with the help of ending -ed ( -d ) to the regular verbs and we should use the second form of the irregular verb.
Open your text-books to page 111. ex, 1.
a) Scan the text and choose the verbs in Past Simple (Past Simple Passive, Present Simple Passive )
was established, stated, sailed, was, died, showed, were picked up
were invited, celebrated, introduced, was observed.
b) Read the text again and choose the necessary sentences for presenting information about this holiday ( выбор предложения для пересказа),
с) Add some words, figures from the text to these verbs m Past Simple, Past Simple Passive, Present Simple Passive (на доске записываются сначала только глагольные формы):
Was established |
started | 400 years ago
in 1620 / sailed / " Mayflower " / Plymouth ( Massaehussetts ) / was / difficult
half the colony/ died
Native Americans / showed / to grow, hunt, fish
Bountiful crops / were picked up / in 1621
90 local Americans / were invited / to Thanksgiving dinner celebrated / the autumn (=fall)
Congress / introduced / one day
is observed / on the 4th Thursday of November
2. Основная часть
5. Практика аудирования ( поиск конкретной информации )
Т.: So, you have read about history of Thanksgiving Day, Now, please, listen to about Thanksgiving dinner. And then answer the questions:
a) What dish is missed? ( mashed potatoes )
b) Choose the traditional dishes form the box.
(Текст читается дважды)
Traditionally the feast includes roast turkey with stuffing, mashed potatoes, yams (= sweet potatoes ), squash, cranberry sauce and pumpkin pie with whipped cream, corn, vegetable and fruit, salads.
Hamburger pancakes fish soup roast turkey milk yams yogurt salads pumpkin pie maize ice cream birthday cake roast goose shrimps cranberry ваше cereal squash chips
Add this information to your plan.
Before the feast Thanksgiving prayer is read.
6. Страноведение
Т.: And, of course, the American people relax on this holiday. They watch or attend college and professional football games. Stores, schools, and homes are decorated with various Thanksgiving symbols, including pictures of pilgrims, Indians, turkeys, and harvest still-lifes, wreaths of dried flowers, multi-coloured " Indian corn ". There is an annual Thanksgiving Parade held in New York City. People are charmed with illumination, fireworks. The day after Thanksgiving is considered to be the beginning of the monthlong Christmans shopping season. At the end of the parade Santa Claus arrives.
3. Заключительная часть урока.
7. Обобщение материала.
Практика монологической речи (по ключевым словам ).
Т: So, I think it’s time to summerize our information about history, traditions and customs of celebrating Thanksgiving Day. Use clue words and plan.
8. Brainstorm.
1. Who founded the first Thanksgiving Day? (Pilgrims)
2. What was the name of the ship Pilgrims sailed to America? (Mayflower)
3. When was Thanksgiving Day founded? (in 1621)
4. What place did they settle? (state Massachusetts, now it's Plymouth )
5. Who set this holiday for the first time? (The governor William Bradford )
6. Who helped Pilgrims during their first year? (Native Indians)
7. What is the traditional Thanksgiving feast? (roast turkey, mashed potatoes, yams, squash, cranberry sause, pumpkin pie, com, salads)
8. What are the decorations of the houses, shops, schools? (Thanksgiving symbols: pictures of pilgrims, Indians, turkeys, wreaths of dried flowers, multi-coloured " Indian com " )
9. How do Americans relax on this day? (They take part in or watch Thanksgiving Parade, set fireworks, gather the family, sing, dance)
10. What do people give thanks for? (Good things in their lives: mothers, fathers, friends, wonderful words, pets, homes, country … )
11. What season begins the day after Thanksgiving? (Christmas shopping season )
12. What beloved fairy character arrives at the end of the Thanksgiving Parade? ( Santa Claus )
9. Домашнее задание. Инструктаж по его выполнению.
HW: ex. 1 p.lll ( SB ) retell the text using clue words and plan.
10. Подведение итогов урока: рефлексивная деятельность. Анализ работы
учеников на уроке. Выставление оценок.
11. For Fun and Profit.
Children, let's sing a song for your pleasure.
It's " Happy Thanksgiving to all " by Steve Millang.
by Steve Millang
Happy Thanksgiving,
Happy Thanksgiving,
Happy Thanksgiving to all.
It's time to show what we're thankful tor.
Our mother, our fathers, our friends and much more.
The toys that we have
The things we hold dear to our hearts.
They're part of this wonderful world.
The wonderful world that we share.
Let's show that we care.
New, our lesson is ever. Thank you for your time. Good luck !
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