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план-конспект урока по английскому языку (10 класс) по теме
План урока по английскому языку 10 класс на тему "Exotic festivals"
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Открытый урок по английскому языку
Класс 10
Тема: Exotic Festivals
Цель : познакомить учащихся с фестивалями разных стран
Новые слова: festival, parade, holiday, festivities, carnival, celebration.
existence, take place,
Ход урока
- Good morning, boys and girls. I’m glad to see you. Today we are going to speak about different festivals. Please, look at the screen and answer the questions.
What are these people doing?
Why are they doing this?
What country might it be?
What event would you like to visit?
(представляю новые слова: Shrovetide, Brazilian Carnival)
- Guess what are these words? If you don’t know the words you can speak Russian (учащиеся смотрят на картинки и пытаются догадаться какие слова они обозначают, затем записывают их в тетради) (2 слайд)
- holiday
- festivities
- festival
- parade
- carnival
- celebration
3. Open your books at page… let’s match our words with their definitions.
1. celebration a) a special occasion when people celebrate something such as religious event,
and there is often a public holiday
2. holiday b) a celebration with dancing, drinking and a procession through the streets in
colourful costumes
3 .festival c) a public celebration when musical bands, brightly decorated vehicles etc.
move down the streets
4 .festivities d) an occasion or party when you celebrate somethimg
5.carnival e) a time of rest from work or school
6.parade f) things that are done to celebrate a special occasion such as drinking, eating,
(Keys: 1.d; 2.e; 3.a; 4.f; 5.b;6.c)
- Now, let’s read the text about Notting Hill Carnival. I’ll give you 3 minutes.
NHC is a street carnival in the Notting Hill district of London. The carnival has been in existence since 1966 and takes place on the last weekend in August. It was the inspiration of black immigrants from the Caribbean, particularly from Trinidad, where a great pre-Lenten carnival has been held for many decades. From simple beginnings, it has developed into a huge multicultural arts festival attended by up to two million people. Following the tradition of the Trinidadian carnival, great emphasis is placed on fantastic costume displays and steel drum music. Calypso songs and soca are also essential elements in the festivities. In addition to the lively procession of costume, soca and steel bands which winds its way over a route of some 7.5km of the area, the festival also plays host to other musicians playing reggae and hip hop, as well as hundreds of street stalls selling exotic foods and crafts from all parts of the world.
Please, find the English equivalents for the Russian ones.
Уличный карнавал
Карнавал существует с
Идея чернокожих
Многонациональный фестиваль
Барабанная музыка
Основные элементы фестиваля
Экзотическая еда и ремесленные изделия
We are going to watch a video about Notting Hill Carnival. (Учащиеся смотрят видео)
Choose the right answers
- In 1966:
- the first festival was held
- the festival become popular
- the Notting Hill district of London appeared
- The carnival:
- is over on the last weekend of August
- lasts for a week in August
- is held on the last weekend of August
- The most important part of this festival is:
- selling souvenirs
- costume display and music
- selling exotic foods
- Besides food one can buy:
- a small boat
- some hand-made things created in different countries
- exotic flowers
(Keys: 1.a; 2.c; 3.b; 4.b)
Let’s watch the video about Saint Patrick’s festival
What event would you like to visit?
Fill in the gaps with the following words:
Festival, parade, carnival, celebration, takes place, essential, has been in existence
St. Patrick festival (1) since 1996. From a one-day (2) it has developed into a 5-day (3), the biggest in Ireland. It (4) in March in Dublin . (5) of music, street theatre, fireworks and dances attract a lot of participants and spectators. The (6) has become an (7) element of the Festival.
Make up your own sentences, using these phrases:
Festival, parade, carnival, celebration, takes place, essential, has been in existence
The lesson is over. Thank you very much.
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