Конспект урока английского языка по теме "Прогноз погоды"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (9 класс) по теме
урока английского языка в 9 классе
по теме «Weather forecast»
Цель: подготовка к устному высказыванию по теме «Прогноз погоды»
1. Активизация лексики по теме «Погода»: a lightning, a thunderstorm, cloud(y), hail, a flood, a tornado, a fog, a weatherman, a weather presenter, a weather forecaster, sun(ny), foggy, rain(y), snow(y), a bulletin, a heat wave, degree above / below zero and etc.
2. Автоматизация употребление безличного предложения с формальным подлежащим It.
3. Развитие навыков аудирования и говорения.
4. Продолжать учить работать в парах сменного состава.
В ходе урока использованы материалы http://learnenglishteens.britishcouncil.org/study-break/video-zone
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Предварительный просмотр:
урока английского языка в 9 классе
по теме «Weather forecast»
Цель: подготовка к устному высказыванию по теме «Прогноз погоды»
- Активизация лексики по теме «Погода»: a lightning, a thunderstorm, cloud(y), hail, a flood, a tornado, a fog, a weatherman, a weather presenter, a weather forecaster, sun(ny), foggy, rain(y), snow(y), a bulletin, a heat wave, degree above / below zero and etc.
- Автоматизация употребление безличного предложения с формальным подлежащим It.
- Развитие навыков аудирования и говорения.
- Продолжать учить работать в парах сменного состава.
Ход урока:
- Организационный момент
Good morning, dear children! Glad to see you. We have an unusual lesson today. Many guests are visiting our lesson. Dear guests, we are glad to welcome you to our English lesson.
- Постановка целей и задач урока
Now I offer you to listen to the different sounds. Then answer the question
- What do you associate them with?
Sound 1 – thunderstorm, lightning, rain, a shower, bad weather, dark clouds, heavy rain, a strong wind, cold weather, people under umbrellas, wet (ness), people are in a hurry (they are running their homes), to hit, to be afraid of / to be frightened and etc.
What season is it? What is the weather like?
Sound 2 – snow, frost (y), cold weather, sun shines brightly, heavy snow, to freeze, ice (icy), playing winter sports games, sunny, snowballs, to sledge, ice hole, to snow and etc.
Sound 3 – hot, warm weather, sunny, birds are singing in the forest, picking up berries and mushrooms, walking in the park or wood, relaxing and having a rest, bright sunshine, heat, a gentle breeze and etc.
- Can you tell me the topic / theme of this lesson? What are we going to discuss?
Weather, seasons, climate …
- You are not right exactly yet, but I try to help you.
People often talk about weather. Why?
Weather is a good idea to start communication with people.
People don’t know what to say and they talk about weather.
We want to know the weather when we are going out and thinking about clothes.
It is important to know the weather of the place you are going.
- Основная часть урока
- How do we get information about the weather? Who tells population about the weather every day? How can we predict the weather?
We can find information about weather on the Internet, television, radio. People can get it in the mobile (weather service).
Parents help us to find correct clothes according to the weather.
Some people have barometers or thermometer at homes. They are instruments which indicate what kind of weather we are having.
People watch weather forecast to get information about the weather.
- Today we continue to speak about the weather and get to know more useful and interesting information about how to make a WEATHER FORECAST.
- But first let’s remember the words. I ask you to work in pairs.
Task № 1. (Definitions)
Match the vocabulary with the correct definitions and
write A-H next to the numbers 1-8
1 | a tornado | A | a cloud close to Earth’s surface (low to the ground) |
2 | lightning | B | a storm with strong winds and heavy snow |
3 | thunder(storm) | C | a very strong circular wind |
4 | hail | D | electrical energy that flashes in the sky during the storm |
5 | a snow storm | E | small balls of frozen rain |
6 | a flood | F | a period of extremely hot weather |
7 | a heat wave | G | a large amount of water that covers a place |
8 | a fog | H | loud bangs and crashes that you hear in the sky during the storm |
Let’s check up.
1c 2d 3h 4e 5b 6g 7f 8a
Task № 2. (Presentation)
- When you present weather, of course, you must tell people the temperature. It is important to know if the weather is hot and warm or cool and cold.
- What is the temperature?
If it is hot we say
It is …. degrees above zero.
If the weather is cold we say
It is ….. degrees below zero.
- What’s the temperature in Saint-Petersburg?
It is 2 degrees above zero.
- What’s the temperature in …..?
- Thank you for your answers.
Task № 3. (Watching video)
- Before we start watching a weather forecast look at the map. What country is it?
The UK
- What do you know about the weather and climate in the UK?
Rainy, foggy, the same as in SPb…
- The climate in Great Britain is mild. It often changes. It means «умеренный». Do you know why? Where is the UK situated / located?
On British Isles, this country is surrounded by water.
- British people talk about weather all the time because it changes all the time. Time to watch video comes. Today you’ll see the BBC television – the national TV and radio broadcaster in Britain. We’ve got papers with TRUE and FALSE sentences:
- British people don’t talk about the weather.
- Nick, the weather presenter, works for the BBC.
- Britain’s weather is easy to predict.
- The weather is usually the same as in all parts of Britain.
- Modern weather forecasts use a lot of computer graphics.
- Nick says the weather for the rest of the day will be quite good.
- A team of people work with the presenter in the studio to produce the weather bulletin (a short radio or TV programme that gives information).
- F 2.T 3.F 4.F 5.T 6.T 7.F
- Let’s check up!
Task № 4. (Conversation)
- Now I offer you to work in pairs and make the dialogues. You get the beginning, so try to complete the conversations. Time is limited. Be ready to answer in 2 minutes.
Acting out the conversations
- At home I ask you to work in pairs and prepare weather forecast for different countries / cites. You see a magic box where some papers are. Choose one piece of paper and find the partner. On one paper you read the name of the country and on your partner’s paper you’ll find the name of the capital. Find your partner. Next lesson you’ll have to present the weather forecasts in the country / city you get / which is written on your paper.
- It would be very nice you’ve got a small presentation or some pictures.
- The lesson is over. Thanks for your working.
- Видео – http://learnenglishteens.britishcouncil.org/study-break/video-zone
- Звуковой ряд – ливень, гром и молния, хруст снега, пение птиц в лесу.
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
What do you associate these sounds with?
What do you associate these sounds with?
Why do people often talk about weather?
Weather forecast
What is the temperature today? … degrees ABOVE zero … degrees BELOW zero Saint-Petersburg Friday + 2 C
It will be ….

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