урок экологии "Климат и прогноз погоды"
методическая разработка по английскому языку (10 класс) по теме
Вот еще один вариант урока по экологии на английском языке. 10 класс общеобразовательной школы или 7 класс школы с углубленным изучением английского языка.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Государственное общеобразовательное учреждение
Средняя общеобразовательная школа № 588
Колпинского района
Закрепить и обобщить знания учащихся по теме “Climate and Weather Forecast” в игровой форме
- Продолжить работу по формированию у уч-ся умений и навыков работать в группе, добывая необходимую информацию за ограниченный промежуток времени.
- Продолжить работу по обучению учащихся устной речи в процессе работы над новыми сюжетами и ситуациями уже освоенной темы.
- Совершенствовать навыки уч-ся в аудировании.
- Продолжить развитие интереса к изучаемому языку с помощью нестандартных (игровых) форм обучения.
- Продолжить работу по развитию у уч-ся творческого подхода к решению поставленной задачи.
- Подготовить уч-ся к изучению нового материала.
- Пробудить у уч-ся чувство ответственности за мир, в котором они живут, сменить потребительское отношение к природе на бережное.
ФОРМА ПРОВЕДЕНИЯ: урок - соревнование
урок проходит в виде двух команд. По ходу игры уч-ся выполняют предлагаемые задания и получают жетоны за каждый правильный ответ. В конце урока подсчитывается количество заработанных жетонов и определяется победитель – самый умный игрок. Условием игры является подготовленная заранее уч-ся сценка по теме урока.
Используемые технические средства обучения и наглядные пособия:
1. Учебное пособие “English VI” – Афанасьева О.В.
2. Книга для чтения к учебному пособию
3. Аудиозапись “How the Climate can influence meals”
4. Карточки для аудирования.
5. Каточки для выполнения задания № 4 “Dos and Don’t”
II. Сообщение темы, целей и задач урока.
Good morning, students!
Today we are going to speak about Weather Forecast, Nature, Climate and its influence on all living things on our planet.
We’ll have our lesson as a competition of two teams. You have a chance to win the first prize for your team. And here is the present for the best student.
At the end of our lesson you should make a conclusion if people can do anything to protect our Earth.
III. Соревнование двух команд:
Task 1.
You will get a card. All the words in it are written in transcription. You should read the words correctly, write them on the blackboard in one column, translate into Russian and give the definition.
№ 1 № 2
| | - прогноз | | | - синоптик |
| | - теплица | | | - парниковый эффект |
| | - хрупкий | | | - изменчивый |
| | - ежедневный | | | - огромный |
| | - разрушать | | | - производить |
| | - человек | | | - барометр |
| | - климат | | | - туман (дымка) |
The key:
forecast smth which helps people to know what weather will be like | weatherman smb who collects information about weather |
greenhouse a building with glass walls and roof where plants are grown | greenhouse effect it is a problem of a rise in temperature in the earth’s atmosphere |
fragile smth we can break easily | changeable changing very often |
daily happening every day | huge smth very, very big |
to ruin to destroy smth | to produce to make goods |
a human smb who has been exploring our planet for thousands of years | barometer an instrument that helps people to tell what the weather will be like |
climate a weather a certain place has over a long period of time | mist a thin cloud near the ground; when you have it you cannot see very far |
Task 2.
a) Listen to the text and say why Mr Jenkins had to drink his soup.
How the climate can influence meals
In southern countries where there is a lot of sunlight and it is usually hot many people like eating their meals in the fresh air. In these areas people often eat under trees or big umbrellas during the day because the heat is generally very strong. While in the evening they eat under the moon and stars which produces a romantic effect on people. This, for example, is often done in Italy. The restaurants put tables in a garden or in the street and most people eat there and not inside the restaurants.
Renato was born in Italy and lived in a small town on the seacoast. When he was thirty-two, he moved to London and bought a restaurant there. At first London seemed huge, grey and unfriendly to him. But by and by he began to like this city. Though he couldn’t forget Italy and his home town.
So, it’s not surprising that one day he put some of his tables out in the street. As you know it rains much more in England than it does in Italy. That’s why Renato’s idea was not really good and did not work. What happened to Mr Jenkins, a Londoner, one rainy afternoon, proves it. Mr Jenkins went to Renato’s restaurant and in the evening he said to his wife, “I had lunch at that new Italian restaurant today, and it rained all the time. It took me twenty-five minutes to drink my soup”.
b) Listen to the text again and do the tasks from the section “Let Us Listen and Discuss” in your textbook.
- Put the sentences in the right order.
1. Renato moved to England and bought a restaurant in London.
2. Mr Jenkins had lunch in Renato’s restaurant.
3. Renato was born in Italy and lived there for thirty-two years.
4. Mr Jenkins told his wife about his lunch at Renato’s restaurant.
5. Renato decided to put some of the tables out into the street.
6. Renato couldn’t forget Italy and his home town.
The key:
1-2 2-5 3-1 4-6 5-4 6-3
- Think and say why it is important to know the climate of the place where you are going.
Task 3.
You have prepared some story for the topic “Climate and weather Forecast”, haven’t you? Now act it, please. After the story will be acted you should answer the question: What helped the girl to stay alive?
Once upon a time... in the middle of a thick forest stood a small cottage, the home of a pretty little girl known to everyone as Little Red Riding Hood. One day, her Mummy waved her goodbye at the garden gate, saying, “Grandma is ill. Take her this basket of cakes.”
Little Red Riding Hood kissed her mother and ran off.
Then Mother turned on the radio to listen to her lovely songs but suddenly she heard: “Good morning and here is the weather forecast for today. In the North of England it will be a wet day with heavy showers and strong wind.”
“Oh, my God”, exclaimed Mother, “My little girl didn’t take an umbrella with her!”
With these words, she took an umbrella and ran away from the house. She called her daughter and gave her an umbrella.
“Be very careful”, she said, “Keep to the path through the wood and don't ever stop. That way, you will come to no harm.”
”Don't worry”, said the girl, “I'll run all the way to Grandma's without stopping.”
Full of good intensions, the little girl made her way through the wood, but she was soon to forget her mother's wise words.
The wood became thicker and thicker. In the meantime, two wicked eyes were spying on her from behind a tree...
The heart of Little Red Riding Hood leapt into her mouth at the sound of a gruff voice which said, “Where are you going, my pretty girl, all alone in the woods?”
”I'm taking Grandma some cakes. She lives at the end of the path,” said Little Riding Hood in a faint voice.
When he heard this, the wolf (for it was the big bad wolf himself) politely asked: “Does Grandma live by herself?”
”Oh, yes,” replied Little Red Riding Hood, “and she never opens the door to strangers!”
“It’s good! Would you like to play a game?”
“M-m-m, I don’t know. What’s the game?”
“Oh, look, this is the short cut to your grandmother’s house. You’ll take it. I’ll take another path. Who reaches the house first, will get a prize.”
The Little Girl agreed. The wolf sent her by the longer route to be sure he could reach the house earlier.
Suddenly it rained hard. Little Red Hood had an umbrella but the Wolf didn’t. He got wet through, he couldn’t see far and he lost his way to the house.
How much did it take him to get there, he didn’t know. But when he came to the door and knocked it, he heard the voice. ”Who's there?” cried Grandma from her bed.
”It's me, Little Red Riding Hood. I've brought you some cakes because you're ill,” replied the wolf, trying hard to hide his gruff voice. ”Grandma, can I come in?” he called.
”The wolf!” screamed the grandmother and the Little Red Hood as she just had come to her Granny’s house.
“He won't get away this time!” said the girl taking out her mobile phone. She called the Hunter asking him for the help.
At that moment, the Hunter was going to hide from the shower. Therefore, he was not far from the house when he saw the Wolf knocking at the door.
Without making a sound, the hunter carefully loaded his gun and gently came up. He pointed the barrel straight at the wolf's head and ... BANG! The wolf was dead.
Little Red Riding Hood and her grandmother were saved.
It is important to know not only the climate of the place where you are going but the weather forecast too.
Task 4.
Recently climate has changed a lot in our country, especially in its European part. The world is becoming hotter. Many people say that it is so because of the greenhouse effect.
Have you ever heard about it?
Is it a result of Man’s activity?
Does it influences people’s life?
The Man’s activity on the Earth can bring us to a global disaster. How can we change the situation?
To make the conclusion of our lesson you should put these statements into two columns.
№ 1
What can people do to protect our planet?
№ 2
What are people not allowed to do? In that case use the word “Don’t”.
Some words are unknown for you; try to guess about their meaning.
ask your governments to make laws to protect air, water and soil. |
develop international cooperation to solve ecological problems. |
waste water, gas, energy, natural resources. |
turn the planet into a pile of rubbish. |
save water, gas, energy and other natural resources. |
dump or pour industrial waste into rivers, lakes, seas and oceans. |
put poisons into the water, air and soil. |
keep your towns, cities and countryside clean. |
The key:
№ 1 what people can do to protect our planet № 2 what they are not allowed to do
Ask your governments to make laws to protect air, water and soil. | Don’t waste water, gas, energy, natural resources. |
Develop international cooperation to solve ecological problems. | Don’t put poisons into the water, air and soil. |
Save water, gas, energy and other natural resources. | Don’t dump or pour industrial waste into rivers, lakes, seas and oceans. |
Keep your towns, cities and countryside clean. | Don’t turn the planet into a pile of rubbish. |
Учитель подводит итоги урока, награждает победителей.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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