Методическая разработка. Сценарий спектакля на английском языке "Фантастический Мистер ЛИС"
методическая разработка (5 класс)
Сценарий спектакля на английском языке "Фантастический Мистер ЛИС"
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Все - Is this you?
Боггис - Dang and blast that lousy beast!
Банс - I’d like to rip his guts out!
Бин - He must be killed!
Боггис - But how? How on earth can we catch the blighter?
Бин изящно уколол его нос длинным пальцем.
Бин - I have a plan
Банс - You've never had a decent plan yet
Бин - Shut up and listen. Tomorrow night we will all hide just outside the hole where the fox lives. We will wait there until he comes out. Then ...
Боггис - Bang
Банс - bang-bang Very clever. But first we shall have to find the hole.
Бин - My dear Bunce, I've already found it.
Банс – Found it? Where?
Бин - It 's up in the wood on the hill. It's under a huge tree
Боггис и Банс вместе Under a huge tree
Лис - WELL, MY DARLING. What shall it be tonight?
Лиса - I think we'll have duck tonight. Bring us two fat ducks, if you please. One for you and me, and one for the children.
Лис - Ducks it shall be! Bunce's best!
Лиса - Now do be careful.
Лис - My darling, I can smell those goons a mile away. I can even smell one from the other. Boggis gives off rotten chicken-skins. Bunce reeks of goose-livers, and as for Bean, the fumes of apple cider hang around him like poisonous gases.
Лиса – Calm down! But just don't get careless! You know they'll be waiting for you, all three of them
Лис - Don't you worry about me! I'll see you later
Бин – Good hunting!
Лис - It must have been a field-mouse, or some other small animal
Бин - We got the hat but we missed the fox
Банс - You shot too late.
Боггис - You should have let fly the moment when…
Бин - What? What?
Боггис - …. When he poked his head out,
Бин - He won 't be poking it out again in a hurry
Боггис – Yeah! He won’t come back soon!!!!!
Бин вытащил флягу из кармана и выпил большой глоток сидра.
Бин – A good idea! It’ll take three days at least before he gets hungry enough to come out again.
Боггис - I'm not sitting around here waiting for that.
Бин - Let's dig him out!
Все – Dig him out!
Банс– Dig him out? Now you're talking sense.
Боггис - We can dig him out in a couple of hours. We know he's there
Банс – I think there's a whole family of them down
that hole
Бин - Then we'll have the lot!
Лисёнок – Does it hurt? Daddy?
Лис – What?
Лисёнок - Does it hurt?
Лис - It hurts a lot!
Лиса - I know it does, sweetheart. But it'll soon get better.
Лисёнок- And the ear will soon grow again, Dad!
Лисята – It will soon grow again, Dad!
Лис - It will never grow again, I shall be earless for the rest of my Life.
Лиса - Sssh! Quiet! Go and look, what was that noise?
Лис - I suppose I'm lucky to be alive at all.
Лиса - they've found our hole
Лис - we're going to have to move out as soon as possible.
Лиса - We'll never get any peace if we ...
Лис – What was that?
Лисёнок – I’m afraid of it!
Лисёнок – Awful!
Лисёнок– We’re in trouble!
Лисёнок – That’s terrible!
Лисята - They're digging us out!
Лиса - Are you sure that's it? Silence!
Лис - That is it!
Лиса - They'll kill my children!
Лисята – They’ll kill us!
Лис - Never!
Лиса - But darling, they will kill us
Лиса -You know they will do it!
Лисята - they will kill us!
Лисёнок – Why will they kill us, mummy?
Лисёнок - Will there be dogs?
Лис - I've got it! Come on! There's not any moment to lose! Why didn't I think of it before!"
Лисёнок - Think of what, Dad?
Лис - A fox can 'dig quicker than a man!
Все - Nobody can dig as quick as a fox!
Лис – Let’s go!
Боггис - Dang and blast!
Банс - Whose rotten idea was this?
Боггис - Bean 's idea
Бин - I want to get that fox!
Банс – So do I!
Боггис – And I’m going to catch that fox too!
Бин - I'm not giving in till I've strung him up over my front porch, dead as a dumpling!!
Боггис - We can't get him
Банс - I've had enough of digging
Банс - Have you got any more stupid ideas?
Бин - Idea!
Бин - What we need is machines. Machines with mechanical shovels.
Все - We'll have him out in five minutes then!
Бин - Here we go, then!
Банс- Боггис - Death to the fox!
Бин - Keep going! We'll get him any moment now!
Банс - Have you caught sight of him yet?
Боггис - Not yet, but I think we're close!
Бин - I'll pick him up with my bucket!
Банс - I'll chop him to pieces!
Боггис - Hey there, Mr. Fox! We're coming to get you now!
Лисёнок (Василиса) – What is happening, daddy?
Лисёнок (Аня) – What are they doing?
Лиса - It’s an earthquake
Лисёнок (Вика) – Look! I can see daylight!
Лис - Tractors with mechanical shovels! Dig for your lives! Dig, dig, dig! Go downwards!
Лис – They'll never get as deep as this. Well done, everyone!
Лиса - I’d like you to know that if there wasn’t your father we would all die. Your father is a fantastic fox.
Бин – And what now?
Боггис – what now?
Бин – We starve him out.
Банс- We camp here day and night watching the hole. Б
оггис - He'll come Out in the end.
Все вместе - He'll have to
Бин - Can you smell this, Mr. Fox?
Банс - Lovely tender chicken!
Боггис - Why don't you come up and get it?
Лисёнок (Василиса) – Dad! I want to eat!
Лисёнок (Аня) – Mummy, I want to eat!
Лисёнок (Лейла) – Dad, we’re so hungry!!!!
Лисёнок (Лёва) - Oh, Dad, when will we get anything to eat?
Лисёнок (Лейла) – Dad! I’m smelling the chicken!
Лисёнок (Василиса) – Oh, Dad, couldn't we just sneak up and snatch it out of his hand?"
Лисёнок (Аня) – Out of his hand!
Лис – No! That's just what they want you to do!
Боггис - How long can a fox go without food or water?
Бин - Not much longer now
- He'll make a fun for it soon.
Вместе – Today he wil die!
Лиса - If only we could have just a tiny Sip of water
Лисёнок (Аня) - Oh, Dad, can't you do something?
Лисёнок (Лейла) - Couldn't we make a dash for it, Dad? "
Лисёнок (Лёва) - We'd have a little bit of a chance, wouldn't we?
Лиса - No chance at all. I refuse to let you go up there. I'd sooner stay down here and die in peace.
Лис – Well, I got it!
Лиса - What is it, darling?
Лис - 'I've just had a bit of an idea
Лёва – What?
What idea?
Tell us, dad!
Лиса – Tell us quickly!
Лис – Well. it means more digging and we aren't any of us strong enough to dig after three days and nights without food
Лисята – We’re strong, dad!
Лисята - You see if we can !
Лисята - So can you!
Лис - I suppose we could give it a try
Лиса – I’m afraid, I don't think I am going to be much help
Лис - You stay right where you are, my darling. We can handle this by ourselves.
To Boggis's Chicken House Number One
Лис - This TIME we must go in a very special direction
Лисёнок - Dad, I wish you would tell us where we are going
Лисёнок - Where are we digging?
Лис - I dare not do that because this place I am hoping to get to is so marvelous that if I described it to you now you would go crazy with excitement. And then, if we failed to get there, you would die of disappointment. I don't want to raise your hopes too much, my darlings.
Лис - I think, we had better take a peep upstairs now and see where we are. I know where I want to be, but I can't possibly be sure we're anywhere near it.
Лисёнок - It's wood!
Лисёнок - Wooden planks!
Лисёнок - What does that mean, Dad?
Лис - It means, unless I am very much mistaken, that we are right underneath somebody's house. Be very quiet now while I take a peek.
Лисёнок - Quiet, dad!
Лисёнок - Be quiet, dad!
Лисёнок - Dad, didn’t you go mad?
Лис - I've done it!" he yelled. I’ve done it first time I've done it! I've done it. Come on up! Come up and see what a sight for a hungry fox! Hallelujah! Hooray! Hooray!
Лисёнок - It’s fantastic!
Лисёнок - Isn’t it a fairy-tale?
Лисёнок - Isn’t it a paradise?
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